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this time of year the net is a buzz with the films that are due out and especially the ones that are tipped for oscars
ie black swan
true grit
rabbit hole
127 hours
the kings speech
if its ok with the bosses
i could a review of all the new films that are due out in the uk
dont matter how i get hold of 'em
i just do
and i could tell you if theyre crap-good-or worthwhile
i could save you money

if you think this is a good idea
tell the boss of the site

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I saw 127 hours.  Good movie, but I felt somewhat shortchanged at the end.  I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so won't say much, but I felt that they could have focussed on what happened when he got out of the hole.  Basically, he gets out, the paramedics come, and it ends.  It could've done with being about 20 minutes longer, with an extra chapter on how he was reunited with his parents/family/friends.  However, 7 out of 10.. worth watching..
lol a bit late
frankie and alice -very good
kings speech-stutters a lot but the laydees love mr d'arcy
127-cut his arm off - lives
rabbit hole - Mmmmm..well nicole has just bought a baby..thats more interesting..
animal kingdom..good film evil MOFO for a mom-recommended watch
black swan..natalie portman..isnt she beautiful? so's the film..pity its a bit arty farty

arent i good film reviewer

corse ya can charli
biggest film turnover is porn-more films than any other
you just know the 'acting' is gonna be crap lol
then its bollywood-cant comment on the acting
then we get to usa
most movies go straight to dvd-not to the cinema
the best films you'll watch are the nominations for golden globes
the ones that DONT win are usually the best ones
the ones that get nominated are good
runners up are usually better

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