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OK, pretty much into this LC shizzazzle now, but just wonder if someone can assist me on a few things:

1.     How do you start a 'poll?'

2.     How do you look at what your previous posts are?  On the old forum,
        there used to be a 'view cheeky-pixie's posts' option on the profile. 
        I  want to know how to get back to the threads I was on earlier, if I
        have forgot...

3.     Can someone tell me what a V.I.P. is and how someone becomes on?
        (I noticed some have VIP by their names, and I wondered why...)

4.     How do you edit a post once it has been submitted?

All of the above may be obvious to some, but I can't figure any of the above out.  If someone could help, I would be very grateful.    Thank you.

*edited to see if I can edit!*

Replies sorted oldest to newest

If you look above most active members over on the R hand side it says in a box  Post new topic. click and it gives you options for polls etc.    VIP's have paid and it gives them more access to other stuff. As for the rest I haven't a scooby. Glad to be of help, even if it wasn't helpful...but I haven't a clue either, just muddling through it all on my own!  sorry!   
Might be please don't rely on my answers....

Your *ticker* shows all the posts that have been posted in threads you have contributed to...

You can edit your posts at any time...(no time limit)  if you swipe your cursor over the bottom right hand part of your post the word 'edit' shows...just click,edit and submit

hope I'm right  
D'oh!  Not so sure now sorry tiddly.  I just posted on 'what are you listening to right now?' and the freddie fan thread, and a couple of others, and they haven't popped up at the top.    Maybe they will in a few minutes.  I think maybe that 'explore' and 'topics' thing is highlighting the most popular threads from the last hour so or something.  I shall keep checking though.  Thanks again Tiddly. 
HI Zaphod.    Well it still only brings up the most recent topics that everyone has been posting on, but like with tiddly's suggestion, it gives me a good idea of the most recent ones, so I should be able to get find most of my posts from there.  Thank you,  Can't seem to find a way yet, to select my recent posts 'only' though.  As I said; thanks anyway. 
Final idea then .. depending on how chatty you have been.... hit permalink on your most recent post in a thread... once the URL at the top of your browser has changed slightly... bookmark it.. you can then return to that post... ok you will have a few build up but you can delete them as and when they no longer become relevant

Reference: CheekyPixie
How do you look at what your previous posts are? On the old forum, there used to be a 'view cheeky-pixie's posts' option on the profile. I want to know how to get back to the threads I was on earlier, if I have forgot...
That is the one thing I miss the most. I have mentioned a couple of times, and I hope the powers-that-be will have noted it.
The beauty of it on the old forum was that it was a simplw "one-click" operation; no messing about. I miss it a lot.
Reference: Cheeky Pixie
Well it still only brings up the most recent topics that everyone has been posting on, but like with tiddly's suggestion, it gives me a good idea of the most recent ones, so I should be able to get find most of my posts from there. Thank you, Can't seem to find a way yet, to select my recent posts 'only' though. As I said; thanks anyway.
Explore>topics is like the thread title page of GaGa, but where GaGa has a title page for EACH forum this page is an amalgamation of ALL forums, even the support forums.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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