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All this talk of 'brand new, fresh, innocent, i've not been banned' talk that is happening on t'otherside has got me thinking.


Why not get together and kidnapp all the golden oldies and newbies of the C4 days and get em over here? I don't really understand why people chose not come here. Its so user friendly and you can post images and videos and stuff. Plus we aren't inundated with Tweenies.


How can we get em over here? I'm not a member of t'otherside so may need to gather members of the Bea Brigade and the Super Sunshine Revenge Death Squad, plus anyone else that are members to lure them over here.


I think promises of great banter, interesting topics, gold tie debates and strip teases should suffice.


What do you think? Operation Go or No?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

well going by some replies, some left because the found it too tricky to post in, but i think its become very user friendly over the years.




was just an idea 

I think that was what it was to start with (not the same as ch4) but it's nearly the same now and i've seen a lot of the old members on FB saying they wished they had a BB forum to use and when i mention this place they still say no 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

well going by some replies, some left because the found it too tricky to post in, but i think its become very user friendly over the years.




was just an idea 

I think that was what it was to start with (not the same as ch4) but it's nearly the same now and i've seen a lot of the old members on FB saying they wished they had a BB forum to use and when i mention this place they still say no 


do we smell or summat? 


I don't think they appreciate the ability to post photos and videos 

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

I found it difficult at first Rawky, but persevered. I still don't know how to search back through my old posts or the posts of others though! Is that possible here?

I don't know Kimota. I've never done it. Perhaps someone can help you out 


I think there is an advanced search in the search thingy but I've never used it 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

well going by some replies, some left because the found it too tricky to post in, but i think its become very user friendly over the years.




was just an idea 

I think that was what it was to start with (not the same as ch4) but it's nearly the same now and i've seen a lot of the old members on FB saying they wished they had a BB forum to use and when i mention this place they still say no 


do we smell or summat? 


I don't think they appreciate the ability to post photos and videos 

I mentioned those things over in Real's Maggie50's thread. Maybe it will tempt some over here!

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

well going by some replies, some left because the found it too tricky to post in, but i think its become very user friendly over the years.




was just an idea 

I think that was what it was to start with (not the same as ch4) but it's nearly the same now and i've seen a lot of the old members on FB saying they wished they had a BB forum to use and when i mention this place they still say no 


do we smell or summat? 


I don't think they appreciate the ability to post photos and videos 

Maybe we could offer them all gold ties Rawky  

Originally Posted by Aimee:

When i've asked why i've always got the same answer *cliques* now i wouldn't call it cliques but when i first joined CH4 i did find people ganged up on you all together and there is a bit of the same thing here but i just post around them 


you see, i don't notice any ganging up whatsoever. The only times it may happen is if a 'poster who is no longer here' would say something completely moronic and insulting.

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally Posted by Aimee:

When i've asked why i've always got the same answer *cliques* now i wouldn't call it cliques but when i first joined CH4 i did find people ganged up on you all together and there is a bit of the same thing here but i just post around them 


you see, i don't notice any ganging up whatsoever. The only times it may happen is if a 'poster who is no longer here' would say something completely moronic and insulting.

Thats because everyone likes you 

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

I found it difficult at first Rawky, but persevered. I still don't know how to search back through my old posts or the posts of others though! Is that possible here?



Go to Search at the top of the page.


Click on Advance Search.


Click on Choose Member Name.


Enter member`s name in filter box.


Click Go. 


Click in the box with the fm`s avatar and name in it. (it will change to a lighter colour)


Click Choose Members.


At the bottom of the search content page, you`ll see "Include Replies?"


Click the "yes" button. 


Below that you`ll see "Order by."


Click the "date" button.


Press search. 


If you want to find past threads started by you or any other fm..instead of clicking the "date" the "relevance" button next to it. 


Press search. 


It seems complicated kimota  but it`s really easy once you`ve done it a few times.  


There are other searches you can do, you`ll see them on the page. 


Good luck! 






