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Who's going tonight? Click the link to read about tonight's eviction 

Day 14: Eviction number 3!

1 hour ago


Tonight Georgia goes head to head with Michael, but who will get your vote?


It's been a journey of ups and downs for both housemates. Georgia's had her fair share of disputes too. Wrapped up in a one sided game of kiss and chase with Kirk, the two are continually irritated by each other. Georgia never quite saying where she stands on the 'Kirk situation' is a regular gossip piece for the House. Georgia though has remained a friendly figure and has made close friends in the House with the twins.  Georgia's been a lot bubblier recently and has really come out of her shell.


Michael has been at constant loggerheads with Denise, with whom the arguments have come thick and fast. He and Denise have never quite seemed eye to eye which has resulted in Michael remaining quite distant from other housemates at times. Michael though has been a father figure for the House as well as remaining the master of cool! He's made close friends in the House and has been a very intriguing character.


But who do you want to stay in the House? The choice is yoursâ€ĶAnd remember it's vote to SAVE!



1632: Georgia and the twins are talking about how much they love Gareth. But what do you think of him?

(nice but bland)

1636:The twins and Georgia talk about how Denise tries to monitor their wine intake, "I don't get drunk and jump in the Jacuzzi" 

1651:Georgia and the twins are gossiping in the bedroom whilst Frankie, Kirk and Romeo do likewise in the garden



1838: Kirk and Frankie are wrestling in the living room. Kirk has pinned Frankie

1918: Gareth and Natalie are discussing how much of a shock it will be when they all first step back out into the real world

1938: Denise, Natalie, Nicola & Gareth are replacing popular TV show names with a certain rude word. Lots of laughs.

1947: K&K are helping Georgia to apply her fake eye lashes. They are telling her that they want to start their own jewellry range. 

1950: Michael is telling a very excited Gareth that he's met Bob Dylan, who he said is deeply quiet.

2010: Natalie and Michael are preparing some food, Romeo and Gareth are napping. 

The housemates are a bit worried about their face-to-face nominations. Michael's playing a hanger like the spoon's. 
Big Brother has just told the housemates about Live nominations...Panic stations!!! 
The twins want champagne to ease the stress of a face-to-face eviction. Frankie is assessing who actually wants to leave now. 
It's a tough one guys but you'll get there in the end... Seriously what would they do without Gareth to line them all up. 
Gareth seems to have calmed the group. Let's see how long they can stay like that, with imminent face-to-face nominations. 
Nothing fancy, chalk and a blackboard... They've all got to learn what nominations are really about. 

The housemates have 30seconds to make up their minds as to who to vote for.  is stuck with his second one. 
Denise has had to shhh Frankie because he keeps breaking the rules. Gareth has joined in on breaking the silence. 
Denise is first up, and she has decided to nominate Michael and the Twins. The HMs have given her around of applause. 
The Twins have nominated Kirk and Natalie. 
Natalie has nominated Michael and the Twins.
Michael has nominated on/off bud Denise and Nicola because she wants to see her family. 

Romeo has nominated Frankie and Michael. 
Frankie nominated the twins and Romeo because he thought no one else would nominate him. 
Nicola nominated Michael for the same reason he nominated her and the Twins as well. 
Gareth nominated the Twins and Michael and gave Michael a heart felt speech at the same time. 
Kirk nominated Michael and the Twins.

Everyone of the housemates except for Gareth will face Friday night's eviction.

Michael and the Twins received 6 votes each and everyone else got one. Lines will open on  , get voting for your fave. 


Michael has told the group that 'now they know what it feels like' nothing like a 'told you so' to get the party started  

There is a lot of pacing going on right now... 

I wonder if Frankie is hoping from another pressie from Denise tonight?  

Michael's laughing at Frankie's attempts to nominate, Frankie's saying "It was well 'ard though!" 

2313: Denise is talking about bikini's with the twins... If only they had these conversation last night.

2324:Natalie briefly explains how simple male friendships are as -"I'll headbutt you, you headbutt me."Yep,that's bromance to a T. 


Celebrity Big Brother housemates have undertaken face-to-face nominations following tonight's eviction.
Every housemate is now up for eviction apart from ex-rugby player Gareth Thomasfollowing a twist by Big Brother.

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Michael Madsen

ÂĐ Rex Features

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Shannon Twins

ÂĐ Rex Features

Shortly after Georgia Salpa became the third housemate to be evicted, the housemates were told they would be giving their nominations in front of each other.
The housemates were given 30 seconds to write down on blackboards their chosen two housemates for nomination. Frankie Cocozzastruggled to make his choices, saying: "I'd rather take a punishment... f**k that."

