that was quite informative for me-is informative a proper word?
and katty-shame on you for watching pirate copies *tut* lol
and GJ
maybe i'll give inception another go
cheers for replying
I am totally intolerant of noise /chatter etc when watching a film,oh and as for folk stocking up with food/drinks etc...hello! most films don't even last two hours these days.So if I could get a cinema to myself..then I may go back.

pans labyrinth
what a bloody good film
what a bloody good film
NEVER ever buy pirate copies
it funds terrorism
NEVER ever buy pirate copies
it funds terrorism
Ah pirate they were excellent copies,not your usual dark/greeny stuff.

I didn't buy them,but I watched them...

unless you buy 'em offa me
im the pirate king
im the pirate king
I thought Inception had a weak beginning, but we stuck with it. All I can say is that it made a change.
I keep
Trying to catch Sex n Drugs n Rock n Roll. (I was a big fan) but it always seems too late.
my copies dont fund terrorism
just my drinking..
just my drinking..
watch sex drugs ect..
excellent movie
even my ma liked it
she's 87
she loved ian drury
good film mate
watch sex drugs ect..
excellent movie
even my ma liked it
she's 87
she loved ian drury
good film mate
one more recommened film
vanishing on 7th street
proper good old fashioned sci fi stuff
bloke wakes up-goes outside
everything has gone-people have gone
and survivors have to fight against the oncoming dark
really good
if you like that kinda stuff
vanishing on 7th street
proper good old fashioned sci fi stuff
bloke wakes up-goes outside
everything has gone-people have gone
and survivors have to fight against the oncoming dark
really good
if you like that kinda stuff
Oh I like SCi fi stuff...not star wars or independance day shit.I love "Blade Runner" and "2001,a space OdysseY"..".Open the pod bay door HAL" I'm sorry Dave but I can't do that"... but I loved the send up of Indepenance day "Mars Attacks" actually because I'm old enough to have colled the original " Tops" cards..

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