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*wonders how surprised Ducky will be to see me in this thread*  



Here he is...AJ!    my fave hairy baby...     I love him soo much!    He's a Cairn Terrier, and is 7 years old, and "has character" (as my kids teachers phrase it)..    


As a puppy: 


As an adolescent (a naughty adolescent,trying to look casual when being caught making a garden escape tunnel) 





After a bath (sulking in the garden...  trying to decide if his ordeal is over, or if we are going to be getting the clippers out)


He has seen us get the clippers out:


letting off steam after his "trim"





Summer - AJ has a border terrier girlfriend..  she is a right floozy..   she see's him...  sprints up to him, rolls over legs akimbo to present her nethers to him! 

Wow I wasn't expecting such a big response, nor so quick! love it Ducky, that's one cute cockapoodle! I didn't even know they existed, but I love it, if I win the lottery I'll sort you out so you can bin off your job and live with a dog Ev, whenever one comes along, but with lots of luck, it was conceived this week! If it worked and she carries & delivers, we're looking at November I love captain phil but a BT would be easier to take to work a few days a week.. VD, sounds like your dog is lucky to have you! Well done for rescuing him/her- what breed? How old now? Ditty, omg what great pics AJ is gorgeous, I especially like the one where he's been caught digging I love that his gf is a BT too is her owner friends of yours?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Wow I wasn't expecting such a big response, nor so quick! love it Ducky, that's one cute cockapoodle! I didn't even know they existed, but I love it, if I win the lottery I'll sort you out so you can bin off your job and live with a dog Ev, whenever one comes along, but with lots of luck, it was conceived this week! If it worked and she carries & delivers, we're looking at November I love captain phil but a BT would be easier to take to work a few days a week.. VD, sounds like your dog is lucky to have you! Well done for rescuing him/her- what breed? How old now? Ditty, omg what great pics AJ is gorgeous, I especially like the one where he's been caught digging I love that his gf is a BT too is her owner friends of yours?

Conceived! Blimey Charlie, Is Captain Phil on the job then? 

Ev (Peachy)
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

As you know Summer, I love my dog.

She is the sweetest, gentlest soul and my life is so much better because she is in it.

 Snap Yogi!   And your Lab looks like a beauty 




*whispers* She's a golden retriever.

I need to find a better pic of her, everybody thinks she's a lab.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
  is her owner friends of yours?

only in so much as we know them from the dog walking circuit!


You will get to meet & know your local dog walking circuit Summer...    most of the people you will know & chat to most days...  despite not knowing their names, only knowing the names of their dogs.

So.. with AJ's girlfriend, we refer to his owners as "Becky's Mum or Becky's Dad!" 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
  is her owner friends of yours?

only in so much as we know them from the dog walking circuit!


You will get to meet & know your local dog walking circuit Summer...    most of the people you will know & chat to most days...  despite not knowing their names, only knowing the names of their dogs.

So.. with AJ's girlfriend, we refer to his owners as "Becky's Mum or Becky's Dad!" 

That's so true, Ditty.

There's an eldery lady in my village that I have spoken to for years, on my dog walking trips.

I only know her as "Smokey's mum".


Aww I love dogs. I want one like my avi but I'm gonna wait 


I got a dog for my 5th birthday. He was my shadow and moved with me all over Britain. He died aged 19 from natural causes and was only ever at the vet once in his life. He got hit by cars 3 times and each time got straight back up and was fine. He was a cross breed with a lovely temperament. Never once snapped, bit or growled at anyone 


Well as most of you know I have a part Jack Russell mostly Border Terrorist called Milo   He's 2 years old now 



despite being mostly Border Terrier, he's taken on most of the features of a JR in that he's very tiny and has a long snout but the rest of him is all Border   When I got him he was 8 weeks old and it was like having a baby in the house.  He woke at odd hours, cried to be cuddled, if anything was on the floor it was in his mouth.  All cables had to be securely put away. He could pee for England and he's very very naughty but I wouldn't have him any other way 


He's also a tart because as soon as someone says awww what a sweet doggy when he's on his walkies, he rolls onto his back to have his tummy rubbed. 