Originally Posted by Aimee:

When i've asked why i've always got the same answer *cliques* now i wouldn't call it cliques but when i first joined CH4 i did find people ganged up on you all together and there is a bit of the same thing here but i just post around them 

ch4 was a free for all. There was bullying. I don't care what anyone says. It happened. 


It all depended if you bit or backed down. If you bit you got hounded and if you backed down you got the piss taken out of you.....whether you were there or not. Not unlike here in the early days 

Originally Posted by pirate1111:

im lost


i tell ya


more lost than Mr lost on a day out from lost land


A lot of peeps that were C4 refugees didn't come here because SOMEONE else said this place was awful (original version that is) others did venture in ,but said the place was too difficult to find their way around, And though they were assured that they didn't have to go anywhere other than the GaGa forum they still drifted off. So most of them eventually settled on Digital Spy and/or FaceBook.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Its just that with fewer people the forum moves slower. After you're used to the rough and tumble and quick moving threads of C4, I suppose DS seems more like what you expect?


Its awful to say this, its a sort of the-elephant-in-the-room-situation...but this forum... well its going one way isn't it? Its makes me sad, I wish we could reverse it. 



Hi everyone.  I came here the first night it opened and had great fun working it all out.  I encouraged and helped others find their way around.  I felt so comfortable at the time because we were all newbies together.  I loved that we could post pictures, videos and a lighter regulation that we were not used to.

During the Josie/John James Big Brother the vibe in here changed.  I was very taken aback at some of the things being said about them by people I had always thought were really nice.  

During the Show where Nick & Victor (a man I despise) were doing their late night thing I said that I thought they were Desperadoes & was told to lighten up!  From that night on I never felt the same again some people can abuse others left right and centre I say something fairly innocuousness and am told to lighten up.  There was a stage where you weren't allowed to disagree with some and were made feel inadequate if you tried to.  Maybe my skin isn't thick enough and maybe I did need to lighten up but the friendliness was gone for me.  

I asked to be de regged and it never happened but I think that had something to do with me changing my email address.  

Apart from popping into the Darnies every now and then I don't have the courage to post here anymore.  

Make of it what you want, I don't mean to criticize or knock you lovely people but these are my feelings on it.   


You're always welcome here Tayto 


I wasn't too aware of the vitriol towards people during BB11. Although I was pre-occupied with real life situations at the time.


Although, some people have "flounced" and from my point of view its always the ones that have caused the aggro that have gone.


I'm always up for healthy fun debates, such as Bea being an awesome housemate


Hope you can come back a bit more often.

Originally Posted by Tayto.:

Hi everyone.  I came here the first night it opened and had great fun working it all out.  I encouraged and helped others find their way around.  I felt so comfortable at the time because we were all newbies together.  I loved that we could post pictures, videos and a lighter regulation that we were not used to.

During the Josie/John James Big Brother the vibe in here changed.  I was very taken aback at some of the things being said about them by people I had always thought were really nice.  

During the Show where Nick & Victor (a man I despise) were doing their late night thing I said that I thought they were Desperadoes & was told to lighten up!  From that night on I never felt the same again some people can abuse others left right and centre I say something fairly innocuousness and am told to lighten up.  There was a stage where you weren't allowed to disagree with some and were made feel inadequate if you tried to.  Maybe my skin isn't thick enough and maybe I did need to lighten up but the friendliness was gone for me.  

I asked to be de regged and it never happened but I think that had something to do with me changing my email address.  

Apart from popping into the Darnies every now and then I don't have the courage to post here anymore.  

Make of it what you want, I don't mean to criticize or knock you lovely people but these are my feelings on it.   

Oh no... Tayto I really missed you  The Josie/ John James was a really strange episode, and I'm sorry you were criticised over The Victor ad Nick thing. Let it roll off your back, please, and put it down to forum nonsense


Come back to us please Tayto? I am delighted to see you hun xxx


The only real nastiness I can remember was when Sam Pepper went into the house, and that forumer, who has now gone, and created 'that list', was unrelenting about his/her feelings towards Sam and anyone that supported him.


Bit crazy how far some people go with a t.v show like Big Brother. I mean it not like me to create a support group about one of the most detested housemates during BB10......*cough* 


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