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Originally posted by kimota:
Its a mixture of being spoilt and being stroppy, combined with her trying to use her psychology knowledge to play other people!

some people claim she has a psych uni degree and others have told me she doesn't have one.
she SEEMS to have a profound grip on psychological strategies.
she seemed like an only child to me, but she said she's got several siblings.
Originally posted by Anita Biernow:
Originally posted by kimota:
Its a mixture of being spoilt and being stroppy, combined with her trying to use her psychology knowledge to play other people!

some people claim she has a psych uni degree and others have told me she doesn't have one.
she SEEMS to have a profound grip on psychological strategies.
she seemed like an only child to me, but she said she's got several siblings.

What do you mean when you say she seemed like an only child?
Originally posted by Fan of the girls:
here's a couple.

rebellious, ignores, rejects what's given, distant, cold, aloof, self-satisfied, unmotivated, self-satisfied
closed, guarded, secretive, uncaring, unfeeling, callous, rejects change, cheerless, gloomy, sour, grumpy, inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncooperative, unhelpful, combative, cowering, fearful, rude, impolite, indecisive, uncommitted, uncaring, hostile, indecisive, unsure, does what is convenient, relents, gives up, unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent kept back, tight, constricting, life can't be trusted, lack of faith in self, others can't be relied on, inflexible, rigid, unbending, stubborn, unforgiving, resentful, spiteful, unfocused, scattered, authoritarian, controlling, unfriendly, distant, aloof, hostile, wasteful, spendthrift, stingy, miserly, selfish, ill-will, malice, hatred, ungrateful, unappreciative, lazy, dishonest, deceiving, lying, arrogant, conceited, ego-centric, indifferent, uncaring, complacent, indifferent, jealous, envious, covetous, unkind, uncaring, cruel, mean, immature, vain, narrow, close, small-minded, intolerant, pessimistic, allows imperfection, flagging, fleeting, unsustaining, impractical, not viable, late, not on time, naÃŊve, impractical, unreliable, undependable, disrespectful, rude, impolite, blames others, unreliable, undependable, unresponsive, unreceptive, lack of self confidence, insecure, directed by externals , undisciplined, unrestrained, indulgent, self-esteem, confidence - low, self-centered, dependent, selfish, Insensitive, indifferent, silly, trivial, petty, insincere, dishonest, social approval required, unsympathetic, unfeeling, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, insists on own view, thoughtless, inconsiderate, callous, suspicious, mistrusting, pretentious, affected, ostentatious, selfish, stubborn, unwilling, reluctant, convenience first, doesn't achieve, conventional, alcohol and/or drug dependent, dull, ignorant of opportunities, excitable, nervous, dirty, unkempt, lack of, jumbled goals; directionless, muddled thoughts, confused, leaves hanging, doesn't complete, doesn't comprehend, unconscious of one's strengths, destructive, complaining, uncreative, tries to do everything, reckless, scrimps on details, leaves mental capacities as is, directionless, unfocused, dissipating, passive, uneducated, education not exceed previous generation, education less than present level of achievement, education less than previous generation, inefficient, lack of effort, effort wasted, listless, not entrepreneurial, visionless, inexperienced (in area), tired, fatigued, unfocused, addled, scattered, goalless, directionless, evil, clumsy, never has enough time, poor health, weak constitution, no goals, lower, no social interests, ideas don't motivate to act, unimaginative, stays the same, in static or declining field, lacks initiative, conservative, lacks insight, blind ignorance, stupid, uniformed, yields to others, lives on the surface of life, superficial, unlucky, unmotivated, biased, oblivious, disorganized, impatient, expectant, non-engaging, distant, cold, lack of stamina, impolite, ill mannered, rude, previous failure in family life, previous failure in school, previous failure in work, chit-chatting, amateurish (acts), no professional qualification, irregular, erratic, relationship with other(s) negative, unremorseful, helpless, irresponsible, does for doing's sake, being merely occupied, averse to risk, seeing only parts of the picture, self-satisfied, lacks any spiritual, inner connection, lack of stamina - weakness, stressed, tense, (has had) indifferent, uncaring family or friends, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, weak, untrustworthy, impoverished, poverty in present generation, ill behaved, work is in conflict with personal life.

I am impressed! I bet you would have won the alphabet task! Big Grin Mind you you are probably correct in your assessment too!
FOTG: You missed blame mongering out! Big Grin

My theory on her actions after the hologram visitation is as follows: HMs reactions were similiar, emotional for the individual but produced similiar emotions from the HMs watching but would also produce an AW! factor from the audience!
However Bea's visitation lacked this emotion because it was more light hearted and jolly so she would not/didn't achieve this 'aw' factor.Relizing this she went into overdrive in order to achieve that desired affect! In her mind she would have thought that she would need to show that she was deprived in someway therefor disadvantaged and would recieve a modicum degree of sympathy from the public at least!
But and there is always a bu with Bea, by prolonging the onslought of the poor me,poor me! instead of getting what she really wanted she started to get resentment [from lisa] and the urge to laugh from Rodrigo and other HMs and also from the wider public.... I certainly had the best laugh I have had this series.. it was the utter pathos.... like a black comedy!
Sorry Bea it really did not work with me!
Originally posted by Lister_of_Smeg:
Originally posted by Senora Reyes:
She's horny.

yep thats why she wanted to move over Siavashs bed with him but tbh i wouldnt be suprised if she had sex with Marcus she seems that kind of girl to me Laugh

Oooh she had better not have sex with Marcus! He doesn't like her personality so she will say she'd been used and try and make a storyline out of more "emotional pain". Where was she when Freddie was suffering? Driving the nails in, that's where. Goose/Gander.
She is a spoilt and selfish person. She has a very manipulative personality and is used to being the controlling one, both with her friends and in her relationships. I think she expects people to do as she wants all the time and, if they don't, then they become her "enemy" and she will do all in her power to bring them down.

Basically, she is just spiteful and nasty!

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