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Thanks Fluffy and Aimee

I`ve sent a request to Lori for a sticky for the BB Twitter. Fingers crossed

The morning so far.  It`s a long one! 
  1. 10:00 - The sleeping housemates have just been woken up by Big Brother. Its going to be the final day in the house for 2 housemates #CBB7
  2. 09:54 - Ivana jokes with Stephanie that maybe they should have a cat fight as that is what the producers want to see. #CBB7
  3. 09:50 - Heidi has just got up to go to the toilet in the bedroom. She looks very groggy and sleepy as she walks across the room #CBB7
  4. 09:46 - Stephanie is telling Ivana about how embarrassed she is by the fact she was snoring last night. #CBB7
  5. 09:43 - Dane and Ivana are talking about their exercise routines. Dane said he needs to go to the gym more. #CBB7
  6. 09:40 - Ivana has crept back into the bedroom to get her shoes. She is trying very hard not to wake anyone else up.
  7. 09:35 - A bird is eating from Vinnie's plate of left overs in the garden. He would be devastated if he knew he was missing seeing it. #CBB7
  8. 09:32 - Stephen is telling Stephanie about Sov's efforts to get her to stop snoring last night. He says he was very amused by it #CBB7
  9. 09:28 - Stephen is now awake and has joined Ivana and Stephanie in the living area. #CBB7
  10. 09:22 - Stephanie and Ivana are talking about how much they both like Heidi #CBB7
  11. 09:20 - Ivana says she doesn't like the amount of bad language that is used in the Big Brother house. #CBB7
  12. 09:16 - Ivana, Stephanie and Dane are bitching about Sov in the kitchen. They say she acts like a brat sometimes #CBB7
  13. 09:11 - Dane is telling Ivana about his diet. He says he needs to drink more water and eat more fruit #CBB7
  14. 09:05 - Dane and Stephanie are talking about the food situation. Dane says they should just about be alright until Sunday #CBB7
  15. 08:58 - Katia and Jonas are still looking very cozy together in the bedroom #CBB7
  16. 08:55 - Dane and Stephanie are chatting about tonight's eviction. He tells her that Big Brother asked him who he wanted to leave #CBB7
  17. 08:51 - Ivana is chopping fruit for her morning fruit smoothie #CBB7
  18. 08:49 Ivana and Dane are chilling in the kitchen #CBB7
  19. 08:46 Vinnie spoke to Dane about people pulling their weight...Dane is now cleaning the kitchen #CBB7
  20. 08:42 Vinnie and Dane are in the kitchen talking about food rations #CBB7
  21. 08:34 - Katia is now awake and has just gone and climbed into Jonas' bed for a cuddle #CBB7
  22. 08:32 - Dane and Vinnie are saying there needs to be a house meeting because "the standards in the house have dropped" #CBB7
  23. 08:30 - Vinnie has come in out of the cold and is now tidying the kitchen #CBB7
  24. 08:27 - Dane is now awake and is roaming around the house aimlessly. #CBB7
  25. 08:16 Vinnie is chilling in the snug #CBB7
  26. 08:10 Steph is off for a shower leaving Vinnie drinking his tea #CBB7
  27. 08:08 Vinnie having a quick slice of toast while making a cup of tea #CBB7
  28. 08:06 Vinnie is whistling the Wizard of Oz in the kitchen #CBB7
  29. 08:03 Vinnie and Steph talk about how little corned beef is left for lunch and dinner #CBB7
  30. 07:58 Stephanie goes to make a nice cup of tea #CBB7
  31. 07:57 Vinnie tells Steph there must be an eviction tonight as they nominated ages ago #CBB7
  32. 07:42 Dane just turned his pillow over, no sign of him rising any time soon #CBB7
  33. 07:37 Stephanie tells Vinnie that she moved to Hollywood because at the time England weren't making the films #CBB7
  34. 07:30 Stephanie and Vinnie talk about their acting days over a nice cup of tea #CBB7
  35. 07:18 Bless her, Steph feels guilty about her snoring last night #CBB7
  36. 07:13 Stephanie is telling Vinnie about her stage days #CBB7
  37. 07:10 All the other housemates are fast asleep with no idea what Vinnie and Steph are chatting about #CBB7
  38. 06:59 Steph and Vinnie are talking about how loud her snoring is #CBB7
  39. 06:52 With eviction coming up tonight Vinnie tells Steph that if he was BB he would get rid of all 3 and bring in 2 new faces #CBB7
  40. 06:49 Vinnie and Steph get laid into the other HMs at their early morning bitch #CBB7
  41. 06:42 Corned beef still causing issues with Stephanie and Vinnie #CBB7
