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0013: Natalie, Frankie and Nicola are talking about nominations and how their opinions could be swayed day to day.


0029:Housemates all jumped on top of a sleeping Frankie to wish him a happy birthday!


0041:The twins are telling Romeo that Georgia is really coming out of her shell now.


0054:Kristina has joined Romeo & Karissa in the garden exclaiming, "Frankie just farted 4 times!" Romeo: "Bday farts. Only Frankie."


0058: All housemates have 60 seconds to get in Michael's bed! Cue mad rushing! Now they are singing Frankie happy bday!


0113: Housemates have just been ordered to get back into Michael's bed.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

0822: The housemates are lucky enough not to be graced with Michael's snoring this morning 

0844: The housemates sound asleep. Not a peep out of anyone yet

0858: Michael has of course started snoring again...He doesn't let down 

0909: Someone else has had snores to Michaels creating a delightful canon of snores. 

0922: Housemates have been woken up to the sound of a 'happy birthday' song for Frankie 

 Live long and prosper Frankie, Happy Birthday. 

0927: Frankie's been called to the diary room through a hallway of balloons

0929: Frankie's sprang out of the diary room dressed as a candle

0944: Frankie's providing the candles for his own cake this morning, as BB asks him to get on top for the Task ...

0947: Housemates are concerned about the waste of cake this morning. It seems Frankie can`t
have his cake and eat it
0949: Frankie spurred on by Kirk, has decided to face plant the cake

0954: Housemates have been permitted to eat the cake. Gareth takes a healthy portion

0956: Kirk Cake Face - Kirk has decided to faceplant Frankie's giant cake as well.

 0959: Nicola and Denise are playing a game of 'my cake's better than your cake', talking about cake's they've had over the past 

1010:Frankie says he can eat as much as he likes and doesn't put on weight. Good job considering the huge cake in the garden! 



1028: Michael's looking cool in his shades and zebra-print pj's

1030: Gareth and Michael are talking about how they'd feel to be voted out

1036: Gareth and Kirk agree that the person who wins will take no more satisfaction than the person who loses...hmm we'll see

1040: Denise's mantra for the day - 'It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice'.

1042: Nicola tells Denise how she can't sleep in the House, to which Denise replies 'Did the snog not help the other night?'

1049: It's outlandishly long annecdote time for Denise 

1103: Denise's annecdote has been interupted by a remote control car whizzing into the garden

1112: Frankie still isn't over the size of his birthday cake


Day 12: Round-up

2 hours ago


Yesterday was quite the busy day in the Big Brother House, commencing with an early morning tantrum from Nicola and seeing in a lengthy task and lots of laughs...

Big Brother assigned the House a 'minute to get in it' task, whereby housemates literally had a minute to complete whatever instruction they were given. Michael was not in the mood for such frivolities and announced that he wanted no part in it. Frankie and Kirk, on the other hand, had a 'wheelie' good time of it and once again bromance was on the cards.

Throughout the day, more mini tasks took place and Kirk was lucky enough to be given a pick of someone he'd like to be hand-cuffed to. Georgia, of course, was his victim. It was initially slightly awkward, but surprisingly the two began to enjoy one another's company and even shared a bit of a cuddle later in the night. Kirk attempted to persuade Georgia into showering with him. Whether or not this duo will amount to much more than a friendship is still yet to be discovered.

Later during the task, Greek god-like Gareth got fat andgave us some toilet humour, Nicola got 'dough'd' up, Kirk became Big Brother's bitch, Natalie got a dip-dye, housemates shared pants and the twins performed an epic and very believable 'fake-fight', which left most with no question whatsoever that they are a not a force to be reckoned with.

In addition, Big Brother set the celebs the slightly awkward task of positioning themselves in order ofleast annoying to most annoying, with Gareth coming out the first and Frankie the latter. Big Brother asked one housemate to step forward, which Frankie did. He was then instructed to explain the reasons why each person was in the specific position they were in within the line-up.

Just when they thought it was all over, later in the night when most were in bed, Big Brother suprised housemates by giving them one minute to get in Michael's bed - much to his delight. At the stroke of midnight, housemates decided to descend on Frankie and sing him Happy Birthday. How thoughtful.

How will he celebrate today? And will Big Brother have any special surprises in store for him? Stick with us throughout the day via our official Facebook and Twitter pages to find out.




Day 12: Kirk and Georgia – will it, won't it?

14 hours ago


A short while ago resident Irish hotty Georgia was called to the diary room to answer to Big Brother, except this time it was your questions that were 'posed' to the model (excuse the pun and all that).


