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Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Great stuff Mrs H. Not sure if I'll be able to help, but you never can tell.


Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:


Thanks for this MrsH; much appreciated


thanks Ladies 






Originally Posted by Scotty:






Morning MrsH and all   





Originally Posted by Scotty:

I`m off out for a lunch with my visitors. 


I`ll see you later on.  





and Hi and Bye Scotty 



will be around shortly to catch up and do a bit 


1151: Andrew is telling Michael that in the UK underwear are known as pants as Michael puts on his pants (that's jeans in america) 

1206: The twins are describing their time in the Playboy mansion as 'college party time' to Denise & Nicole.

215: Most housemates are in the living room discussing their favourite holiday destinations. Gareth is a big fan of NYC. 

1220: Denise is asking if the twins go for the same type of guys. One like guys with big egos & the other more sensitive guys.

1225: Task gone in! Stay here for up to the minute news about it all as it happens

1235: the task is called 'celebrity circuits' & it's all about connections. HMs are waiting impatiently to begin. Exciting! 

1251: Natasha has just revealed she didnt being any flat shoes with her. She is going to find the tasks difficult then!


1257: Task is on! Which HM has been arrested? the twins step forward. Oh this could get tricky

1303: Which HM has been in an award wining movie? Michael steps to it? But is the connection right? Has he been arrested too?

1307: Which housemates modelled for a gay magazine? Who do you think fits this connection?


Day 2: TASK REVEAL: Celebrity circuits

25 mins ago




On their 1st full day in the house the housemates all seem to be settling in nicely which can only mean one thing...It’s time for a task! Today housemates will embark upon their first task of the series in order to try and win Romeo’s suitcase. But it could prove quite embarrassing.

In order to win the task housemates will have to build a large circuit in the garden. At one end of the circuit will be a giant battery which the housemates will attempt to connect to a giant light bulb. In between the bulb and the battery will be 11 podiums. Now here’s the interesting bit! Each podium will have an embarrassing connection written on it. The connections will all be uncomfortable facts which the housemates must then attach themselves to if it applies to them...Simple right? Uncomfortable facts include being an X Factor reject, being someone who has slept with a reality star, being someone who has been arrested and many more cringe worthy connections. Each housemate must swallow their pride and connect themselves to these embarrassing podiums if they want to complete the circuit. If they successfully complete the circuit then the giant light bulb will light up, and so should the red faces of the celebrity housemates!


1338: Gareth receives a hearty applause from his fellow housemates upon revealing why he's standing in his position for the task 

1348: It's now Frankie's turn to reveal why he's standing in his position for the task

1353: The housemates have passed their 1st task and therefore have won Romeo's suitcase back! Lucky boy

1401: Michael has just admitted he doesn't 'get twitter'. Don't worry Michael we'll keep everyone filled in on what you're up to .


1408: HMs have all been asked to get back into the order of the circuit in the garden. What's going on?

1411: Housemates have just been told Romeo can now collect his case. He is free from the zebra print pjs at last! 

1419: Kirk is telling Nicole that he is ready to settle down and have kids & that he fancies Georgia. They grow up so fast!

1422: Frankie is miffed that the twins have boyfriends and is going to have a word with Big Brother about it.

1444: Nicola & Natasha are having a heart to heart in the bedroom while the twins are resting together in bed


1510: Gareth is giving Denise a back massage in the living room. 

1542: Georgia is telling Kirk that she wants to get a place in London while they are chopping veggies. 

1544: Judging from the groans, Denise is loving the back massage 

1550: Nicola and Georgia have been discussing eyelashes for 5 minutes now

Day 2: Task resolve. Want to know more? Click here to find out how it all went.   


Day 2: Task Resolve

8 mins ago


This afternoon the housemates got their first ever Big Brother task and they were thrilled about it. All the housemates gathered on the sofa as Big Bruv requested one of the housemates read out the rules of the task. The task was all about connections and getting to know what links them to each other. These connections were based on embarrassing things that they have done in their past that they have in common.


In the garden the podiums ran in a U shape around the garden going from the battery to the bulb. Big Brother then instructed housemates to remove the covers from the podiums one at a time and then the celebs had to connect themselves to these podiums using the attached wires if that connection applied to them. Once housemates have the circuit correct they must flick a switch and if the bulb comes on they have correctly created the circuit. housemates will be wearing belts which they clip the wires to. Each podium had two wires hanging off it with giant crocodile clips attached for the housemates to attach to them.


Big brother put some tough questions to the pampered group such as who went to war on twitter and which housemate has been arrested? Seems this lot are very troublesome as many of them stepped out including Romeo and the twins. Big Brother also wanted to find the connection between the housemate who has done glamour shoot and who has had cosmetic surgery. The secrets have really spilled out with some housemates admitting more than they liked to. It was even revealed that Frankie isn’t the only XFactor reject. Now isn’t that interesting?


