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I have a stalker but she's a she! She was in the bed next to mine when I had Babybug and we swapped numbers as I thought it'd be nice to keep in touch...

She sends me 5/6 page texts nearly every week about not being able to pay rent, getting evicted, having to move 20 times since 2007, how many times the Bailiff has been round that week, what illnesses she and the kids have got etc etc etc it goes on and on.

I feel sorry for her but I can't help her. I don't reply but still the texts come... It's a different kind of stalking to Bubbles though...

Bubbles - Be straight with your stalker - tell her you're not interested in a relationship.
a mite not live the lifestyle of posh n becks but a wudnt stup as low as werin trackies for a wedding. frigin hell man a no ya gota werr a suit at weddings

av ignord her texts today but themore a dont reply the more she texts n gets all emoshinal so av replyd n she wants to gan to see toystory 3 this week. bloody hell man a mean a wana see tha film but just not wid her its shan on me avin ppl fink shes my girlfreiend not been mean but its just how a feel.

a no ppl here fink am scum n thats fine coz sum of the fings av done am not proud of bu am not a nasty person n a dont wana see her comit suicide or sumit so a just duno how to let her down me mate sez shes very unstable. shit man
aways man blackpuddin am not shallow n crass am just not intrested is that a crime n rememba shes the one who stalked me nt other way round. am not shallow a just dont av the heart to say no man its crap man. am probly givin her more attension than shes ever had anyway coz shes a bit of a humdinger to be brutele honest
Of course it's not a crime to not be interested, but to be fair you DID give her your number when you knew she wasn't for you just for a "squirt" as you so eloquently put it!  So really it IS you who is in the wrong and you HAVE to sort it out and apologise to this girl for leading her on.

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