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Originally Posted by noseyrosie:
Originally Posted by Scotty:

1145: It's a very chilled morning in the House but things are going to be shaken up, as two cheeky cherubs are floating around. 

Jedward? Please say it isn`t. 


Thanks for the updates Scotty  really enjoying them. Things are hotting up nicely in the house it seems.

They certainly are. Lots of things bubbling under the surface. Hope it explodes!  


You`re welcome, glad you`re enjoying them rosie. 


Day 8: No love lost between Michael and Denise

1 hour ago


It’s been a leisurely morning in the Big Brother House, with no alarm sounded as the housemates crawled out of bed in their own time. Karissa and Michael were first up, with Karissa hitting the beauty regime and Michael just wondering aimlessly around the bedroom. After a while it was announced that the gym would be open for 2 hours, which gained the most minimal of responses, with the majority of the housemates just rolling over. The reaction was very different when it was announced that the hot water would be on for the next hour, with Denise and the twins working themselves into a frenzy to be the first into the shower.


Whilst Denise was winning the battle for first in the shower, Michael and Gareth were in the gym discussing her occasionally overbearing personality. Michael was explaining to Gareth that Denise always wants to know what he’s doing, saying “When I come out of the diary room, she wants to know what I was in there for? If I’m alright? How long I’ve been in there?” Michael didn’t leave it at just Gareth, he also found a little time with Natalie to discuss Denise and he picked up exactly where he had left off Gareth.


Well, Natalie didn’t keep it to herself very long and once Michael was in the diary room, Natalie told Denise what Michael had been saying about her. This did not make for a pretty sight, with Denise saying that she wouldn’t “pander to Mr Michael Madsen!” Whilst making some very theatrical la-de-da arm gestures.  The two have yet to confront each other about the rift but the mood didn’t stay to sour for too long. Natasha, Natalie, Nicola and Denise moved on and spent a fair bit of time discussing how beautiful Romeo is, amongst other hot gossiping topics. Kirk and Frankie have had a lazy morning with Kirk feeling a little under the weather but the two still found the energy to have a guy grooming session. The remainder of the housemates have been chilling out in the living room, talking about families and what Andrew might be up to today.


It’s all cool now but is this just the calm before the storm? Keep it here to find out.




Task Alert: The 'cheeky cherubs' are back, and they are here to cause some more mayhem. Read more here   

Day 8: Task - cheeky cherubs: bad behaviour

12 mins ago


The 'cheeky cherubs' are back, and they are here to cause some more mayhem. The twins, Jedward have descended from the Heavens once again and have picked fellow twins Karissa and Kristina to  take part in today's task.  Jedward will be giving the twins instructions via a speaker placed in the stone cherubs in the garden, just as they did with Denise and Natalieearlier in the week.


The boys will be giving the girls three simple challenges to complete and they will have half an hour in which to carry out each of the challenges. First up, Jedward will be giving Karissa & Kristina Michael's missing hat, which they will have to smuggle back into the House, and plant in another housemates belongings. They will then have to blame that housemate for stealing Michael's hatâ€Ķ It gets worse


The second part will see the bombshell twins luring an unsuspecting Frankie and Kirk to the spa. Once there they will have to persuade the boys to de-robe and then steal their shorts, leaving the boys naked in the spaâ€Ķ No more, please.


Finally the playmate twins will have to throw a tantrum that will overshadow any tantrum thrown before it.  During this mammoth tantrum, the girls will have to throw one of the housemates clothes into the swimming pool. Heaven have mercy on the girls!


If the twins fail any of the task challenges, the entire House will face punishment.


Keeping checking here to find out which housemates will be affected by the twins courtesy of Jedward's wrath. 


Last edited by Scotty

Day 8: Task Resolve -Twins are good at being bad

7 mins ago


It's been double Dutch all the way today with Big Brother's naughtiest twins, Jedward, teaching Karissa and Kristina a thing or two about bad behaviour. The boys commanded, via their cherub statue in the garden, that the playmate twins upped the drama in the House with some serious stirring.


To start with the girls received Michael's missing hat back but instead of handing it over to him, the girls planted it within Denise's stuff. They then informed Michael that they had seen it with Denise's clothes and instead of confronting Denise, Michael has gone all P.I. At this very moment he's gathering hard evidence and asking the other housemates if they've seen anything suspicious.


The second part of the task was a no goer, as Frankie said it was too cold to get in the jacuzzi and that the only way he would be persuaded, was if the twins undressed him and rubbed him to warm him up. This quite obviously wasn't going to happen, so Jedward, being the kind cherubs they are, told the girls that they could still pass if they completed the last part of the task. 


Well, the girls excelled at the last part of the task, after choosing Frankie as their target. The girls snuck into the bedroom and picked out a couple piece of Frankie clothing. They then stormed out of the bedroom and chucked Frankie clothes into the pool. Let's just say this didn't fill Frankie's heart with glee.


After all of today's action, Jedward announced that the Karissa and Kristina passed the 'Cheeky Cherub: Bad Behaviour' Task and have won the House a playboy themed party for tonight. The housemates will be dressing up in bunny outfits and smoking robes and will be enjoying a plethora of cocktails.


Sounds like it will be a playful affair in the Big Brother House this evening




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