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When I was a kid (I guess my mum wanted us to get to sleep and stop being a pain) my mum went through a phase of giving us Ovaltine, Horlicks or Milo - I made it quite clear I didn't like them .............she always insisted that it was simply tea.

As a child I grew up drinking tea ......................i never really gave it to my kids - hence - as adults I think only one of the three of them drink it -and only occasionaly ..................I feel that I failed them TBH...
Soozy Woo
My mum being half Irish and half Scottish was given tea by the gallon load as a kid and passed it on to me. One of the joys in life is slippers on and a good cuppa cha

Tea is also the one non-alcoholic drink that is offered in times of strife. You always hear on the tele 'I'll put the kettle on pet and you can tell me alllllll about it'.

I'm an occasional coffee drinker, but I don't understand these posh coffee types
Reference: Chip
Interesting new question for tea fans. One teabag in a cup or do you make a pot and if so how many teabags in the pot or do you use real tea and if yes to the teabags in the pot how big is the pot and...
One teabag (proper type, mind) in one cup (one girl).

Brew for 4 minutes, or more. Proper squeeze with teaspoon. Dash of milk. 
Tea - boiling water in first so the tea can brew. Then a dash of milk. Leave for about 8 seconds, stir, push the teabag (oh you know what I mean), take the teabag out, put back in cup and repeat. (I like my tea to be the right colour, not too dark and not too light).

Coffee - milk first then boiling water otherwise the coffee will burn (apparently).

(And if you don't take milk then you shouldn't even be reading this post anyway)
A teaspoon of whisky in tea last thing at night is good for whatever ails ya.
It's what my nan used to give me (when I was five years old)....
But that's the only messing around I can deal with.
Coffee with any of those flavour thingies is wrong...and so is putting liquers/spirits in it. 
Some barman once put my Amaretto in my coffee....I wasn't best pleased.
mug of tea............not a cup..........a mug............milk in first....plonk the tea bag in.......quick squash an get it out..........i hate hate hate tea that looks like you could tar the m25 with it........

none of those fruity tea things either.........its builders tea all the way.......if i'm at home i easily get through 30 mugs of tea a day......i finish one and make another straight away..

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