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Reference: Ducky
*wonders what Olly has been drinking*
too much coffee ..I can't stop typing and have forgotten what this thread is about and ended up hijacking it a tad too..  oops 

Reference: Ditty
you know what Olly..... that's one of the nicest posts in response to the whole supporting JJ (or Shabby) thing, I have read on here this year I think when we have tried to explain our feelings this is exactly all we hoped for... thank you
aww Ditts yw,  I truly mean it cos you two do make it easier to understand... I tended to mainly spot the posts on my morning catch up so was way past the time to comment as things had moved on to much. .tis why I mentioned it here.. 

.and am sorry about the Rex thing he's the only HM  that makes me lose all sense of reason and go doolally ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference: Ditts
S'ok Olls.... when I realised you were on about Rex... I skimmed past the rest ... no need for you & I to cover that ground again!

I just wanted to explain that we all  get moments of irrationality and for me it was all about the  treatment of the 'sisterhood' more than anything else where he was concerned.. 

I do recall saying I'd happily go fro a drink with him down the pub cos he did make me crack a smile with his dry humour [even tho I hated admitting that at the time ]  so long as he didn't try to suppress me  cos he'd get a look that would tell him what was coming next if he tried that  . .  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
there have been times this year where it has felt like that is what is being said, just more subtly/indirectly/discreetly
Oh I know exactly what you mean Well I know I've been pretty vocal on the John James saga and his behaviour in the house, I hope at no time has it been construed that I think his supporters automatically would enjoy being treated like that. I have given off about Josie loads though cos I do think she is justifying what he does (so he thinks it's ok) - ergo, now being a right subservient muppet. (I also said a few days ago that I thought she was playing a clever game, but now I just think she's a bit wotless and clueless, or she's choosing to turn a blind eye to what's obvious to a lot of other people, either way she's made herself a bit of a laughing stock). Poor cow.
Yes karma, something like that, can't remember the exact words, no doubt those who it was targeted at will remember better than me
Dits has just said up there it was said to her. I'd expect crap like that on DS where all the idiots go, but I thought this place generally had a higher calibre of poster. Shame that there's shallow dicks like that about, I can only imagine they're not very well read on such situations.
Yeah, I just saw Karma, I knew it was Ditty,but thought it might have been Ducky too. Now I've gone and told Ducky when she didn't need to know, should have kept my gob shut!!!
Awww I'm sure it'll be alright. If anything I'm glad this has come up, will make me look out for posts like that and also make me think about what I'm posting before I press submit reply x
But its true,we do and have all fake tanned ourselves for the duration of the series
And very good you all look on it too!

I've only tried fake tan once.  Well, it wasn't even proper fake tan, just the "slow build up" moisturiser stuff.

Slow build up, my arse! I am now back to embracing my pale but interesting look
I've only tried fake tan once. Well, it wasn't even proper fake tan, just the "slow build up" moisturiser stuff.
Hahaha!! Ohhh that stuff can be lethal! The best one was the original Johnsons one that came out about 5 years ago, I've got the Dove one for olive/dark skin, but I rarely use it cos it's VERY effective The best fake tan I know of is St Tropez and at the cheaper end of the spectrum, L'oreal. I do still like a sunbed now and again though.
I was on DS again today and they make us lot look positively fluffy in comparison. 
they do now, I agree.

and historically this is the way it always was.   However, half way through this big brother there was a few weeks when it was fluffier over there... than here!

I actually started going there for my BB discussions for a little while
The best one was the original Johnsons one that came out about 5 years ago, I've got the Dove one for olive/dark skin, but I rarely use it cos it's VERY effective The best fake tan I know of is St Tropez and at the cheaper end of the spectrum, L'oreal.
See karma... on this we agree 100%

moisturisers ones - gotta be the Johnsons
proper tans - St Tropez the best (if you have the time & the spare bed sheets... and don't mind looking like a miner overnight)..      L'oreal Sublime stuff is the best one to whack on & go straight out!

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