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To be honest watching the Nathan meal on live feed, he was very annoyed and yes I think it was justified, it was karma.Corin did say Nathan never mentioned security, in no way did she imply he said that and those were her own words. 

He deserved it, he's got to learn he can't go through life heaping sh*t on people because he doesn't agree with them. Not that he will learn from it I doubt, he's not sorry he said it, he was just upset at the consequences.
I think she was just reporting things as she saw them just as  JJ2 implied that he might get beat up as his, i would leap at a man through a wall (or whatever it was) statement....not that this ever gets much of a mention

the fact she took delight in saying it is perfectly justifiable given the treatment she's been receiving off him...I am only sorry she then tried to put him at his ease by saying Nathan wasn't that sort of guy...i would have left the little fecker sweat !
DanceSettee offline 3,805 Forum Posts Today at 12:42 PM Last Edited: I think she was just reporting things as she saw them just as JJ2 implied that he might get beat up as his, i would leap at a man through a wall (or whatever it was) statement....not that this ever gets much of a mention the fact she took delight in saying it is perfectly justifiable given the treatment she's been receiving off him...I am only sorry she then tried to put him at his ease by saying Nathan wasn't that sort of guy...i would have left the little fecker sweat !
I think Corin's the best of a sorry bunch. JJ1 couldn't control her (Corin can't even control her obsessiveness over her appearance) so he drip fed his foot soldiers in to his insights on her 'deviousness' and sat back and regaled. It's only when JJ1 couldn't resist taking Rachael down a peg or two (the cheek!!) that he had no one (no Sam, no Dave, no JJ2) to shift the responsibility on that JJ1 became exposed as the coward he is. 
Corin was the bearer of this message, in all her orange, bewigged Glory
I think she was just reporting things as she saw them just as JJ2 implied that he might get beat up as his, i would leap at a man through a wall (or whatever it was) statement....not that this ever gets much of a mention the fact she took delight in saying it is perfectly justifiable given the treatment she's been receiving off him...I am only sorry she then tried to put him at his ease by saying Nathan wasn't that sort of guy...i would have left the little fecker sweat !
Reference: DS
I think she was just reporting things as she saw them just as JJ2 implied that he might get beat up as his, i would leap at a man through a wall (or whatever it was) statement....not that this ever gets much of a mention the fact she took delight in saying it is perfectly justifiable given the treatment she's been receiving off him...I am only sorry she then tried to put him at his ease by saying Nathan wasn't that sort of guy...i would have left the little fecker sweat !
In John James defence he didn't start the whole wig taking thing, it was Dave, JJ2 and Sam, but it got mixed up together with the make-up issue for the task. I'm not condoning what the guy said or the way he has behaved, but I feel it's a little unfair that he's coping the lot.

Also, I tried putting myself in his shoes and felt for him a little that he was unaware of outside going ons and the safety of his Mum. We often hear about how paranoia and anxiety are exaggerated in the house, imagine what he was feeling. I know some will say that it's his own fault and that he shouldn't act or behave in that manor, but he is just a human being at the end of the day and one that has a different cultural back ground. 

I don't blame Corin so much for this situation, although you can't blame her for trying to get revenge. I blame BB. Not only should they of intervened when the wig/make-up stealing was taking place, they should of foreseen the consequences of the Rachel situation.
safety of his Mum.
what did he think was going to happen to her, did he really think Nathan would hit her just because of his behaviour, did he worry about how other peoples mums felt watching someone they love be shouted out be him, like they say what goes around comes around, if you can't deal with it don't deal it out
The thing is all of them are going stir crazy and every little thing gets magnified because they are in each other's company 24hours a day.
BB should act more like it's name and intervene earlier. It certainly should have done with the whole wig incident. But it is not run by the same team that started the original BB - it is all about entertainment and less about a social experiment.
what did he think was going to happen to her, did he really think Nathan would hit her just because of his behaviour, did he worry about how other peoples mums felt watching someone they love be shouted out be him, like they say what goes around comes around, if you can't deal with it don't deal it out
I believe that the Hm's family etc are sharing the same hotel, you can't blame the guy for being worried or concerned. It is his Mum after all.
Reference: what did he think was going to happen to her, did he really think Nathan would hit her just because of his behaviour, did he worry about how other peoples mums felt watching someone they love be shouted out be him, like they say what goes around comes around, if you can't deal with it don't deal it out I believe that the Hm's family etc are sharing the same hotel, you can't blame the guy for being worried or concerned. It is his Mum after all.
I'm sure everyone would care about their mum but seriously what do you think is going to happen to his mum by any of the other evicted Hm's
see now I have to disagree, I don't think her enjoyment of the situation is justified, yes point out his faults which they all have done to him, and yes it has had the desired effect, to make him reflect on what he said, but I think to say that security would be needed at the wrap party, was too much.
totally agree.
I would love to give a non bias opinion on Corin but she lost my support over the whole girlfriend thing and since then i cant look at her and see the funny daft and dippy nice girl i used to, who used to be my winner. I see a cold, detached, determined person who i dont like.  So when she was talking to jj i just saw two people as bad as each other winding the other up.
Also, I tried putting myself in his shoes and felt for him a little that he was unaware of outside going ons and the safety of his Mum.
Does he judge everyone by his own standards I wonder,does he think Nathan will be recording his mum or following her around the place including to the loo shouting through the door to keep the argument going,thankfully most folk aren't like he himself is so his mum's safety isn't at risk.
I agree with all Monkey said.

I certainly don't blame Corin for taking her revenge. I think she was very restrained.

It's been a crazy week in the BB house, BB have stired it right up! And by the looks of things are contiuing today with Titan the Robot spewing out the nominations.

I'm in two minds about what BB have done.....I don't like seeing people upset, whether they deserve it or not, but I have to say, it's made for a very interesting last week  (proper...not this pretendy UBB rubbish) of BB.
like they say what goes around comes around, if you can't deal with it don't deal it out I've found that very often the people happy to give it out cannot take it back.... twonks, the lot of them
very true, i say it to my daughter when she starts arguing with people on MSN/FB, would you be doing the same face to face, could you handle yourself against them 99 times out of 100 she says no and i say well think before you speak them TWONK  and don't come crying to me if they smack you one

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