  42. 06:41 Vinnie and Stephanie sit having a moan about people leaving things lying around....Vinnie wants to have a meeting #CBB7
  43. 06:31 Stephanie wakes up and joins Vinnie in the living room..wonder if an early morning bitch is on the cards #CBB7
  44. 06:28 Vinnie tells the BB camera not to bother looking at him but to go look at the shower...but no one is in the shower? #CBB7
  45. 06:27 Vinnie boiling the kettle for a nice cup of tea while all the other HMs sleep #CBB7
  46. 06:25 Vinnie is up and in the kitchen cleaning #CBB7
  47. 06:17 Ivana rolled over and is hiding under her duvet #CBB7
  48. 06:09 Vinnie is rumbling around in bed, he could be getting up soon #CBB7
  49. 06:06 Stephen does a big stretch before rolling over and going back to sleep #CBB7
  50. 05:44 The snoring is starting to reach a crescendo once again #CBB7
  51. 05:38 Dane rolling over trying to get comfortable #CBB7
  52. 05:30 Ivana just had a sip of her water and is now tucked up in bed, whilst Heidi sat up and turned over #CBB7
  53. 05:29 Ivana has got out of bed for a quick toilet stop #CBB7
  1. 10:47 - The housemates now have 2 hoovers and a broom on the go in an attempt to clean the lounge carpet! #CBB7
  2. 10:41 - Sisqo reveals how he would never go on 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here' because he would never eat bugs! #CBB7
  3. 10:36 - Nicola asks Vinnie how they are going to survive for 3 days with the food that's left. Vinnie decides not to answer #CBB7
  1. 12:15 - Sov says she is really proud of her boobs, but that she would never get them out for money #CBB7
  2. 12:11 - The 'King of Smooth' Stephen Baldwin just told Nicola how pretty she is looking today #CBB7
  3. 12.08 Is Vinnie missing the kitchen? Whilst Dane prepare lunch Mr Jones quizzes the singer on his weekend menu plans #CBB7
  4. 12.04 Sov's domestic goddess role is over: she's got bored, crashed on a sofa in the lounge, and hidden a dirty plate under the table #CBB7
  5. 12.02 It looks like the boys are planning a game of indoor golf. Stephen is scouring the house for potential golf clubs and balls #CBB7
  6. 12.00 Stop the Press! Sov is helping with the washing up - she just dried a wine glass #CBB7
  7. 11.56 Girl on Girl!!! Nicola playfully tries to drag Sov into the kitchen, but slippery Sov wriggles away yet again #CBB7
  8. 11:53 Stephen is hammering nails into a piece of wood using a large silver spoon from the isn't clear why he's doing it #CBB7
  9. 11:50 - Nicola, Katia and Sisqo are singing songs they remember from their childhood #CBB7
  10. 11:46 - Sov and Stephen just had a little play fight in the bedroom #CBB7
  11. 11:45 - Stephen is comforting Stephanie after she reveals she was shot in the bum with an air rifle when she was younger #CBB7
  12. 11:40 - Sov and Katia have gone out to the garden for a smoke. They are watching Alex's workout #CBB7
  13. 11:35 - Katia just jumped on Jonas on his bed. He gives her a couple of playful slaps on the bum as she does it. #CBB7
  14. 11:32 - Stephen is telling tales about the mischief him and his brothers used to get up to when they were younger #CBB7
  15. 11:29 - Dane and Sisqo are throwing a makeshift ball to each other across the bedroom. #CBB7
  16. 11:24 - Alex is working out in the garden. Vinnie is offering words of encouragement as he does it #CBB7
  17. 11:22 - Most of the housemates have gone back into the bedroom and are relaxing on their beds #CBB7
  18. 11:16 - Sov is preparing herself a fried egg sandwich for breakfast #CBB7
  19. 11:13 - Stephen asks Katia if she behaved herself with Jonas last night, Katia ignores him and laughs it off #CBB7
  20. 11:11 - Ivana is doing various stretching exercises in the lounge #CBB7
  21. 11:05 - Nicola is moisturising her face whilst Stephen is eating a bowl of cereal next to her #CBB7
  22. 11:02 - Stephanie is telling Stephen how much fun she has had on the show so far #CBB7
  23. 10:58 - Stephanie is bouncing up and down on Ivana's exercise ball again in the lounge #CBB7
  24. 10:52 - The housemates are threatening to boycott the live show tonight if Big Brother doesn't provide them with a better hoover #CBB7
12:21 - The housemates are all having an emergency meeting about the food situation

