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I have a carer in the morning and evening. All they have to do is make me something to eat for the day, feed the kittens, open the curtains (morning). Heat up something my daughter cooked for me, feed the kittens and close the curtains (at night). The company knows my predicament (emphysema) and yet, tonight, they send a carer who has a throat invection. If I had let her cook for me, I might as well have slit my wrist. An infection is going to do me in at this junction. Two 'phone calls later, nobody has turned up and I wont be eating tonight.

I know this sounds like a 'pity me', but it's a light shining into how we are treated.

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Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have a carer in the morning and evening. All they have to do is make me something to eat for the day, feed the kittens, open the curtains (morning). Heat up something my daughter cooked for me, feed the kittens and close the curtains (at night). The company knows my predicament (emphysema) and yet, tonight, they send a carer who has a throat invection. If I had let her cook for me, I might as well have slit my wrist. An infection is going to do me in at this junction. Two 'phone calls later, nobody has turned up and I wont be eating tonight.

I know this sounds like a 'pity me', but it's a light shining into how we are treated.


I'm sorry to hear how you have been treated Cologne and particularly as you are so reliant on these services. It does seem quite inconsiderate (bordering on negligence) that they would send someone with an illness to you knowing your situation and how you would be affected.


I hope there are channels for you to highlight your experience and that there is someone who will look into it and ensure they do a much better job in the future. Is there anyone you can call to help with a meal tonight? I hope there is.


Feel free to rant as much as you want you are perfectly justified in doing so. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Originally Posted by frodo:



I cannot believe this Is happening ...can't someone get you a fish,n chip supper takeways are still open  here at the back of beyond 

have we sunk so low ,Is there no-one to help you xxx will your daughter come ?


I won't rest knowing this 

My daughter has tomorrow off (rare) so went out tonight. If I call her, she'll be contemplating driving. It's not an option. Frodo.

I obviously won't starve to death, but I just don't feel cared for. I'm having a large Brandy and try and laugh about it.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by frodo:



I cannot believe this Is happening ...can't someone get you a fish,n chip supper takeways are still open  here at the back of beyond 

have we sunk so low ,Is there no-one to help you xxx will your daughter come ?


I won't rest knowing this 

My daughter has tomorrow off (rare) so went out tonight. If I call her, she'll be contemplating driving. It's not an option. Frodo.

I obviously won't starve to death, but I just don't feel cared for. I'm having a large Brandy and try and laugh about it.

Yes please but its pretty upsetting though

Originally Posted by cologne 1:
My daughter has tomorrow off (rare) so went out tonight. If I call her, she'll be contemplating driving. It's not an option. Frodo.

I obviously won't starve to death, but I just don't feel cared for. I'm having a large Brandy and try and laugh about it.

You're not!!! Poor Cologne 

Go ahead and name the care company! They don't deserve anonymity. Name and shame them online!

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just got off the 'phone. Because I rejected the carer with throat infection, I have no right for another one. There you have it. I will be on the warpath tomorrow, but most companies are the same, so from the frying pan into the fire.

Can you get onto social services tomorrow to 'ask their advice' on what you should do if it happens again?


I'm astounded by this Cologne ... it's totally unacceptable

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just got off the 'phone. Because I rejected the carer with throat infection, I have no right for another one. There you have it. I will be on the warpath tomorrow, but most companies are the same, so from the frying pan into the fire.

That is a fecking disgrace Cologne. You reject someone because you could get an infection and you have no right to any help. That has left me fuming and saddened

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just got off the 'phone. Because I rejected the carer with throat infection, I have no right for another one. There you have it. I will be on the warpath tomorrow, but most companies are the same, so from the frying pan into the fire.

Appalling  They're putting you at risk Cologne.


Wouldn't you qualify as a vulnerable adult? You ought to be protected under POVA. Wonder are you, or could you be referred to POVA?

A care worker putting your health at risk, then the management leaving you without care when you raise concerns, could get into trouble under POVA requirements.




Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just got off the 'phone. Because I rejected the carer with throat infection, I have no right for another one. There you have it. I will be on the warpath tomorrow, but most companies are the same, so from the frying pan into the fire.

Can you get onto social services tomorrow to 'ask their advice' on what you should do if it happens again?


I'm astounded by this Cologne ... it's totally unacceptable

Rexi and moonie, I have to speak to Social Services. This isn't an isolated occurrence, but it took tonight for me to blow my top. Thanks everyone for bearing with me, I know I can be a pain in the arras.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by cologne 1:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I've just got off the 'phone. Because I rejected the carer with throat infection, I have no right for another one. There you have it. I will be on the warpath tomorrow, but most companies are the same, so from the frying pan into the fire.

Can you get onto social services tomorrow to 'ask their advice' on what you should do if it happens again?


I'm astounded by this Cologne ... it's totally unacceptable

Rexi and moonie, I have to speak to Social Services. This isn't an isolated occurrence, but it took tonight for me to blow my top. Thanks everyone for bearing with me, I know I can be a pain in the arras.

That's not so at all. So don't even go there young lady


Night Cologne


I don't think you are a pain in the bum at all ,personally I think you are scared and tired worn down perhaps and no bliddy wonder ...Cologne member meant nothing to me just a member on ga ga ...Its been a learning curve getting to know folks and Christmas too  so hello and take care and your kitten hope to get to know you better  xxxxxxxxxxx



Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have a carer in the morning and evening. All they have to do is make me something to eat for the day, feed the kittens, open the curtains (morning). Heat up something my daughter cooked for me, feed the kittens and close the curtains (at night). The company knows my predicament (emphysema) and yet, tonight, they send a carer who has a throat invection. If I had let her cook for me, I might as well have slit my wrist. An infection is going to do me in at this junction. Two 'phone calls later, nobody has turned up and I wont be eating tonight.

I know this sounds like a 'pity me', but it's a light shining into how we are treated.

Awww Cologne  

Originally Posted by cologne 1:

I have 'simply said' St. Renton and the company has been looked into, but they are humongous and will just chuck their carers and employ new ones.


You don't ever complain about the people actually carrying out the work.

You go over the head of the company itself and complain about how its ran to the local CQC (Care QUality Commission)

Originally Posted by Scotty:

Just spoke to cologne. No food delivery service where she lives but she`s got cheese, tomatoes and bread. It will take her a wee while to get organised but she will eat tonight. She`s remarkably cheery. I`m phoning back in 20 mins to see how she is. I`ll keep you updated.  

that's a relief - still terrible though

Rocking Ros Rose

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