Not being a woman of many words, the other housemates (namely Kirk) were stirred by Georgia's grilling from Big Brother, and gave her a second questioning when she exited the diary room.


Despite Kirk claiming his affections for Georgia have flailed, his intrigue seemed to suggest otherwise when she revealed she'd been asked if she'd rather go on a date with Kirk or with Romeo. When she didn't immediately reveal her answer, Kirk probed her "Answer it then!" She coyly announced that she did would in fact pick Kirk (to his delight).


Later on and filled with a little more confidence from Georgia's date choice, Kirk tried his flirting tactics once more, playfully beckoning Georgia towards him "come here you". He then suggested they have a shower together to which she responded, "You think so?" His efforts continued as he asked her again, at which point she tried to steer away from the subject slightly by discussing how much she needed to wash and blow dry her hair. The two finished with a cuddle, but once again the outcome was not as Kirk would have wished.


We can't reveal too much about what Georgia discussed in the diary room, but it will be exclusively revealed in tomorrow night's Big Brother's Bit on the side .


For all developments between Kirk and Georgia, and the other housemates, keep checking our official Facebook and Twitter pages.


1115:Georgia's made to wear distortion goggles and drive a tiny car into a space.Unfortunately she took this as drive into Michael

1122: Now that Geogia's wearing distortion goggles, Kirk has taken it upon himself to carry her around over his shoulder

1128: Denise is hoping for a party for Frankie's birthday tonite 

(glug glug)

1134: Gareth will be happy that the gym has been opened 


1136: Kirk is issuing Frankie with his birthday beats

1141: Frankie's delicately adjusting his hair in the mirror. Michael practices his 'cool man' walk on the treadmill.


Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

Morning all  



 Scotty... thanks so much!. I'm not on facebook or twitter, so your updates are so appreciated! xx

You`re welcome and thanks rosie!    xx


You don`t have to be on twitter to follow the CBB live update. 


Copy and paste this link and you can follow it.  


1158: Frankie's attempt to hijack the little car has been squandered by Big Brother telling all housemates to get out of the garden...

1205: Kirk spends a total of about a minute on the treadmill

1210: Frankie and Kirk have thrown a load of balloons into the shower where Romeo is

( Denise, Nicole and Natalie?) 

1218: Michael jokes that he's gone from Hollywood to folding Frankie's underwear on his birthday 

Denise and Romeo are still freshening up for Day 13

1228: The twins are asking what the queen of England does. Michael says they should get her on CBB 


1233: Nicola is STILL in bed

Karissa says she doesn't have any male friends

1242: After a refusal from Georgia, Kirk is sitting on Frankie's lap


Day 13: Kankie's cake faces

1 hour ago


Today was one of the most exciting mornings for the housemates, as Big Brother blasted in the tunes for birthday boy Frankie, however, the 19 year old wasn't too impressed and pulled his duvet up over his face. Natalie was up and dancing and singing around Frankie's bed in seconds. The others joined in from their beds, singing and dancing and eventually Frankie emerged from under the duvet to accept some hugs and kisses.


Frankie didn't get much time to take it all in before Big B called him to the diary room for a birthday surprise. The party guy was asked by Big Brother to don a candle outfit and to go and get on top of a giant birthday sponge cake in the garden. This didn't really light Frankie up with excitement as he reluctantly headed out to the garden to be a candle in an icy wind. Kirk also headed out with Frankie, saying he would stay with him as long as he was out there, however  Kirk only lasted around 20 seconds before it got to cold for him and he went into the House. Frankie hung in there until Big Brother said he could get down meaning he had passed the first 'Minute to get in it' task of the day.


To cap off the morning fun, Kirk dared Frankie to "plunge" his face into the colossal cake. Frankie was a bit worried at first, thinking that there would be something solid under a thin layer of sponge, but he manned up after a while and got stuck in. Kirk followed with his face soon after and the 'Kankie' partnernership wandered around for a bit all cake faced. 


Will Frank top his morning cake treat over the rest of the day? Or has Frankie done too much cake at  his party? Stay here to find out.




1318: Housemates are all hanging around in the bedroom, talking in their little cliques 

1325: Denise has 60 seconds to get into a dog costume 

1328: On being told to behave like a dog, Denise has taken it upon herself to hump Romeo's leg

1343: Denise has been banashised  banished to her dog bed until further say so

1349: Nicola is sweeping up in the kitchen. You heard it here first! 


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