But their honesty paid off and the group’s giant circuit lit up the giant bulb. That sure is one way to get to know your fellow housemates and quickly too it seemed. Now that’s what we call teamwork. A very happy Romeo quickly got his swag on after the arrival of his suitcase for winning the task.


Make sure to stay tuned to Channel 5 to catch the day’s highlights and find out the secrets of our fabulous Celebrity Big Brother housemates.


1637: Andrew is talking about his ballet idols to Georgia and the twins in the bedroom.

1650: Denise, Nicola & Natalie are in the garden discussing whether the twins bums are real. 

1701: Natalie to the twins & Georgia: "Kirk is so lonely, I think you should all get in the bath with him."

1705: Andrew's swimming in the pool, Frankie's enjoying a chat with Michael and everyone seems to be getting on for the time being.


18:20 - Frankie and Romeo are discussing their musical pasts. Frankie was in pantomime at 13, while Romeo was DJing at that age

18:27 - Nicola and Natalie have cooked the housemates their first sit-down meal. Will these two strike up an unlikely friendship? 

18:36 - The housemates are talking pets, past and present. Michael is a huge fan of dogs. 

18:47 - Dinner is over, and everyone's all smiles. The housmeates are getting along very well today. When will the honeymoon end? 



19:56 - Kirk's talking about Georgia - he's a big fan, but he's not sure that she's keen. There's plenty of time for romance...


20:50 - Kirk is being quizzed on his knowledge of Essex geography in the diary room. The other housemates are watching...


21:12 - Kirk is still in the diary room surrounded by maps of the world as the housemates gather on the sofa in anticipation


21:15 - Big Brother has informed Kirk if he answers enough questions correctly he will win a party for the house... Come on Kirk!!


21:27 - Results are in...... Unfortunately Kirk did not answer enough questions correctly so no party for the housemates tonight


21:31 - The housemates give Kirk a massive cheer and cuddle as he leaves the diary room but Kirk is gutted with himself, bless him


21:36 - Housemates are huddled together in the outside sofa area freeeezing and discussing what to do with their Friday night


21:39 - And so bad boy Frankie has instigated the 'I'm going camping' memory game. Just your typical Friday night for these celebs


22:33 - The housemates are mixing red and white wine to make Rose. They're really living the high life in there...


23:07 - The boys and girls seem to have naturally separated into two factions. Bit of a school disco feel going on...


00:18 - Romeo and Natasha are recalling holidays in Ayia Napa.


00:22 - Question for Kirk superfans - what letter does he have tattooed inside his bottom lip? Answers on a postcard (or a tweet)

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

19:43 - Frankie and Kirk are chatting about the girls and their availability. Frankie thinks Big Brother has 'stitched them up' 

I don't really know much about Frankie as I don't watch X-Factor, but I'm beginning to seriously not like him!


He's creeping over to the 'not like' list with Kirk.

Yep - same here Fluffy.  


00:50 - It was a letter 'n' for all you observant fans out there. 

01:06 - Kirk is getting close with Georgia, and is quizzing her on her boobs. She's giggling away - seems to be enjoying the attention 

01:36 - Kirk and Georgia still chatting in the garden: they're really getting to know each other. What do we reckon? Romance? 

01:43 - The housemates are dreading Michael's snoring later. Poor guy! We doubt he has a clue he's doing it... 

01:57 - Good to see that the  in the house are still going strong: Frankie and Kirk are chatting in the living room.

08:20 Housemates have been awoken with the sound of 'Let's get physical'. Surprisingly they seem quite chirpy and up for a boogie. 

0824: Although we're not saying it's a pretty sight... Kirk and Andrew had sunglasses at the ready 

0828: Denise has got the kettle on already 

0856: Michael is talking about his kids with Natasha 


0908: Most of the housemates are in the garden having some morning gossip over a hot cuppa. 

0915: Unbeknown to the housemates, a very special celebrity guest is in the diary room. Looks like it will be an interesting day!

0918: Jodie Marsh has just entered the Big Brother House to aid housemates in their task today..

0925: Once again Andrew has nominated himself to read out the rules of the task: Survival of the fittest.

0937: Housemates have recieved a box of task goodies including their costumes which they must wear for the duration.


This is from yesterday.....


Day 2: Kirk's task - not only in Essex!

9 hours ago


Earlier tonight, Big Brother decided to test Kirk on his knowledge of Essex. Big Brother’s gone soft, we hear you say! In true Big Brother style, though, it wasn’t quite so simpleâ€Ķ

Big Brother called Kirk into the diary room earlier, and asked him to locate some Essex regions on a map. Unfortunately, though, Big Brother was looking for their namesakes in other countries! After successfully finding Essex within the UK, Kirk was asked to locate the town of Braintree, USA on a world map. He placed the pin in the centre of Russiaâ€Ķ we would say he wasn’t far off, but, well, he couldn’t have got that much further. Kirk did mention that he spent most of his geography lessons sitting outside of the classroom having been sent out: clearly being a bad boy wasn’t paying off for him.

