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1310: Find out more about the 'Goldilocks' task here 

Day 7: Gepetto and Pinocchio task

2 hours ago


As part of today’s β€˜Twisted Tales’ task, Pinocchio (Natasha) as the most dishonest housemate will have to be able to sniff out lies with that lovely long nose of hers. Gepetto (Michael) as an honest hard working man will have to be able to spot the truth amongst all the lies too.


Working together, Pinocchio & Gepetto must separate fact from the fiction. Big Brother will give them ten statements. Five are true and five are lies. They must decide between themselves which statements are true, and which are lies. A statement that they both believe to be true must be placed on the Board of Truth and a statement they believe to be a lie must be put in the bin.


Pinocchio & Geppetto must correctly identify at least three truths to successfully complete this part of today’s shopping task. If they get more than two wrong answers, they will fail the task & loose 100 gold coins from the shopping budget!


Day 7: Friendship wrings

58 mins ago


Bring out the banners, streamers and balloons for the war of words, between Nicola and Natalie is finally over. The two spent the morning in the bathroom doing some washing and having a good old natter and a sing song.

The two’s past twitter feud seems to have been laid to rest in the Big Brother House, and over the last few days, the mum’s have been finding more and more in common with each other. The alliance was cemented whilst wringing out some socks. Natalie said to Nicola β€œThe three people I don’t want to nominate are you, Denise and Gareth.” To which Nicola replied β€œsame.”

The best buds carried on the noms talk, adding that they both had a soft spot for Kirk and Natasha but in a choice between the two, Kirk would come out on top. Nicola then pondered β€œwonder who’ll go at the eviction?” to which Natalie replied under her breath, β€œI hope Andrew goes.”

Well, it’s confirmed, the two have called it quits and are now in cahoots with each other on who to oust first. Is this the real deal or are the two, keeping friends close and enemies closer



Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Cheers for the updates Scotty. Looks like BB have actually used some imagination with this task!

Yes, it`s a good task Kimota. There`s a video of  goldilocks Karissa & 3 bears Denise eating yeuchy flavoured porridge. It`s funny. It`ll be on the HL show tomorrow.  


And you`re welcome.  


Day 7: Andrew or Georgia? You decide!

5 mins ago


It’s Celebrity Big Brother’s first live eviction of 2012, and the tension in the House is so thick, you’d have trouble cutting it with a table knife. House β€˜triple threat’ Andrew Stone is facing off against Georgiaβ€˜all natural’ Salpa, in a clash of the titans that could rival the moon landing in historical importance.

Over the past week we’ve seen Andrew bend himself into all sorts of shapes, whilst talking about himself in the third person, but we’ve also seen a sensitive side to the β€˜Stone’ man.Georgia on the other hand, hasn’t talked about herself in the third person but has provided hours of entertainment in the, β€˜will they, won’t they’ Kirk andGeorgia saga. To add to that, sparks flew between Nicola and Georgia today, when Big Brother revealed (during a task) that Georgia had said, the public would find Nicola more annoying than Denise…Oooh scandalous! Don’t forget guys, it’s vote to save, so get voting for your favourite of the two as there’s not long left.

So get ready to man those sofas as Brian will be coming live from the Big Brother House from 9pm and if a live eviction isn’t quite enough for you, there’s also a wee twist involved. What more could you want! An hour of live feed?

Well why not…as an extra special super bonus treat, you can enjoy an hour of live streaming direct from the House at 10pm on 5*. Talk about being spoilt.


This makes me wonder if these earlier tweets have wrongly said Natasha instead of Nicola....


1434:Georgia and Natasha are clearing the air in the garden about comments that were as part of today’s task

1436: Clearing the air isn't going well. Natasha to Georgia-"I've tried to talk to you several times but I don't get nothing back"

We`ll see.  



Last edited by Scotty

Day 7: Clearing the air

36 mins ago


Today the housemates competed in the β€˜Gepetto and Pinocchio’ task where Michael and Natasha had to decide whether certain comments made by housemates about each other were real or not. This was carried out in front of the entire House, and it lead to some awkward revelations.


During the course of the task, Michael and Natasha were asked if Georgia said the following about Nicola; β€œshe’s annoying.’ They were also asked if Nicola said about Georgia; β€˜Forget the looks, there’s nothing else there.’ The two girls sat awkwardly awaiting Big Brother’s verdict...True or false! Eventually Big Brother revealed that both statements were true and that Georgia and Nicola had said these things about each other. They exchanged scathing looks as Nicola said that she feels like she knows what’s actually going on in the House now.


Wanting to clear the air, the pair went for a heart to heart in the garden each expressing why they said what they did. β€˜I’ve tried to talk to you several times but I don’t get nothing back,’ Nicola told Georgia. After an uncomfortable chat they both agreed that they don’t know each other well enough to make judgments. The conversation seemed to end amicably, but there was still definite tension as the two walked away from each other.


If Georgia survives today’s eviction, will tension continue to rise between this pair?



Ah the tweets were wrong. It was Nicola and Georgia not Natasha and Georgia.


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