Despite all the toys he has, he prefers to go for a walk with a plant pot in his mouth  and loves chewing the cardboard inside of loo rolls 

Originally Posted by Abo:

these are our puppies. They are 5 wks old now. Fudge had 3 boys & 3 girls. We have already found a home for a little girl (but not till 8 wks of course). The rest will hopefully find awesome homes. And no we are not keeping any.

Awww they're absolutely gorgeous  I love the cheeky one in the middle that's looking up 

Originally Posted by Abo:

these are our puppies. They are 5 wks old now. Fudge had 3 boys & 3 girls. We have already found a home for a little girl (but not till 8 wks of course). The rest will hopefully find awesome homes. And no we are not keeping any.






I want one 


Where's Ducky..   she soooo has to see this pic...   


*goes duck hunting*

Meanwhile, I thought I'd tell you how I came to choose Captain Phil.. When I first started working for the chap who taught me how to be a good barber, he was going through a divorce and the ex wife kicked the dog out shortly after him. The dog was an old stinky but adorable basset hound called barnaby! With no where to go he had to live in the shops staff room for a while, which is when I became very fond of him I used to walk him around town on my break, groom him when I wasn't busy and even untangled him from the wheelie bins on one occasion after he'd wrapped himself around them with his extra long lead He only lived a year or so after I met him, he took himself off to die and was found in a field not far away from his home.. So when I was looking for a moving avi and saw a lovable basset hound, I knew it was meant to be!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

*wonders how surprised Ducky will be to see me in this thread*  



Here he is...AJ!    my fave hairy baby...     I love him soo much!    He's a Cairn Terrier, and is 7 years old, and "has character" (as my kids teachers phrase it)..    


As a puppy: 


As an adolescent (a naughty adolescent,trying to look casual when being caught making a garden escape tunnel) 





After a bath (sulking in the garden...  trying to decide if his ordeal is over, or if we are going to be getting the clippers out)


He has seen us get the clippers out:


letting off steam after his "trim"





Summer - AJ has a border terrier girlfriend..  she is a right floozy..   she see's him...  sprints up to him, rolls over legs akimbo to present her nethers to him! 

That story board is hilarious Ditty What does AJ stand for or is that just his name?


Well...      AJ was the only thing MrD & I could agree on  (its just as well we didn't have any babies of our own..   he likes some terrible names).      MrD wanted to call him Corkscrew (???)..   I wanted to call him Sprocket.      However, my childhood cairn was called Angus, so I suggested Angus Junior, AJ for short.    MrD agreed to that, because in his family there is a tradition where the first born male is called Anthony Jason, then Jason Anthony, then Anthony Jason (.. my FIL is Tony, MrD is Jason)...    so, he found it amusing to kinda continue the tradition, so in his head AJ stands for Anthony Jason.


My Father in Law was not that impressed 

Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Well...      AJ was the only thing MrD & I could agree on  (its just as well we didn't have any babies of our own..   he likes some terrible names).      MrD wanted to call him Corkscrew (???)..   I wanted to call him Sprocket.      However, my childhood cairn was called Angus, so I suggested Angus Junior, AJ for short.    MrD agreed to that, because in his family there is a tradition where the first born male is called Anthony Jason, then Jason Anthony, then Anthony Jason (.. my FIL is Tony, MrD is Jason)...    so, he found it amusing to kinda continue the tradition, so in his head AJ stands for Anthony Jason.


My Father in Law was not that impressed 

 I like when dogs have a regular human name. One of my nephews got a dog from Battersea and he's called Walter, but we usually end up calling him Wally (daft lovable fur ball that he is) 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Meanwhile, I thought I'd tell you how I came to choose Captain Phil.. When I first started working for the chap who taught me how to be a good barber, he was going through a divorce and the ex wife kicked the dog out shortly after him. The dog was an old stinky but adorable basset hound called barnaby! With no where to go he had to live in the shops staff room for a while, which is when I became very fond of him I used to walk him around town on my break, groom him when I wasn't busy and even untangled him from the wheelie bins on one occasion after he'd wrapped himself around them with his extra long lead He only lived a year or so after I met him, he took himself off to die and was found in a field not far away from his home.. So when I was looking for a moving avi and saw a lovable basset hound, I knew it was meant to be!

Thanks for sharing Sweet. awww Lovely Captain Phil. 

Ev (Peachy)

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