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She's just one of those self obsessed, ignoramus, egotistic, ignorant, wannabe dullard type people that exist in may areas of society.

I believe sometimes people are just born the way they are....sure parents/upbringing does have input into peoples personality traits....sometimes though people are just arseholes. Nod Like Bea!

I know
As far as Bea is concerned, the world revolves around Bea and Bea's personal feelings and needs basically. We (the rest of humanity) only have a function to benefit Bea in some respect, she'll use charm and consideration toward others if in the long-run if it ultimately benefits her. Other than that the needs of her fellow man are irrelvent. Perhaps maturity and a few of life's knockbacks will right some of this, who knows.
Originally posted by Lion:
As far as Bea is concerned, the world revolves around Bea and Bea's personal feelings and needs basically. We (the rest of humanity) only have a function to benefit Bea in some respect, she'll use charm and consideration toward others if in the long-run if it ultimately benefits her. Other than that the needs of her fellow man are irrelvent. Perhaps maturity and a few of life's knockbacks will right some of this, who knows.
Good post. Nod
here's a couple.

rebellious, ignores, rejects what's given, distant, cold, aloof, self-satisfied, unmotivated, self-satisfied
closed, guarded, secretive, uncaring, unfeeling, callous, rejects change, cheerless, gloomy, sour, grumpy, inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncooperative, unhelpful, combative, cowering, fearful, rude, impolite, indecisive, uncommitted, uncaring, hostile, indecisive, unsure, does what is convenient, relents, gives up, unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent kept back, tight, constricting, life can't be trusted, lack of faith in self, others can't be relied on, inflexible, rigid, unbending, stubborn, unforgiving, resentful, spiteful, unfocused, scattered, authoritarian, controlling, unfriendly, distant, aloof, hostile, wasteful, spendthrift, stingy, miserly, selfish, ill-will, malice, hatred, ungrateful, unappreciative, lazy, dishonest, deceiving, lying, arrogant, conceited, ego-centric, indifferent, uncaring, complacent, indifferent, jealous, envious, covetous, unkind, uncaring, cruel, mean, immature, vain, narrow, close, small-minded, intolerant, pessimistic, allows imperfection, flagging, fleeting, unsustaining, impractical, not viable, late, not on time, naÃŊve, impractical, unreliable, undependable, disrespectful, rude, impolite, blames others, unreliable, undependable, unresponsive, unreceptive, lack of self confidence, insecure, directed by externals , undisciplined, unrestrained, indulgent, self-esteem, confidence - low, self-centered, dependent, selfish, Insensitive, indifferent, silly, trivial, petty, insincere, dishonest, social approval required, unsympathetic, unfeeling, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, insists on own view, thoughtless, inconsiderate, callous, suspicious, mistrusting, pretentious, affected, ostentatious, selfish, stubborn, unwilling, reluctant, convenience first, doesn't achieve, conventional, alcohol and/or drug dependent, dull, ignorant of opportunities, excitable, nervous, dirty, unkempt, lack of, jumbled goals; directionless, muddled thoughts, confused, leaves hanging, doesn't complete, doesn't comprehend, unconscious of one's strengths, destructive, complaining, uncreative, tries to do everything, reckless, scrimps on details, leaves mental capacities as is, directionless, unfocused, dissipating, passive, uneducated, education not exceed previous generation, education less than present level of achievement, education less than previous generation, inefficient, lack of effort, effort wasted, listless, not entrepreneurial, visionless, inexperienced (in area), tired, fatigued, unfocused, addled, scattered, goalless, directionless, evil, clumsy, never has enough time, poor health, weak constitution, no goals, lower, no social interests, ideas don't motivate to act, unimaginative, stays the same, in static or declining field, lacks initiative, conservative, lacks insight, blind ignorance, stupid, uniformed, yields to others, lives on the surface of life, superficial, unlucky, unmotivated, biased, oblivious, disorganized, impatient, expectant, non-engaging, distant, cold, lack of stamina, impolite, ill mannered, rude, previous failure in family life, previous failure in school, previous failure in work, chit-chatting, amateurish (acts), no professional qualification, irregular, erratic, relationship with other(s) negative, unremorseful, helpless, irresponsible, does for doing's sake, being merely occupied, averse to risk, seeing only parts of the picture, self-satisfied, lacks any spiritual, inner connection, lack of stamina - weakness, stressed, tense, (has had) indifferent, uncaring family or friends, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, weak, untrustworthy, impoverished, poverty in present generation, ill behaved, work is in conflict with personal life.
Originally posted by Fan of the girls:
here's a couple.

