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Does anyone know the symptoms for a broken rib on a cat?

Suspect mine has one, but been looking on the internet and can't find any useful information apart from keep it indoors for a week etc etc.
She's walking and generally moving very slowly, she occasionally does this funny meow thing (not like her usual noises), she doesn't like being touched on her side, she's finding it extremely difficult to jump on & off things like chairs. She only seems to be able to relax in 1 position.
Although when she does manage to relax she's finding it in herself to purr. Is that a sign that it may not be that bad?

I'm just worried if it is broken ribs because ribs are what protects the important insides and that and I don't want a snapped rib puncturing anything or something.

If she's no better in the morning I'll organise for her to go to the vet, but if anyone here knows about cats, then maybe you can shed some light on it. I know a lot of you were help when I posted about cats with behaviour problems (same cat btw).

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Having real trouble replying Crunchy - this site is broken!!
I'd say get her to a vet first thing tomorrow just in case she has something wrong internally - and I wouldn't let her feed tomorrow before you take her in case they need to put her under to do an Xray
Don't know if this will help, I googled cat injuries ribs and this page came up

Hope she's alright
Although when she does manage to relax she's finding it in herself to purr. Is that a sign that it may not be that bad?
Cat's purr when they are in distress as well as when they are happy .  Apparently it releases "happy" hormones into their brain and helps them to cope better with stress and pain.

that's the only useful thing I have to say here apart from get her to a vet ASAP

Poor pussy, I hope everything goes well for her

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