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I think Sunshine might become a Lady GaGa tribute act... if that fails perhaps she will disappear back to obscurity and take up something off far less significance... such as becoming a doctor.
I can just see her opening nightclubs.  Wouldn't blame her for spending a few months building up her bank balance before she goes back to being a student.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Caoimhe is desperate to fly the family nest or so it would seem. I dare say she will interest the lad mags - but is she modelling standard good looking? Must admit i've not really noticed her physical attributes - other than she is quite pretty.

Whilst she claims to be happy with her boyfriend Dave - the cynic in me is saying a BB related lesbian liaison would attract more column inches.
Cold Sweat
bb will be taken on by another channel and john james will be 'davina' is an insight into his interview with an evictee......

jj:so you're out of the house,how do you feel?
evictee:yeah pretty good,i'd had enough really
jj:why?why?why would you say that why?
evictee:well just cos i'd had enough,i'd done 7 weeks
jj:why though?why?why?can you just answer the question? i said,i'd done 7 weeks and i 'd had enough
jj:why though?can you not just answer the question?why would you say that infront of the audience on tv?why?why?
jj:yes you will be sorry,i've given you a warning and now you're going in the pool

jj:why?why?i heard what you said,come to me and say it,you're so loud,why would you do that?you've made me do this..*starts crying*
jj: *turns to studio audience*..yeah this bloke is getting me angry..really angry,i'm not holding back now,think you're going to get mag deals do you?why?why?why would you think that?answer the question
evictee:..sorry but....
jj  oh jog on..jog on..trying to make me stupid,jog on jog on..*gets up and walks off*
after jj's exit.....ben takes over and interviews the next evictee......

ben  please welcome our newest evictee
evictee:thanks ben

ben:i'm sorry you've left the house,i love you,you're lovely to be around,i regard you as a friend,i'm sorry
evictee:erm..i don't know you ben
ben:i'm sorry,i realise i shouldn't of said that,i'm sorry,i hope you'll forgive me,sorry
evictee:that's ok
ben:so..what are you interested in?
evictee:erm..well i like sci fi
ben   ohhhh mario should be interviewing you he loves that
evictee:whose mario?
ben:i'm sorry,i shouldn't of said that,really i'm truely sorry,i hope you'll forgive me,i have a kind heart,i'm sorry
ben:i can't do this anymore,i'm sorry i really can't..where's dave?he can take over..DAVE DAVE
evictee:dave? whose dave? where's my interview?
ben:i'm sorry,i love you and you're lovely to be around,i do regard you as a friend and i'm sorry,i can't do this any longer.i've done 2 minutes and i want dave to take over

evictee:this is terrible
ben   (imitating evictee): this is terrible...sorry shouldn't of said that,i love you.......DAAAAAAAVE.........
Haha Spongebob

I'm gonna steal your idea and do a 'Corin' one now

Corin: Oh my god! Can you believe it?
Evictee: Well, i kinda expected it

Corin: Are you buzzin?
Evictee: Am I what?

Corin: I can't believe it..
Evictee: Err, believe what?

Corin: Do you love it?
Evictee: Love what? Being evicted?

Corin: OH. MY. GOD!
Evictee: Erm, Sorry, but are you going to ask me any proper questions?

Corin: Yeah, sorreeeeeeeh.
Evictee: No problem

Corin: Are you lovin it?
Evictee: *sighs*
yes its nathans turn..........

nathan: yeah proper lovin effin tonights effin eviction,eff me lets say effin hello to the newest effin evictee
evictee: thanks
nathan:so you're effin out then yer effin lil raincloud of effin doom
evictee:  pardon?
nathan:yeah yer effin heard me pal,i've been biting me tongue fer weeks,i'm effin not puttin up with it yer effin raincloud of effin doom
evictee:but i was happy,i sang whilst i cooked
nathan:listen pal,eff off the effin kitchen is mine,yer effin don't effin know how effin hard it is in there,norrrrrrrwhenushavinuseffinlunch,get it pal?
nathan:effin raincloud of effin doom...eff off pal

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