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I took some time out on here because my opinions were a bit different to the majority. Don't get me wrong - I really don't have a problem with that but ...............when I read that people won't post (until someone backs up their own opinion) for fear of losing it - it shocks me TBH. I'm not having a go at anyone, really I'm not but it makes me back off for fear of offending people ............ I sinply post my thoughts and that's why I (usually) come on here to swap opinions - throw my views into the mix etc.


I really wouldn't want anyone to lose it on account of me but when I hear stuff like that it makes me uncomfortable TBH. I shut down for a bit. (Not too long, but I do). Am I alone in this? 


I know I'm not the 'easiest' of FM's but I don't set out to offend.

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 I am happy to admit that if a subject is obviously very contentious and I don't agree with the majority (which in politics I don't), I will sometimes post if I feel very strongly about what is being said, but most of the time I will  simply avoid the threads. I do believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion and I will certainly stand my corner if I need to (especially in RL),  but I am just not confrontational, and I do think that with words on a screen it is far to easy to unintentionally cause offence.  *heads for the hills*

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Soozy, you are an individual with strong opinions, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I may not always agree with you (sometimes I do) but you have certainly never offended me.

Keep on posting.

Thank you Yogi ...............I do have strong opinions you're right but .................if we have opinions should we not voice them? I was shocked TBH that someone was holding back for fear of losing it! Why? Not everyones opinion is the same - this is (sometimes) a great debating forum and we have to accept that we can't all agree all the time. If we can accept that we don't all see things the same ................why lose it? DON'T LOSE IT .......throw your views into the mix. Well that's how I see it anyway (without being offensive).

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Baz:

 l, and I do think that with words on a screen it is far to easy to unintentionally cause offence.  *heads for the hills*

Don't head for the hills You've just summarised it completely!


I know if I met peeps face to face it'd be a whole different story. 

 I am sure that is true Soozy In RL I would take on all comers

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Soozy, you are an individual with strong opinions, and there's nothing wrong with that.

I may not always agree with you (sometimes I do) but you have certainly never offended me.

Keep on posting.

Thank you Yogi ...............I do have strong opinions you're right but .................if we have opinions should we not voice them? I was shocked TBH that someone was holding back for fear of losing it! Why? Not everyones opinion is the same - this is (sometimes) a great debating forum and we have to accept that we can't all agree all the time. If we can accept that we don't all see things the same ................why lose it? DON'T LOSE IT .......throw your views into the mix. Well that's how I see it anyway (without being offensive).

Originally Posted by Moonbeams:

Do as you want Soozy. people agree, people disagree such is life.

Indeed ....................but sometimes you can be made to feel bad. More than once I've taken time out because of this as I wouldn't want to offend.


I try not to be offensive (obviously doesn't work all the time).


The thing is sometimes people don't want to debate and take offence when someone disagrees - in all honesty I've possibly done the same myself at times.


The thing is ................people really shouldn't feel made to feel uncomfortable for having a differing opinion. I don't work (outside the home) anymore and miss topical discussions TBH. A discussion is all the more interesting if there are differing views IMO. No one should be offended or make others feel uncomfortable simply because they have a differing view IMO.

Soozy Woo

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