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Reference: Triggs 
Jeez, sumdy phone an ambulance fur the hoaspital - singed fud!!
That acshully happened tae me Triggs - the doctor at the hospital set ma fud on fire. 
The smoke wiz blechin` ower the screens. 
They were right casual aboot it tae. Here`s me on fire and they wirnae batherin that much, well they were tyrin` thir best tae put it oot.
Eh said..have ye got a blanket so eh cud send a smoke single tae ma sister tae tell her what`s goin` on? 
Oh how they laughed. 
Reference: ma darlin' Scotty
That acshully happened tae me - the doctor at the hospital set ma fud on fire.  The smoke wiz blechin` ower the screens.  They were right casual aboot it tae. Here`s me on fire and they wirnae batherin that much, well they were tyrin` thir best tae put it oot. Eh said..have ye got a blanket so eh cud send smoke single tae ma sister tae tell her what`s goin` on?

   Haw naw Scotty, pure beamer! 

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