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Frankie Cocozza

ÂĐ WENN / Channel 5

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Denise Welch

ÂĐ Rex Features

Denise Welch chose Michael Madsen because his "constant arguing is causing an atmosphere in the house" and the Shannon twins for being "in a different world to her", while the twins themselves voted for Kirk Norcross and Natalie Cassidy.
Cassidy also chose the twins and Madsen, with the Reservoir Dogs actor picking the "emotionally disturbed" Welch and Nicola McLean so that she can get to see her family. Romeo Dunnalso picked Madsen, along with Cocozza for his attitude towards women, saying: "At first it was cool but now it's a bit much."

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Natalie Cassidy

ÂĐ WENN / Channel 5

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Romeo Dunn

ÂĐ Rex Features

Cocozza picked Twins and Romeo, while Norcross decided to nominate the twins and Madsen. McLean also picked Madsen and the twins, saying: "The fact of the matter is they isolated themselves with Georgia," with Thomas choosing the same pair.
It appeared that Michael Madsen and the Shannon twins would face the public vote, after receiving six nominations each. However, Big Brother sprung a further twist on the celebrities by stating that every housemate that received a single nomination would face the public vote.

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Kirk Norcross

ÂĐ Rex Features

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Nicola Mclean

ÂĐ Rex Features

The result confirmed that only Gareth Thomas would be spared from facing eviction this Friday.
Celebrity Big Brother continues tomorrow at 9pm on Channel 5.


0014:Michael, Romeo and Frankie are talking about the 7 wonders of the world.The twins are talking about Denise's "trash talking".


0034: Denise is calling it a night, she's given everyone in the House a hug except for Michael and the Twins.


0057: Kirk's Theory -"If I go on Friday, it'll feel like I'm the first person to go because we're all up."


0111: The Twins are having their regular evening plotting session in the Garden. It's too good to be true.


0120: The twins and Romeo are chatting about noms. Romeo thinks that Michael may have gone a bit too far.


0129: Nicola - "Sometimes I call my husband when i'm dropping the kids off at school, to ask him were my phone is."


 0148: The twins are taking shifts to listen to Nicola in the garden. Oh wait, they've both returned.
0157: Nicola believes that Georgia might have been the reasons her and the Twins didn't get on up until now.
0200: Everyone is in bed except the Twins and Nicola, who are looking like they might talk until the cows come back out again.
Originally Posted by erinp:

Celebrity Big Brother housemates have undertaken face-to-face nominations following tonight's eviction.
Every housemate is now up for eviction apart from ex-rugby player Gareth Thomasfollowing a twist by Big Brother.

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Michael Madsen

ÂĐ Rex Features

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Shannon Twins

ÂĐ Rex Features

Shortly after Georgia Salpa became the third housemate to be evicted, the housemates were told they would be giving their nominations in front of each other.
The housemates were given 30 seconds to write down on blackboards their chosen two housemates for nomination. Frankie Cocozzastruggled to make his choices, saying: "I'd rather take a punishment... f**k that."

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Frankie Cocozza

ÂĐ WENN / Channel 5

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Denise Welch

ÂĐ Rex Features

Denise Welch chose Michael Madsen because his "constant arguing is causing an atmosphere in the house" and the Shannon twins for being "in a different world to her", while the twins themselves voted for Kirk Norcross and Natalie Cassidy.
Cassidy also chose the twins and Madsen, with the Reservoir Dogs actor picking the "emotionally disturbed" Welch and Nicola McLean so that she can get to see her family. Romeo Dunnalso picked Madsen, along with Cocozza for his attitude towards women, saying: "At first it was cool but now it's a bit much."

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Natalie Cassidy

ÂĐ WENN / Channel 5

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Romeo Dunn

ÂĐ Rex Features

Cocozza picked Twins and Romeo, while Norcross decided to nominate the twins and Madsen. McLean also picked Madsen and the twins, saying: "The fact of the matter is they isolated themselves with Georgia," with Thomas choosing the same pair.
It appeared that Michael Madsen and the Shannon twins would face the public vote, after receiving six nominations each. However, Big Brother sprung a further twist on the celebrities by stating that every housemate that received a single nomination would face the public vote.

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Kirk Norcross

ÂĐ Rex Features

Celebrity Big Brother 2012: Nicola Mclean

ÂĐ Rex Features

The result confirmed that only Gareth Thomas would be spared from facing eviction this Friday.
Celebrity Big Brother continues tomorrow at 9pm on ChaC



Kerisst! Kirk is an ugly bugger ain't he! How the hell did

this eejit think he was God's gift!  What an arse!




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