In the next four questions, Kirk mistook South Africa for Canada, and Canada for Russia. In fact, the only answer that he got right in the task was finding Essex. Clearly, it’s the only way for him: sadly for his housemates, though, they missed out on a reward because of Kirk’s geographical blunders.




From yesterday..

Day 2: Boy time!

13 hours ago


This evening, the newly-formed bromance of Frankie and Kirk turned conversation to potential romances within the house. The duo are obviously confident boys, but unfortunately they’re feeling a little bit pessimistic about their chances with the ladies tonight. So who were they talking about?


Frankie hasn’t been shy in admitting that he’s a big fan of the playboy twins. He doesn’t seem to think that he’s been his usual charming self around them so far, though. He told Kirk of how he had tried to get to know the girls a little earlier, only to be shunned by one of them turning their heads away. Frankie’s certainly not used to that kind of treatment, and he was embarrassed even more when some of the other housemates had a laugh at his attempts to talk to them. Upon hearing that the two had boyfriends, Frankie remarked, ‘you’ve stitched us [me and Kirk] up, Big Brother!’


It looks as if self-confessed Kim Kardashian fan Kirk isn’t quite so sure of how his crush Georgia Salpa feels about him, either.  He’s said that she’s just his type, and has made no secret of the fact that he’s a fan. Unfortunately, though, he doesn’t feel as if she’s feeling the same, although he doesn’t seem to have any clear-cut reason whyâ€Ķ


There’s still time left though, and the two are looking on the bright side. Kirk remarked that ‘If she ain’t interested, I can have boy time’. Yes, Kirk. At least the two have each other!



Day 2: Round up

49 mins ago


Good morning Big Brother fans! Let’s have a look back at yesterday’s events. Where to begin, then?


Yesterday morning, the housemates were in reminiscent moods, already looking back to thursday night's action. The beautiful gym was presented to the housemates, which Kirk wasâ€Ķ wellâ€Ķ not impressed with: luckily, Gareth (a professional rugby player) was on hand to dismiss his criticisms.


Love was on Frankie’s mind, and he just couldn’t get the playboy twins out of his head today. It’s been hard for the boy, especially when the two are parading around in skimpy bikinis.


Just as everything was getting a bit too comfortable, Big brother gave the housemates their first task as a full house: don’t worry, it wasn’t as sneaky as Natalie’s one last night! The housemates had to really connect, and managed it! Romeo, as a result, was given his suitcase back. It’s really been all smiles so farâ€Ķ


One housemate who was grinning ear-to-ear yesterday was Kirk. The self-confessed Kim Kardashian lover was really enjoying getting to know Georgia. Despite being unsure of how she felt at one point, he had a great chat with her in the early hours of the morning. Luckily for him, she didn’t seem too put off by the fact that he thought that Russia was Americaâ€Ķ


So that was day 2 for you. It’s early days, and already we could be seeing a romance for Kirk and Georgia. Or are we speaking too soon? And will it be a no-mance for Frankie? Only time will tell. Keep it here for all of the gossip.


Day 3: Task alert – ‘Survival of the fittest’
2 mins ago

This morning at approximately 8:20am (ouch) housemates were awoken by the sound of ‘Let’s get physical’ – a little hint of things to come. Surprisingly there were no moans or groans, but instead an array of fist pumps, smiles and dance moves. They were up for it then, but let’s see how wide they’re smiling after today’s task with a very special guest in towâ€Ķ
A short while ago, a celebrity guest appeared in the diary room in the form of the newly ripped, body building supremo - Jodie Marsh. Here she was handed instructions from Big Brother and sent into the House to surprise the housemates. She received a warm welcome, especially by pals Kirk, Natalie and Denise. But just how good friends will they be following today’s taskâ€Ķ?
Today housemates are going to be smothering on the fake tan and flexing their muscles in a very special body building themed task, led of course by their mentor/ coach for the day – Jodie.
Housemates were instructed to swiftly decide between themselves which two housemates will be the two team captains based upon who was the strongest of the group. Romeo became captain of the red team and Gareth became captain of the blue team.
Over the course of the day the two teams will be battling it out in a series of body building challenges. When a team wins a challenge they shall bank a 5 second time advantage for the end game, the ‘Ultimate Challenge’.
So which team will come out all ‘guns’ blazing? Who will be man and who will be mouse? Keep following our Facebook page and @bbuklive for all live updates, pictures and videosâ€Ķ



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