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I'm almost certain that I'm the only Labour Party member in this area. As it happens i'm also the only person who cleared and gritted the footpath in front of my  house. It's what we were brought up to do. We have to walk over half a mile to find anyone else who did this.
To be fair many householders did clear paths so that their gas-guzzling cars might reach the main roads but in doing so deposited huge mounds of snow on the footpaths.
Can we then stereotype Tories as feckless and selfish with little grasp of the concept of society? Perhaps one of 'em will be along to explain what his big society means exactly.
NB I won't be making a public apology.

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Can we then stereotype Tories as feckless and selfish with little grasp of the concept of society?

I'd hate to tarnish all Tories with the same brush but that is the perception I get from my faraway land.

I heard Cameronboy wants to arrest every single student protester who caused damage... now wasn't he the one who said he wanted to reduce the prison population? Or was that someone else?

I want a Cameron doll for the top of my tree.  I would get immense pleasure from sticking my tree up his . . . .

Big Society?  We already have that.  We've had that for a couple of generations.  What we need is small communities where people look after each other, help each other.  Communities where we know our neighbours and look out for them.
I used to clear my own pathway.  Then the torrent of clipboard wielding Health and Safety Risk Assessment council jobsworths and their own particular parasites - the 'where there is blame there's a claimers' put the fear of Christ into anyone who did it so I stopped and so did everyone else.  Those changers of society bloomed under the politically correct umbrella of Blair and Brown.  Nothing to do with the Tories.  The backbone of society is eaten away by these nameless officials and we sure got plenty under the last administration. 
You could argue that the roots of selfishness go back to Thatcher and the loadsamoney ethos but that isn't what stopped me clearing my path.  It was the thought of some bunch of grasping parasitical lawyers supporting some bone idle b*stard who claimed my selfish snow clearing had caused the twisted ankle that resulted in me being robbed of any penny I had ever collected. 
We have become a totally risk averse society where serried ranks of daytime tv watchers dream of finding someone to blame and claim from. 
And it ain't gonna be me.  If the grannies drop in droves on my pavement because I didn't sweep it  I will be less likely to give my life savings to a thieving lawyer.  Now you could argue that the Tories are infested with thieving lawyers but the same charge could be levelled and Bliar and co as well.
Tooth Fairy
Agree with Tooth Fairy.

Luckily, I've got great neighbours in our cul-de-sac and we do try and help each other out and look out for each other. I couldn't grit my own pathway or drive last week so the neighbours did it for me. The road is the council's job, no gritters seen round here though, but the neighbours still went out there and did it, mainly to stop people sliding and parking in each others kitchens. Haven't always been fortunate to live around good people with common sense though. Some people really do amaze me.
Actually.. in the midst of the snowstorm, we had a wee blast of the community ethos/ co-operation and looking out for each other that used to be prevalent here - when I was yomping home having abandoned the car at work,strangers were helping each other  out, wishing each other safe journey , digging each other out of deep snow ( and deep sheeeit! ) .. normal service has been resumed now though and folks are scrapping over the last loaf in the shop .

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