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2347: Kirk has left the bedroom and Joined Nicola & Natalie in the living room

2350: We can't keep up. Now Kirk has asked Kristina does she need help putting her bikini on.

0006: Romeo is asking Natasha what Nicola did before she came into the house. 

0021:Frankie to the twins: "Girls, I might sneak into your bed tonight for a cuddle." Twins: No resonse. 


0034: The twins & Kirk are talking their fave cars


0050: Kirk is getting philosophical: "we live. we die. end of."


0100: Romeo trying on Kirk's glasses: "I cold rock these." Kirk:"Mate, you could rock a thong.


0122: Frankie's singing. Kirk said he must be messing about & not doing it properly. Frankie said that's the best he can do...


0136: Georgia is whispering to one of the twins in bed (lights out) about other people bitching


0145: All housemates are in bed except for Frankie, Kirk & Natasha who are giggling in the living room

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Day 8: Round-up

1 hour ago


Yesterday was another crazy day in the Big Brother House for our Celebrity housemates. Firstly, Jedward set Karissa and Kristina a secret task to test their bad behaviour. The cheeky cherubs gave the twins Michael's hat via the secret hatch and were told they had to stitch up Denise as the thief. The twins hid the hat in Denise's bed and told Michael she had stolen it. As a final challenge to redeem themselves, the cherubs instructed the twins to get some of Frankie's clothes and dump them in the pool. The twins managed to smuggle a few items of clothes (including Frankie's jacket) to the pool in a blanket and dumped them in. Frankie wasn't happy, but of course Jedward were delighted.

The twins passed the task and Jedward told them that they would be rewarded with a 'bunny girls' themed party later this evening. Despite the reward being inspired by Kristina and Karissa, the twins must still keep their secret task a secret, and so not let on that this is a party that they won for the house.

When the themed outfits arrived for the party all the housemates were very excited. Michael looked rather fetching in his Hugh Hefner style robe and completed the look with his cowboy boots. All the girls looked super sexy in their bunny outfits and once the music began to blare out they all shook their tail feathers on the floor. All the boys had a great time dancing too; Romeo brought his cool level up another notch by sporting his sunnies indoors and Gareth hit us with his running man dance moves. All in all everyone had a blast except for Denise who was unimpressed with Big Brother's choice of music. She would have preferred a more eclectic mix – 60s, 70s and 80s.

After the party ended the usual crew Natasha, the twins, and Frankie hit the jacuzzi. Kirk shared a cuddle with Georgia in bed and jokingly said to her: "I sleep with my mum like this, Georgia. Up your game".  It didn't seem like the model was into his advances though (despite the hand-holding), as within minutes Kirk ended up in the living room where Nicola had a go at him over his incessant flirting. Both Nicola and Natalie agreed that Georgia has little interest in him and Natalie even said: "There is no personality in her, even in the way she dances." Kirk agreed and said: "I am finding Georgia less attractive the more ignorant she is." It's all very confusing.

As the housemates one by one went off to bed, Kirk, the twins and Frankie got philosophical and deep and discussed the workings of the world. Of course, they will never figure out the working of Big Brother's mind though, so they better stay on their toes.





Last edited by Scotty

0846: Big Brother's turned the lights on, but there's no alarm. He's certainly being kind this morning...

0905: Michael and Nicola are the first housemates up. It really is quiet this morning: has Andrew's departure changed the dynamic? 

0924: Michael and Gareth are working up a sweat in the gym whilst discussing the events of last night 


0925: Michael's pinched Gareth's saying from the coin toss comp they had yesterday -" Point 1, my friend Luck. 2: Skill"


0937: Nicola has been called to the diary room. Michael and Gareth are discussing who they think will go tonight in the gym. 

0945: Nicola's out of the diary room and is telling Natalie that she got confused which bed was her's last night.

1002: Natalie, Georgia and Nicola are having a morning fashion show. Well, Natalie's pulling outfits out of the wardrobe. 

1006: Michael's joking with Natalie that he'll probably doing a shaving commercial with Frankie in the future. 

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1103: Natalie, Denise and Nicola are talking about the pressures of being famous. Natasha is quizzing them deeply. 

1110: Frankie has started the morning with some light conversation. - "Yeh, I always chunder when I drink."


1116: Michael to himself - "My big decision of the day...what to wear??? Oh god, I'm turning into a girl."

1119: Michael to Natasha - "Do you like one of your kids more than the other?" He's on a roll with the questions this morning. 

1148: Michael shows Frankie how big boys shave 

1158: Natasha is missing the dress she planned to wear for eviction night. Private investigator Michael has passed up the case. 

1201: The three models are chilling in the garden talking about last night. Denise has come out to moan about the missing mop. 


Day 9: Morning gossip

30 mins ago


The housemates have had another lucky break this morning after another night of heavy partying. Big Brother threw the House a playboy party last night and by the tired and confused looks on some of the housemates faces, it's safe to say they had a really good night. So once again, there was no alarm, but Big B switched on the lights and it wasn't too long before Michael was up and popping on his shades.


Once Michael was out of bed, Big Brother announced that electrical items in the bedroom would be on for an hour and the gym would be open for two. Michael wasted no time in slipping on weight gloves and trotted off to the gym. Nicola was next up but was called into the diary before she'd even had time to get herself together. Gareth soon joined Michael in the gym with Michael saying, "I was wondering when you were going to turn up."


Once Gareth had put down his towel, the two got down to some serious gun sculpting but also squeezed in a good natter. The topic soon moved onto tonight's eviction with Michael asking Gareth who he thought would be leaving tonight. Gareth didn't have to think about his answer to much, instantly replying "Natasha." The two left it at that. Out in the garden Natalie, Nicola and Natasha were talking about last night's antics and were quizzing Natasha over here flirty banter with Romeo.  Natasha cut the talk short by saying "it was just banter", to which Natalie replied "I'm glad to hear that."


It's seems to be plain sailing on the surface for some but the eviction day always has its ups and downs. Keep updated here for all the latest. 


(I`ve seen the video. There`s a lot more to that convo. Nicola being her nosey self. Natalie doing her pretendy caring. Natasha laughing but on the defensive. Nicola taking it all in and loving it. If it comes up on tubey, I`ll post it.) 

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1301: Everyone is making whilst the going is good and having an attempt at shaving Frankie. Nicola's up now. 

( a word is missing - is it love?  )

1308: An hour on and Frankie still has shaving foam on his face. He makes puberty look so fun.

1324: After all the shaving, Frankie has decided to dedicate the day to beautifying himself.  

1339: Frankie to the twins - "How do you become a photographer for playboy?" 


1404: Denise has just tried to capture Michael in conversation over lunch with everyone. He doesn't seem to interested in it.

1418: Michael is pacing around the bedroom playing his belly like a drum. He's looking a bit restless. 

1420: Michael has just told Frankie he's feeling "cooped up." Frankie has responded by walking away belting a song to himself. 


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