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Reference: Slinki
Laughin at that Dundee stuff Scotty - ah pure cannae unnerstaun whit yis are on aboot hauf the time! Thurrr wis a wee guy in a chippie in Dundee gaun " twa pehs, yin nae inginananingin in an a'"  an ah wis hinkin haw wee man ,whit planet you fae?
 Eh it`s the wurst accent in the hale wide wurld Slinki.  Eh dinna speak like that ken? Em right posh but eh kin dae the accent braw when eh want. 
Roond here its  "twa plen bridies an anigginaneanna" It means " two plain bridies and an onion one as well."  
Wor Geordie, the sim one what lost is penker befoh, wuz gannin' tappy lappy doon the raa when ee fancies a bottle  o' dog. Ee gans through the doh n steps on a payl o dog mess, skids across the floh and hits 'is heed on the bor.
Later on minds another gadjie comes through the doh and skids on the shite an aah, just as Geordie's comin back frum splashin 'is boots.
"I just done that!" said Geordie.
"Why ya dorty bastard!"
Garage Joe

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