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Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Scotty:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Don't think I'm enjoying this one.


Too many nasties and floaters.


Fingers crossed for Wednesday but won't hold my breath -  idiots with a vote  


Hi velvet    


It`s not easy to watch Michael being harassed by that horror of a woman.  I wouldn`t mind if he went on Wednesday, for his sake. 


I feel the same.Michael can't live with her and if he is saved I think he will walk .

Hi Scotty and erin 


I know - and you don't see anyone giving Michael any real support re Welch as yet.


All watching their own backs.

Yes. I think there might also be an element of not wanting to get on the wrong side of Denise.  She`s a tough cookie and a nasty drunk. 


Beep! Beep! Nominations Spoiler! 


Day 11: Nomination reactions

1 hour ago


Housemates gathered anxiously around the sofa area today for the results of the previous day’s nominations. Nicola and Frankie were free from nomination pressures as they had become immune after winning the ‘sweet dreams’ task yesterday. The nervous wait was especially tense for Georgia who had been solely responsible for the nominations the last time round. Silence engulfed the House as Big Brother announced ‘The nominations are...’


Housemates perhaps weren’t surprised when Big Brother revealed that the first nominated housemate was Georgia. Georgia was clearly disappointed but accepted the news without any fuss. Big Brother soon announced that the 2nd person nominated is Michael. Michael took a moment to absorb the information but soon began to thank all the people who nominated him. Whether Michael was being sincere or not was hard to tell for most housemates who lingered in silence.


The housemates sat quietly contemplating the news for a while. Eventually everybody began to go about their everyday chatter. Weight had been lifted of the shoulders of most housemates, but for Georgia and Michael it’ll be limbo for the next couple of days.


But who will go? As always...You decide!




0116: The twins and Nicola are again talking about noms. Is this the most bitchy House ever?

0120: Romeo thiks that older guys tend to give women more respect because 'women mature faster than men'. His words

0129: Romeo and the twins are talking about fame and how he doesn't idolize Michael as much as the other guys do

0136: The only housemates left up are Romeo, Nicola and the twins 

0141: 'If you're pretty, you have to be mean!' says Kristina

0146: The twins have been ranting for some time now about life in general

 0148: 'If I lose an eyelash, it's guna sell, because it's the Shannon twins eyelash!' says Karissa 


Good morning all! The housemates are in bed: in the meantime, you can catch up on yesterday's action here  

Day 11 Round-up

3 hours ago


Yesterday saw the second round of nominations for our celebrities and it was more than apparent that this had somewhat of an effect on the House atmosphere all day. Conversations were slightly off-beat and seemingly struck up to divert thoughts away from the looming noms.


Georgia spent some time discussing what surgeryshe'd like to have done to her face, noting it would be her lips she'd like plumping up. Nicola stepped in to tell her it was totally unnecessary and that she had a pretty enough face as it is. The twins, in a similar fashion, discussed their ideal breast sizes which made some interesting viewing for the boys.


Meanwhile, Kirk revealed that his one-time infatuation with Georgia has finally faded (for how long remains another story). Georgia discussed with the twins that she doesn't approve of the rude comments Kirk makes when he's had a few drinks and the twins agreed.  In other house relationship news, following their mini disputes, Denise psycho-analysed Michael while Michael announced that Denise had better stay out of his way (#awkward).


Denise and Nicola were also in talks about other housemates, namely Georgia, who they said gives nothing back in conversations.


In slightly lighter news, Gareth planned to beat Big Brother at his own game, and Frankie discussed whether or not Elvis is dead or alive with Michael.


The main events of the day however were the nominations and nomination results. Big Brother revealed to the celebrities that the two housemates facing the public vote this week will be Michael and Georgia. Georgia reacted to the news as well as could be expected, whilst Michael sarcastically thanked everyone that voted for him.


How will Georgia cope with another week up for eviction? And will Michael's behaviour change now that he's facing the public vote? Today's events may hold the answersâ€Ķ


As always, keep checking the official Facebook and Twitter pages for all news, videos and updates.


How would you wake up our housemates if you had the choice, then?

1032: Wakey, wakey! Big Brother has turned on the lights: the lie-in is over. What could Big Brother have in store for today? 

1040: Nicola's not happy about the temperature today, and is letting the other housemates know about it

1048: The housemates have noticed a few strange props around the House, and suspect that a task could be imminent...

1100: Michael hasn't been too happy to hear about the prospect of a possible new task. Natalie isn't pleased with his reaction 

1103: Big Brother has announced that the housemates have 60 seconds to get in the diary room. What's this about?

1112: The housemates have discovered their new task: 'a minute to get in it'. More details to follow shortly... 

1125: In today's task, our housemates will have to get into a number of things within a minute. 



This week's task expained in full:  

Day 12: Task reveal - A minute to get in it

38 mins ago


There’s a lot that can be done in a minute. In this week’s shopping task, time will be precious for our housemates: they'll be taking part in 'a minute to get in it'. In this task, Big Brother will be challenging the housemates to get into a number of things, all within one tiny minute.


Over the next two days, housemates will incessantly receive instructions to get in it within a minute. Housemates will be getting into all sorts of things, from props and locations to costumes and situations. Amongst numerous other things, the housemates will be asked to get into Big Brother's pants, a giant Martini glass, and a wheelie bin.  Housemates may be instructed to get in to something at any time, and instructions may be delivered in any number of ways.


Whenever our celebrities hear or read instructions followed by the phrase 'a minute to get in it', a giant clock in the living area will start ticking, counting down the sixty seconds they have to get in it. They must remain 'in it' until Big Brother tells them that they may leave. In addition, they may be required to get into more than one thing at a time, or in succession of one anotherâ€Ķ 


Housemates must successfully get in it within a minute a set number of times in order to pass this week’s shopping task. Each time one of our celebrities fails to get in it within a minute, they will incur one fail. If more than one housemate fails to get in it within a minute, they will incur one fail each.


A gift wrapped present is in place in the living area. This sealed box contains the number of fails housemates are permitted to incur during this task. If they incur a higher number of fails than this hidden number, they will fail the task and have to live on an economy food budget. If they incur the same number of fails as stated or less, they will pass this week’s task 




1310: One housemate has been asked to be handcuffed to a mannequin with the housemate they want to sleep with the most... 

1318: Kirk's asked Georgia to handcuff herself to him for the task.

1322: After being handcuffed to her for 10 minutes, Kirk's pulled out the line 'do you come here often?'

1326: Romeo's not been permitted to leave the treasure chest, which he was asked to get into over half an hour ago


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