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Senora. I think it's unfair of BB to do this because it just fuels those who have a problem with those who are Josie's size/weight. Didn't realise so many were so judgemental about such a thing. Steve and Dave's weight aren't mentioned
It's the mysoginist mess that is the media...A bloke can be as fat she likes on TV...and no mention..If you are a woman over size 14 on TV you are called humungous...For the record Josie isn't even that big IMO, she has a beautiful face and a nice womanly figure.
Senora Reyes
I can't eat in posh places. I get the giggles, when they lift their silver platter up!
I'm as happy in Maccy D's as I am in Jenny's caff round the corner as I am in a Michelin starred restaurant. But in a restaurant I wouldn't be tearing the head off a fish with my bare hands - saying that I wouldn't in Jenny's place either cos she'd tell me to 'get saaam feckin manners before you start all thaaat malarky in ere'. (Jenny thinks she has a Michelin starred establishment).

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