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0843: It's snore o'clock in the BB House this morning. What else would we expect? 

0854: It's all so quiet. What will day 14 in the Big Brother House bring?

0902: Denise is up, and heads to the diary room 

0908:The lights are on and the housemates are slowly waking

0917: Denise is having a cleanup whilst the others remain cosy in bed 


Day 14: Denise bares all, again

32 mins ago


Earlier, Denise told Kirk and Romeo all about the ongoing saga between herself and Michael in the garden. Kirk and Romeo didn't seem surprised at her candidness whilst discussing her on/off friendship with the Hollywood star: our Denise seems to have developed a habit of baring all recentlyâ€Ķ


"I'm not crawling to him, Romeo", she responded to Romeo asking about the two's disintegrating relationship. Although last night started well for the two, it quickly turned sour when Denise tried to persuade Michael to have another drink with the other housemates: Michael perceived this as an attempt to control him, and true to form, 'Mr. Blonde' reacted angrily. This upset Denise, who clearly still had the dispute from last night on her mind.


More than anything else, Denise seemed sad about it. "When me and Michael are friends, I miss him being around because he makes me wet myself laughing". The 'Loose Women' host also felt that she couldn't do anything right last night, remarking that she 'hadn't done anything wrong'.


Earlier in the conversation, Denise mentioned that Michael's last apologetic gesture towards her had been to wear one of her coats around for a joke. Kirk ended the conversation by trying to see the bright side: "next time, maybe he'll come out wearing your thong". Though Denise wasn't smiling too much at the thought, we can't deny that we're relishing the prospectâ€Ķ


Don't worry, you'll be the first to know if Michael does take a fancy to parading around in Denise's underwear. Just keep checking back here for updates.




1312: The latest task is explained in full here!  

Day 14: Playing for a saying

47 mins ago


Today the housemates must bring some well known sayings to life with their acting skills (so let’s hope there are some good actors in the House).  Housemates will certainly be ‘buzzing’ for this task.


Big Brother will call the four best actors to the diary room. These actors will be suited and booted in white Zentai suits as the remaining housemates are split into two teams. The two teams will take their positions behind their buzzers. Like in any quiz, the two teams will compete to buzz in first in an attempt to win prizes from Big Brother’s ‘proverbial prize pot’. But what will they be buzzing in for?


In the large task room will be the four actors and an assortment of strange props. The actors will find envelopes in the task room which contain famous phrases or sayings. When instructed to do so, one by one the actors will open the envelopes and attempt to act out the sayings they contain. For example, if the saying ‘barking up the wrong tree’ comes up, then the actors will have to try to act out that saying using the strange props that have been provided. Housemates will be watching this happening on a plasma TV screen. The first team to buzz in a guess the correct saying will win the pointâ€Ķeasy.


The overall winning team will earn the privilege of choosing five items from Big Brother’s very special ‘proverbial prize pot’.


Is the acting talent in the House strong enough and are the housemates creative enough to guess these famous sayings? It’s game on!




Day 14: Reservoir digs

1 hour ago


It’s the day of the 3rd eviction and after last night’s birthday festivities it was a slow morning for most. Up bright and early though was Denise, who had spent part of the previous night in the hot tub half naked. She spent the morning cleaning and tidying around the House as other housemates slowly surfaced. As Denise continued to try and cleanse herself, Gareth went about his daily work out. Michael walked around with a duvet over his head for the first five minutes that he was up, but shortly joined Gareth in the gym. By around half ten all the housemates had woken bar Frankie (but come onâ€Ķ it was his birthday). So far small talk about food and weather seemed to have been dominating conversations, with hardly any chat of the upcoming eviction.  Denise took her “was I too bad last night,” question on tour around the House.


Eventually the eviction nerves appeared to be getting to Michael as he broke into a spontaneous rant about the entire Big Brother experience. He stressed to Georgia about how Big Brother won’t break him, “someone’s trying to push my buttons, I’m not gunna snapâ€ĶI’m staying till the last minute!’ He and Georgia (his fellow ‘nominatee) got into a strange tiff. Michael asked Georgia why she was dressing up. Georgia was quite confused and told Michael that it’s because she might be leaving tonight, to which Michael replied ‘“Ok do you wanna argue about that?” The conversation ended as Georgia asked Michael “what’s wrong with you?” which inspired the response “why don`t you and Denise go take a walk in the park?”


Other housemates Frankie, Romeo, and the twins went to the garden for a giggle about what they’d just heard. Frankie said about Michael “He’s certain that he’s gunna go.” Eviction talk was soon pushed aside when housemates were given an hour to make up their shopping list. Nicola took charge of the situation which seemed to go without a hitch until the last 5 minutes.


Tension was definitely lying under the surface of any small talk this morning. Michael is certainly feeling the pressure, but who will go tonight. As alwaysâ€ĶYou decide!




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