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I read the BB forum link the other day that said about Noirins Ex flying over from the states to go in to replace KENNY! But Tom walking threw the plans up in the air so they have decided to wait a little.

Now my question is, why replace Kenny? He would have been evicted anyway and they cancelled the eviction so they were still as they should have been numbers wise when Tom walked.

Does that mean they will also replace Tom? And why did Tom walking stop them putting someone new in anyway?


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Originally posted by langster:
I read the BB forum link the other day that said about Noirins Ex flying over from the states to go in to replace KENNY! But Tom walking threw the plans up in the air so they have decided to wait a little.

Now my question is, why replace Kenny? He would have been evicted anyway and they cancelled the eviction so they were still as they should have been numbers wise when Tom walked.

Does that mean they will also replace Tom? And why did Tom walking stop them putting someone new in anyway?


Some good questions.

Firstly, not only is it unnecessary to replace Kenneth (because, as you say, someone - probably Kenneth - was going to leave anyway), but Kenneth would appear to have been an extra HM in the first place. The story originally going around was that there were going to be 4 new HMs - 3, plus 1 to replace Saffia. Kenneth's inclusion appears to have been a last-minute decision. "If" the Isaac Stout story's true, I suspect it was purely intended as a "twist" - it wouldn't have been as a Kenneth replacement because the timing was too tight.

I've been skeptical of the Isaac Stout story, but it came from BB Online which has a good reputation in some quarters. BB Online originally claimed he'd enter the house last Friday. If true, this would explain why BB didn't cancel Friday's "eviction crowd", even though Kenneth was only getting a studio interview.

When he didn't show on Friday, BB Online claimed it was because he was still undergoing security checks, and would enter the house soon. They suggested (but crucially didn't claim) he'd go in on Sunday. This made sense, as it could be tied-in with BBLB.

When that didn't happen, BB Online claimed it was because Tom leaving had thrown everthing into confusion (and of course BBLB had to cope with interviewing both Kenneth and Tom). BB Online are still claiming that their story is correct, and Isaac will enter the house "within the week".

Now, even if this whole story is true (and I really hope it's not), I somehow doubt BB will go ahead with it now. There's a good chance Noirin will leave on Friday, and I wouldn't have thought they'd risk another Karly/Kenneth farce. Also: do they need to replace Tom at all? If Kenneth was, as it appears, an "extra" HM, then it would appear not.

Personally, I think the whole thing's unlikely for a number of reasons, but consider this: anyone who had stopped to think about it for 30 seconds would have realized that putting Kenneth in the house was a bad idea, but that didn't stop BB, did it?
Eugene's Lair
Yeah Kenneth was definitely a last minute thing. Davina announced prior to the new housemates going in that only 4 would be sent in. And the papers all had 4, as did BBLB.

Again, this begs the question as to why they would replace someone who really wasn't meant to be there in the first place. To replace Tom would make sense, but not Kenny.

Sceptical about it all to say the least.
Happens every year babes Roll Eyes We have a perfectly decent show, and then the Producers start wanking about with it, and mess it up entirely Mad Angry

Always a bad idea to throw Newbs in (never works and grossly unfair to them) and the time of the 'pathetically camp gay guy' has long since passed Dave Sick'

He makes me feel physically sick!

BB have totally and utterly made a complete cock-up of what was just on the verge of being the best show, ever!

Idiots Roll Eyes
Originally posted by *KG*:
If they stick her ex in there I won't watch any more.

She is really not at all interesting and I've no idea why BB thinks she is.

It will be a total show killer, and you heard it here first.

I hope it is nothing more than rumour, what a crap twist if it isn't, putting another male in for Noirin to play Roll Eyes Sleepy It's got fail written all over it.
Comrade Ogilvy
Funnily enough I agree. It could be so good if they just stuck to the original format instead of trying to change it every year and trying shock and awe tactics. I think Nadia from BB5 was the first signs of it, and a kind of show from BB that they wouldn't have a normal winner like Cameron again as he was seen as boring (which he was imho)

And funnily enough I can't stand David either. A complete and utter loudmouthed bellend!

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