rebellious, ignores, rejects what's given, distant, cold, aloof, self-satisfied, unmotivated, self-satisfied
closed, guarded, secretive, uncaring, unfeeling, callous, rejects change, cheerless, gloomy, sour, grumpy, inconsiderate, thoughtless, uncooperative, unhelpful, combative, cowering, fearful, rude, impolite, indecisive, uncommitted, uncaring, hostile, indecisive, unsure, does what is convenient, relents, gives up, unenthusiastic, apathetic, indifferent kept back, tight, constricting, life can't be trusted, lack of faith in self, others can't be relied on, inflexible, rigid, unbending, stubborn, unforgiving, resentful, spiteful, unfocused, scattered, authoritarian, controlling, unfriendly, distant, aloof, hostile, wasteful, spendthrift, stingy, miserly, selfish, ill-will, malice, hatred, ungrateful, unappreciative, lazy, dishonest, deceiving, lying, arrogant, conceited, ego-centric, indifferent, uncaring, complacent, indifferent, jealous, envious, covetous, unkind, uncaring, cruel, mean, immature, vain, narrow, close, small-minded, intolerant, pessimistic, allows imperfection, flagging, fleeting, unsustaining, impractical, not viable, late, not on time, naÃŊve, impractical, unreliable, undependable, disrespectful, rude, impolite, blames others, unreliable, undependable, unresponsive, unreceptive, lack of self confidence, insecure, directed by externals , undisciplined, unrestrained, indulgent, self-esteem, confidence - low, self-centered, dependent, selfish, Insensitive, indifferent, silly, trivial, petty, insincere, dishonest, social approval required, unsympathetic, unfeeling, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, insists on own view, thoughtless, inconsiderate, callous, suspicious, mistrusting, pretentious, affected, ostentatious, selfish, stubborn, unwilling, reluctant, convenience first, doesn't achieve, conventional, alcohol and/or drug dependent, dull, ignorant of opportunities, excitable, nervous, dirty, unkempt, lack of, jumbled goals; directionless, muddled thoughts, confused, leaves hanging, doesn't complete, doesn't comprehend, unconscious of one's strengths, destructive, complaining, uncreative, tries to do everything, reckless, scrimps on details, leaves mental capacities as is, directionless, unfocused, dissipating, passive, uneducated, education not exceed previous generation, education less than present level of achievement, education less than previous generation, inefficient, lack of effort, effort wasted, listless, not entrepreneurial, visionless, inexperienced (in area), tired, fatigued, unfocused, addled, scattered, goalless, directionless, evil, clumsy, never has enough time, poor health, weak constitution, no goals, lower, no social interests, ideas don't motivate to act, unimaginative, stays the same, in static or declining field, lacks initiative, conservative, lacks insight, blind ignorance, stupid, uniformed, yields to others, lives on the surface of life, superficial, unlucky, unmotivated, biased, oblivious, disorganized, impatient, expectant, non-engaging, distant, cold, lack of stamina, impolite, ill mannered, rude, previous failure in family life, previous failure in school, previous failure in work, chit-chatting, amateurish (acts), no professional qualification, irregular, erratic, relationship with other(s) negative, unremorseful, helpless, irresponsible, does for doing's sake, being merely occupied, averse to risk, seeing only parts of the picture, self-satisfied, lacks any spiritual, inner connection, lack of stamina - weakness, stressed, tense, (has had) indifferent, uncaring family or friends, unsystematic, disorganized, disorderly, random, weak, untrustworthy, impoverished, poverty in present generation, ill behaved, work is in conflict with personal life.

And that's you scratching the surface!!! Laugh
The Devil In Diamante
I think bea knows she has went into the show way to late to win

She has to make something when she comes out,and the way to go is this years mrs bitch nasty,nicey nicey will get her no where.She needs to make an impact and this is her way of being noticed.The others karly noirin and sophie can make in the lads mags so where does that leave her,nasty impact and get noticed is better than nothing for her,she is being herself which is vile and she hopes to make on her vile personality that is true to her character.

Now she will be remembered for all the nasty things she has done but she will not care if it will get a few quid from magazines.

Although she is that hated they might not want her at all.

Now you be yourself in house and she is a nasty piece of work and she hopes to make on that when she comes out.

Its all about being centre of attention for bea even nasty attention will do her.

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