 12:24 - Vinnie has a bit of a pop at Sov about her eating habits who defends herself by saying she isn't as bad as he says

 12:27 - All the housemates are asked by Stephen if they are part of the team. They all raise their hands in agreement

 12:31 - The food debate is still going in, everybody is putting in their thoughts but nothing seems to be getting sorted

 12:33 Meeting over! The housemates have agreed to divide the food 12 ways. Dane has a pop at Sov who walks out before they've finished

12:36 - In the garden Sov tells Katia how she was singled out and people are much worse with the food than her

12:40 - Stephen is in the garden giving Sov some words of wisdom about the way she should behave in a group 
  1. 14:51 - Ivana says that it will be "so so hard" when they have to nominate people that they like #CBB7
  2. 14:49 Katia and Sov are discussing their love for Monopoly - they'd love a game in the house #CBB7
  3. 14:48 Stephanie jokes that she's planning on doing a musical number, called "I don't snore, I purr" #CBB7
  4. 14:47 Vinnie accuses Stephanie of muttering about him in her sleep. #CBB7
  5. 14:45 - Most of the housemates are in the bedroom, resting on their beds in near silence. Sov says it is good to have some quiet time #CBB7
  6. 14:40 - Nicola, Ivana, Stephanie and Vinnie are talking about previous relationships they have had #CBB7
  7. 14:36 - Sov has finally got round to eating the lunch that Dane made for her over an hour ago #CBB7
  8. 14:32 - Stephanie, Ivana and Nicola are comparing stories about when their children were babies. #CBB7
  9. 14:29 - Nicola says that she even though she is only slightly older than Katia and Sov, she is more mature because she is a mummy #CBB7
  10. 14:26 Stephen asks the ladies in the snug if they would like a cup of tea. Ivana and Stephanie take no sugar, Nicola has half a sugar #CBB7
  11. 14:21 - Alex is studying the Big Brother welcome pack with great interest. #CBB7
  12. 14:17 - Ivana is telling Stephanie about various properties she owns around the world #CBB7
  13. 14:11 - Nicola has now taken over hoovering duty. She is doing a good job of making the kitchen floor spotless #CBB7
  14. 14:05 - Alex is teasing Vinnie about the poor standard of his washing up #CBB7
  15. 14:00 - Ivana and Stephanie have sneaked off to the snug for a cozy little chat on the sofas. #CBB7
  16. 13:55 -There is a cleaning frenzy going on at the minute most of the housemates are either cleaning or tidying up #CBB7
  17. 13:49 - Sov is still going on about felling invisible. She is saying she may go on a speaking strike too. #CBB7
  18. 13:44 - Heidi is joking that she would be shocked if the public voted her out. #CBB7
  19. 13:40 - Sov tells Sisqo she feels invisible in the house sometimes and that nobody ever listens to her. #CBB7
  20. 13:37 - All the housemates are now sat around the dining table eating lunch together. Tuna pasta or salmon and rice are the options #CBB7
  21. 13:31 - Dane is finally serving lunch well over an hour after he started preparing it #CBB7
  22. 13:28 - Dane and Stephanie just had an impromptu hug in the kitchen, Dane tells Stephanie that she smells good! #CBB7
  23. 13:23 - Stephen is teaching Sov how to hoover, it is a little patronising! #CBB7
  24. 13:19 - Sov is hoovering the bedroom now, perhaps she isn't as lazy as the other housemates make her out to be! #CBB7
  25. 13:14 - Vinnie tells Dane that he doesn't think his lunch is going to be big enough to feed all of the housemates #CBB7
  26. 13:09 - Sisqo says the house is becoming like lord of the flies and that everybody is looking out for themselves first #CBB7
  27. 13:03 - Dane is still making lunch, he has just made a tomato based pasta sauce in the blender #CBB7
  28. 12:59 - Nicola is showing Alex her kung fu moves. Alex teaches her how to defend herself from certain moves #CBB7
  29. 12:57 - Sov looks like she is ready for battle. She has a camouflage headband on and black war paint under her eyes #CBB7
