Sorry this is so trivial.
I have a pal who is a pretty good mate and I have known her since childhood (we are both in our early 40s; ) We fell out in our mid 20s and became pals again at the age 0f 40 (2 years ago...) She was a pretty unreliable friend half the time when we were teens, then she was OK for about 5 years from 17-22, then she became a very flaky friend again through our mid 20s.. always letting me down...
Anyway, we fell out at about 25, and didnt make up til we were 40, when we bumped into each other in town one day...
In the two years I have known her again, I have met her about every 6 weeks or so, for coffee or a pub lunch etc, and she has been good to be with, and a good laugh. When we says 'bye bye, let's do this again in 5 or 6 weeks,' she says 'speak to you soon... either you call me or text me or I'll call or text you.... But she never ever ever calls me... I called or texted her for the next meeting the first few times, but she has never done it to me. It's ALWAYS me.
A couple of times I have waited and waited, til it has been 8 weeks since we last met, and she just doesn't call or text. So I end up texting or phoning her. She is pleasant and chatty and we arrange a date to meet, and she turns up OK and we have a good time.
But this one thing is sooooo niggling me. Especially because the last 4 or 5 times - I have texted her, and she hasn't replied, and so I text her again 2 days after (asking if she has got the text message,) and then she still doesn't reply, so I phone her, and leave a voicemail message, and STILL get no response.
It's sometimes a week after my first message before she responds. But most of the time, I have to keep texting and phoning before I get hold of her... as she just rarely contacts me back.
The week before last, I texted twice in 5 days and then eventually phoned her at home, coz she never responded, and I left a message with her daughter. She still didn't phone, so I rang AGAIN, two days later, and finally got her...
Then we arranged to meet last thursday, and I was up all night with a tummy bug, and rang her at 8,15am the day we were meant to meet at 11am, to re-arrange. (I hated having to re-arrange, but I was very poorly... and she has re-arranged several times, so I am sure she didn;t mind...) Well she said she had to look at her shifts for the following week (this week) and she would get back to me 'over the weekend,' and let me know which day she could meet (this week ...)
Well it's Monday evening, and still nothing.... I texted her yesterday afternoon to say 'hi, are you still ok to meet this week?' No response. So I rang her mobile this morning. Voicemail. I just said 'hi, just checking to see if you still wanna meet for a coffee this week.' It's now 8pm; still no response.
SO what should I do. I'm getting fed up of 'chasing her...' She always turns up and has only cancelled two or three times, and has let me know the day before one time, and the morning of the day we were due to meet on the other time, and she buys nice gifts and always sends greetings cards to my family, and we chat for ages and have lots in common... but this is really grating on me. She is USELESS at contacting me; even when I contact HER 3 or 4 times.
Her usual excuse if 'I ran out of phone credit...' But this happens almost EVERY time I text or ring her... And furthermore, she has a landline, so she could 'phone me back..'
Has anyone got any advice for me? What should I do about this? And what should I do about the fact she hasn't rung with a day to meet this week as promised. I have contacted her twice over the weekend about it. I feel like I am being a nusiance by constantly texting and phoning, but it's only because she never returns my bloody voicemail calls or texts!
Sorry about this petty problem, but I am just not sure what to do...
I just wonder if I did not contact her at all, after we have left each other after having a coffe; whether I would see her or hear from her again.
Could this all be because she can't be arsed with me anymore? Or is it just an annoying trait she has, that I have to tolerate??? I just don't know..........But I don't think I wanna tolerate it much longer.....
Thanks for reading this; that's if you got to the bottom without falling asleep
I have a pal who is a pretty good mate and I have known her since childhood (we are both in our early 40s; ) We fell out in our mid 20s and became pals again at the age 0f 40 (2 years ago...) She was a pretty unreliable friend half the time when we were teens, then she was OK for about 5 years from 17-22, then she became a very flaky friend again through our mid 20s.. always letting me down...
Anyway, we fell out at about 25, and didnt make up til we were 40, when we bumped into each other in town one day...
In the two years I have known her again, I have met her about every 6 weeks or so, for coffee or a pub lunch etc, and she has been good to be with, and a good laugh. When we says 'bye bye, let's do this again in 5 or 6 weeks,' she says 'speak to you soon... either you call me or text me or I'll call or text you.... But she never ever ever calls me... I called or texted her for the next meeting the first few times, but she has never done it to me. It's ALWAYS me.
A couple of times I have waited and waited, til it has been 8 weeks since we last met, and she just doesn't call or text. So I end up texting or phoning her. She is pleasant and chatty and we arrange a date to meet, and she turns up OK and we have a good time.
But this one thing is sooooo niggling me. Especially because the last 4 or 5 times - I have texted her, and she hasn't replied, and so I text her again 2 days after (asking if she has got the text message,) and then she still doesn't reply, so I phone her, and leave a voicemail message, and STILL get no response.
It's sometimes a week after my first message before she responds. But most of the time, I have to keep texting and phoning before I get hold of her... as she just rarely contacts me back.
The week before last, I texted twice in 5 days and then eventually phoned her at home, coz she never responded, and I left a message with her daughter. She still didn't phone, so I rang AGAIN, two days later, and finally got her...
Then we arranged to meet last thursday, and I was up all night with a tummy bug, and rang her at 8,15am the day we were meant to meet at 11am, to re-arrange. (I hated having to re-arrange, but I was very poorly... and she has re-arranged several times, so I am sure she didn;t mind...) Well she said she had to look at her shifts for the following week (this week) and she would get back to me 'over the weekend,' and let me know which day she could meet (this week ...)
Well it's Monday evening, and still nothing.... I texted her yesterday afternoon to say 'hi, are you still ok to meet this week?' No response. So I rang her mobile this morning. Voicemail. I just said 'hi, just checking to see if you still wanna meet for a coffee this week.' It's now 8pm; still no response.
SO what should I do. I'm getting fed up of 'chasing her...' She always turns up and has only cancelled two or three times, and has let me know the day before one time, and the morning of the day we were due to meet on the other time, and she buys nice gifts and always sends greetings cards to my family, and we chat for ages and have lots in common... but this is really grating on me. She is USELESS at contacting me; even when I contact HER 3 or 4 times.
Her usual excuse if 'I ran out of phone credit...' But this happens almost EVERY time I text or ring her... And furthermore, she has a landline, so she could 'phone me back..'
Has anyone got any advice for me? What should I do about this? And what should I do about the fact she hasn't rung with a day to meet this week as promised. I have contacted her twice over the weekend about it. I feel like I am being a nusiance by constantly texting and phoning, but it's only because she never returns my bloody voicemail calls or texts!
Sorry about this petty problem, but I am just not sure what to do...
I just wonder if I did not contact her at all, after we have left each other after having a coffe; whether I would see her or hear from her again.

Thanks for reading this; that's if you got to the bottom without falling asleep