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well the other week ad had a few so gave in and ended up givin her me number thru facebook coz shed bin sendin me loadsa pms. so after a few texts then she ends up wantin to gan to mcdonalds wid me i was like wooh wooh wooh man but av got this problem wer a cant say no so i ended up gan a thought a 1 off cant be bad just get her off me case and maybe get a squirt while am at it. shes a bit of a humdinger to be honest man but i thought id be sivalized n tryin give her the hint in a nice way.

but since then av bin gettin like 20 texts a day man its proper mental. she keeps wantin to meet up n i have to mek up excuses n lie. i only wanted a squirt i didnt want oot serious man.

am just at a loose end man i duno what to say to her wivout been nasty coz its not in me nature. plus aparantly her older boyos are hard so dont wana get a kickin. what do i do?

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 thats good rawky. but have you got anything for the part about her older boyos been hard

Live by the sword, die by the sword. You might end up getting a kicking if you don't play this hand right. Be straight with her. Tell her you are gay.

Seriously, be honest, let her down gently and sensitively, and don't drink around town for a couple of months, just to be safe.
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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