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My husband has a precision engineering company and is in real trouble, cant see it will go on for too much longer as his workload mostly relates to the car and air industry, we have 3 kids, a house etc and are both terrified, he is 37 but looks 57 at the moment, everyone is saying hold on as there is light at the end of the tunnel but i dont think we can,it has knocked him for six and made him realise how much the stress over the years has changed him, he would love to be a teacher, perhaps DT or simlar and i know he would be perfect, right temperement etc, he had good gcse results did a 5 year apprenticeship with the MOD etc but not sure if his dream can be fulfilled, firstly are there any grants available to people like him financially to see us through his training, i have heard there are but not sure, and also what about qualifications would he have to do A levels, or like other professions would they take his experience into account?
Sorry for humungous post but on 2nd glass of red and cannot contain the waffling Blush

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Kaytee:
Sorry for your situation Ju and Mr Ju Hug
I'm sure one of the teachers on the forum will be able to help

Thank Kaytee, just having one of those panic moments, cant believe how quickly its all escalated, no one will help him because he is a small company, believe me all the promises are as empty as my bottle of wine will be in about 15 minutes Eeker
Hi Juju Hug

He sounds perfect for teaching. They love people with real life experience, because they can bring a wider range of skills to the job.

The only problem I foresee is that he isn't a graduate. There is a Graduate training program which pays a salary during the year of training which is great for people with families and responsiblities. I don't know an awful lot about it but I believe there is another scheme for people who haven't yet graduated. It takes two years to train instead of one as they expect you to study for a degree along side. However, I have a feeling it may be for people who are part way towards graduating already?

There may be other ways that people can tell you about though. It's definitely worth investigating. Hug
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
TBH ..................teaching is pretty stressful too. Think he'd be better off working for someone else within his own field if his company does collapse.

I know people see teaching as an easy/soft option but it really isn't.

Thanks sooz, i know what your saying, i'm a nurse and thats pretty rubbish on the stress stakes, I think he just wants too pass on his knowledge too others, because his job is precision engineering it means he has the mathmatical and physics side already, he understands what the responsibilty would be and admires our friends who are teachers, god they work so much harder than what people choose to believe!
He has been asked on many occasions to leave his company and work for some really good companies but felt he should do what was best for us as a family, sadly they are now all in the same boat so working for another place may not be now so easy
Are you a teacher sooz?
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
Originally posted by Kaytee:
Sorry for your situation Ju and Mr Ju Hug
I'm sure one of the teachers on the forum will be able to help

Thank Kaytee, just having one of those panic moments, cant believe how quickly its all escalated, no one will help him because he is a small company, believe me all the promises are as empty as my bottle of wine will be in about 15 minutes Eeker

The financial sector has a lot to answer for. They're sitting on the money they have to make their balance sheets look better for their shareholders.
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Hi Juju Hug

He sounds perfect for teaching. They love people with real life experience, because they can bring a wider range of skills to the job.

The only problem I foresee is that he isn't a graduate. There is a Graduate training program which pays a salary during the year of training which is great for people with families and responsiblities. I don't know an awful lot about it but I believe there is another scheme for people who haven't yet graduated. It takes two years to train instead of one as they expect you to study for a degree along side. However, I have a feeling it may be for people who are part way towards graduating already?

There may be other ways that people can tell you about though. It's definitely worth investigating. Hug

Thanks ducky, i think u are right, its such a shame really, lots of really good people out there with a lot too give but no way too get there, just want too see him smile again, hes been saying hed love to do this for years, wish now we had looked into it sooner!
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Poor you. Hug

I know it can be really terrifying when your livelihood and therefore lifestyle is under threat. Having a Plan B before it happens certainly helps. Good luck.

Dan, thankyou you are always very kind and i know from reading your previous posts you know exactly how rubbish this situation is Valentine
i got no good advice to offer only that i firmly FIRMLY believe that everything works out for the best, even if you cant see it at the time. Ive been through hell and back a couple of times in my life and it still hasnt shaken my belief in this saying. Maybe this is the start of a new path and a better one for you all....keep positive Hug
Originally posted by Gypsie:
i got no good advice to offer only that i firmly FIRMLY believe that everything works out for the best, even if you cant see it at the time. Ive been through hell and back a couple of times in my life and it still hasnt shaken my belief in this saying. Maybe this is the start of a new path and a better one for you all....keep positive Hug

I keep thinking that in 10 years time we will look back on this and say bloody hell that was a bad year but we are in a much better place now, brilliant advice gypsie, will try and keep positive Valentinexxx
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Thinking of you Juju and your hubby. I hope your husband manages to sort something out.Hug Hug

Thankyou so much Queen, just having a really dodgy day today hopefully will feel better tomorrow..... saying that its my daughters first day at school Eeker ..... at least thats a diferent kind of worry Blush.....Am now going into total meltdown, will just call Dr Shiraz for advice Nod
Hi there,

Maybe teaching in further education would be the thing for him? He could do a bit of research into the local colleges to see which ones deliver the subject areas he's qulaified/ experienced in and send in a CV - often , if you do get offered work with colleges , it's temporary/ part-time contracts ( often very part time! ) but can often lead to more work, and colleges will offer teacher training to staff as CPD while in service. Worth a shot!

Good luck with it!
Originally posted by jujubedoo:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
TBH ..................teaching is pretty stressful too. Think he'd be better off working for someone else within his own field if his company does collapse.

I know people see teaching as an easy/soft option but it really isn't.

Thanks sooz, i know what your saying, i'm a nurse and thats pretty rubbish on the stress stakes, I think he just wants too pass on his knowledge too others, because his job is precision engineering it means he has the mathmatical and physics side already, he understands what the responsibilty would be and admires our friends who are teachers, god they work so much harder than what people choose to believe!
He has been asked on many occasions to leave his company and work for some really good companies but felt he should do what was best for us as a family, sadly they are now all in the same boat so working for another place may not be now so easy
Are you a teacher sooz?

I trained, I qualified, I changed my mind. The thing is - we have our own business - my husband does the practical stuff I do the bookkeeping ........although it's not a full time thing I really and truly would never have coped juggling the two.

I also trained (OU) so it was all school based in a very, rough, tough school was stressful TBH.............I'm sure there are peeps that love it and had I have been younger without kids of my own and other commitments I'm sure I'd have been one of them. It just wasn't for me.

Good Luck in whatever he decides.
Soozy Woo

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