  30. 12:54 - Dane is complaining about the amount of time it takes to cook brown rice #CBB7
  31. 12:50 - The housemates have now been provided with a more powerful hoover by Big Brother and Alex is going to town on the carpet #CBB7
  32. 12:46 - Dane is still preparing a lunch of salmon pasta and rice for the housemates #CBB7
  1. 17:06 Sov , Katia and Jonas are in the garden smoking #CBB7
  2. 17:02 Vinnie is putting the finishing touches to dinner. #CBB7
  3. 16:57 Dane and Sov are in the Snug. Sov is looking at the wrinkles on her forehead #CBB7
  4. 16:46 Dane is washing his hands...after touching Alex's back #CBB7
  5. 16:45 Sov is alone, asleep in the Snug #CBB7
  6. 16:44 Alex has managed to get another massage...this time from Dane. #CBB7
  7. 16:44 Nicola is washing up the pots and pans #CBB7
  8. 16:42 Sisqo - I love Shepherds pie #CBB7
  9. 16:40 The HMs finally decided to make Shepherd's Pie #CBB7
  10. 16:37 The bickering has stopped. Nicola and Vinnie carry on with preparing dinner in the kitchen. According to Nicola it smells lovely!#CBB7
  11. 16:33 Dane says that he is going to stay out of it #CBB7
  12. 16:32 Vinnie advises Dane not to ask what everyone wants to eat individually, "it will do your nut in" #CBB7
  13. 16:31 Vinnie says to Dane that he is the 'expert at home made chips'. Pow #CBB7
  14. 16:30 Things are heating up in the kitchen. Vinnie and Dane are arguing over what to do with the potatoes! #CBB7
  15. 16:28 Vinnie wants to cling film the mashed potato he has made. Dane suggests making a shepherds pie with it #CBB7
  16. 16:27 Vinnie and Dane are having a bicker about mashed potato vs. chips! #CBB7
  17. 16:26 Nicola is asking Vinnie if he can prepare something other than mashed potato #CBB7
  18. 16:25 Nicola and Dane are discussing Dinner. Sisqo doesn't want mashed potato! #CBB7
  19. 16:20 Sisqo says that is he hears the word 'ration' one more time he's going to gouge his eyes out #CBB7
  20. 16:17 The HMs have given up. Dane was thinking of a 'speaker' #CBB7
  21. 16:16 Dane is spying something beginning with .... S #CBB7
  22. 16:15 Heidi correctly guesses that Nicola spied something beginning with M ... Microphone! #CBB7
  23. 16:13 Housemates in the Living Room are playing 'eye spy'. Sisqo starts with something beginning with .... B #CBB7
  24. 16:08 Vinnie is currently making mashed potato #CBB7
  25. 16:00 - Sov and Sisqo are in the garden having a smoke whilst all the others are in the bedroom having a lay down. #CBB7
  26. 15:57 Stephanie says I usually date people 20 years younger than me. Nicola jokes if she did that her boyfriend would be 7 years old! #CBB7
  27. 15:54 - The housemates are talking about their plans for immediately after Big Brother. #CBB7
  28. 15:50 - Sisqo is now performing a little dance for Big Brother in the diary room #CBB7
  29. 15:44 - Ivana and Stephanie have come in from the snug and joined Nicola, Vinnie and Heidi in the lounge. #CBB7
  1. 17:42 The nominated HMs' suitcases will be delivered to the house shortly. Time for some to start packing! #CBB7
  2. 17:41 Heidi has asked "Who wants to stay and who wants to go?" #CBB7
  3. 17:29 Sov, Katia and Heidi have all made their way to the Diary Room #CBB7
  4. 17:26 Sov and Sisqo are having an impromptu game of football in the Garden #CBB7
  5. 17:24 Nicola says that she is so full she feels like she has a baby in her stomach #CBB7
  6. 17:22 Nicola says that she is going to start cooking with more Quorn when she gets home, instead of mince #CBB7
  7. 17:20 Dane says Shepperd's Pie is better with melted cheese on top #CBB7
  8. 17:16 HMs are sitting down to dinner...Vinnie is surprised to know that there is powdered potato in the dinner. #CBB7
  9. 17:16 The HMs have all sat for Dinner, digging into Vinnie & Nicola's Shepperd's Pie. Dane says the mash is so creamy! #CBB7
  1. 18:20 Stephen has gone to sit in the snug alone...confirmation of tonight's eviction has made the house a little quieter #CBB7
