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They're going to buy a puppy and move to the Cotswolds..

Clegg hears what Cameron's favourite 'political joke' is.

Har har!

Deman that puppy is so cute!!
It's gritting its teeth and saying "let the hell go of me.."

How does Batman's Mum call him in for his dinner?

How does Batman's Mum call him in for his dinner?
Din-ner, din-ner, din-ner, din-ner...Batmannnnnnnnnnn! 
Din-ner, din-ner, din-ner, din-ner...Batmannnnnnnnnnn! ?
Gold star for DiD!!!
VATman and Robbing? 

Seeing them together I can't get rid of the image that Barbie will oust Ken and replace him with Dave and Nick 

Reference: Blizzie
VATman and Robbing?

Reference: BLIZZIE
VATman and Robbing?
Don't mention VAT! I can feel my heart misbeating already. 

The body language as they met on the steps was interesting. Cameron shook hands with his right but grabbed Cleggs arm with his left. He then patted Clegg on the back (letting him know who was boss). As they turned to walk through the door Clegg then patted him on the back ........................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for all their talk 0 I'm certain there is (and always will be) a bit of one upmanship there, eg. Who looks to be most in control.
Former Member


VATman and Robbing?


I can't take a picure of the two of them together seriously..... there's waaaaaaayy too much forhead in that picture for just two men.

Give em 6 months and there will be a vote of no confidence..
Their Title is ConDem now---
There will be trouble ahead..


Does beg the question... If Nu-Labour were champagne socialists... how do we label the new administration?!

Let me be first to say it... I don't see either of them as Johnny Craddock, but they're both......
Let me be first to say it... I don't see either of them as Johnny Craddock, but they're both......

It's the honeymoon period atm, reality will soon set in, no way do I see this lasting 5 years
I don't see either of them as Johnny Craddock, but they're both......
'Nuff said Kaffy! 
Xochi...Cristal Coalition 

Just wonder how top Tories feel about Clegg being Dept PM? Cameron must have been desperate to offer this kind of deal..
Let me be first to say it... I don't see either of them as Johnny Craddock, but they're both......

Fandabbydosey Lockes

Let me be first to say it... I don't see either of them as Johnny Craddock, but they're both......
I hope all your doughnuts turn out like Fanny's 
Well I dont know about his hand Soozy but Camerons certainly got his head up Nicks Ass
Where did Pinky and Perky run off to?
Here they are 

Re the OP's thread question, according to a certain tv ad the future's Orange, which is probably about as false as the Alliance long term lol
Reference: Pam
Does beg the question... If Nu-Labour were champagne socialists... how do we label the new administration?!
BOGOF Liberatives? 
Sorry - I'm just finding this thread a lot of fun.


Sorry - I'm just finding this thread a lot of fun.
BOGOF Liberatives?
Eton Trifles? 
Vair good 

although probably more like Eton Mess, by the time it's all over.
Reference: the Toid
Eton Trifles?

Spotty Dicks

To you.....to me.....
Eton Trifles?
Deman!!! PMSL! 
Well done Scotty ........the best one yet

Reference Pam
how do we label the new administration?!
Condem(n)s? because in time some will feel condemned with this fake self serving for power alliance
Peter Brookes, stealing my jokes?

Well done Scotty ........the best one yet
Cheers Soozy but I think Blizzie`s ^^^ just stole my thunder! 
That`s brilliant Blizzie!

Reference: Scotty
Cheers Soozy but I think Blizzie`s ^^^ just stole my thunder! 
That`s brilliant Blizzie!
I wonder if Peter`s a member? 
Not me, blame Peter (the possible 'member') 
That`s brilliant Blizzie!

Still like the Chuckle Bruvs, though!

Cheers Soozy but I think Blizzie`s ^^^ just stole my thunder!
Not at all ..................I will always from now on think of the coaltion as 'The Chuckle Brothers Party'. You kind of hit the nail on the head there for me.Reference: Blizzie
Not me, blame Peter (the possible 'member') Still like the Chuckle Bruvs, though!

I'm loving the picture duos here ....................hang on - I'll be back - just thought of another one. Probably not that appropriate but it's got me giggling.
Reference: Soozy
Not at all ..................I will always from now on think of the coaltion as 'The Chuckle Brothers Party'. You kind of hit the nail on the head there for me.
That`s made me laugh out loud Soozy! 
Har har scotty!

Har har scotty!

Thanks for the idea katty

Reference: Triggers
He really does!
Maybe Pike`s his Dad! 

Friends with benefits?

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