  2. 18:23 Sov has started to pack in preparation for tonight's eviction #CBB7
  3. 18:15 Stephanie has decided that she will make an effort for tonight's eviction #CBB7
  4. 18:14 Big Brother has opened the store room for Sov, Katia and Heidi to collect their suitcases #CBB7
  5. 18:11 Vinnie is reading Big Brothers eviction procedure and rules to his fellow HMs #CBB7
  6. 18:05 Sov thinks Heidi will leave because all she talks about is birds #CBB7
  7. 18:03 Nicola and Ivana have already showing each other their jewelery #CBB7
  8. 18:01 Vinnie is called to the diary room he thinks BB will ask him who he wants to leave #CBB7
  9. 17:59 Sisqo tells Ivana that he prefers her hair up so he can see her face #CBB7
  10. 17:53 Sov is napping in the snug #CBB7
  11. 17:49 Ivana has gone to the snug to sit opposite Sov #CBB7
  12. 17:47 Heidi is talking about her beloved animals at home #CBB7
  1. 18:37 Stephanie tells Heidi that she "likes her well enough to hope that she will go" tonight #CBB7
  2. 18:36 Stephen would like to request that the temperature is turned down in the House #CBB7
  3. 18:32 Heidi has warned "If I don't go, you guys are in big trouble!" #CBB7
  4. 18:31 Nicola - Stephanie's looking hot! #CBB7
  5. 18:28 Alex is called to the diary room. The others help HMs up for eviction to pack #CBB7
  6. 18:25 Vinnie has found a t shirt in the bedroom and can't believe that it cost $116. It is Heidi's #CBB7
  7. 18:24 Vinnie found some knickers by his bed and asked if they were Alex's #CBB7
  8. 18:23 Katia has gone to the diary room #CBB7
  9. 18:20 Stephen has gone to sit in the snug alone...confirmation of tonight's eviction has made the house a little quieter #CBB7
  10. 18:23 Sov has started to pack in preparation for tonight's eviction #CBB7
  11. 18:15 Stephanie has decided that she will make an effort for tonight's eviction #CBB7
  12. 18:14 Big Brother has opened the store room for Sov, Katia and Heidi to collect their suitcases #CBB7
  13. 18:11 Vinnie is reading Big Brothers eviction procedure and rules to his fellow HMs #CBB7
  14. 18:05 Sov thinks Heidi will leave because all she talks about is birds #CBB7
  15. 18:03 Nicola and Ivana have already showing each other their jewelery #CBB7
  16. 18:01 Vinnie is called to the diary room he thinks BB will ask him who he wants to leave #CBB7
  17. 17:59 Sisqo tells Ivana that he prefers her hair up so he can see her face #CBB7
  18. 17:53 Sov is napping in the snug #CBB7
  19. 17:49 Ivana has gone to the snug to sit opposite Sov #CBB7
  1. 19:14 Vinnie is talking about learning lines #CBB7
  2. 19:09 Vinnie is talking about people who get camera fright #CBB7
  3. 19:01 Stephen wonders if BB will be so merciful as to supply them with more tea bags #CBB7
  4. 18:58 Stephanie is complaining about the lighting in the house...Nicola is now worried that she looks bad #CBB7
  5. 18:58 Vinnie and Dane are speculating if there will be a double eviction tonight #CBB7
  6. 18:57 Dane is talking to Vinnie are discussion what is a valid reason for nominating. Is snoring? #CBB7
  7. 18:55 Stephen is called to the diary room #CBB7
  8. 18:54 Nicola is putting make up on in the bedroom #CBB7
  9. 18:52 Katia is trying to convince herself that she is not going tonight #CBB7
  10. 18:51 Sisqo, Sov and Katia are at the smoking area. Katia is talking about waking up with one less person tomorrow morning.#CBB7
  11. 18:47 Stephanie, Ivana and Heidi are speculating the order in which HMs will be evicted #CBB7
  12. 18:46 Sov is having trouble shutting her case...Katia is helping her #CBB7
  13. 18:45 Stephanie and Heidi are talking about Katia: "getting back in bed with Jonas may have helped her", Re tonight's eviction. Ouch #CBB7
  14. 18:43 Stephanie and Heidi are talking about the time just before they entered the House #CBB7
  15. 18:42 Vinnie is saying when it come to it he would rather not know who had nominated him #CBB7
  16. 18:40 Katia has packed a picture of Jonas

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