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Say what you like about him but he has never physically threatened anyone in the house. You can almost smell the baying mob after his blood in this forum, the exact same people who shout the loudest about him being a bully want him hung drawn and quartered by Nathan and want front row tickets. Mental.
I know, it's barking That said, I do want him to receive an almighty chorus of boos

I purposely used the word 'bit'. .tho I do think his nasty side in prevalent over his nicer side.. am  not just going on his major rants in there but on things he's said about what he does on the outside. .eg liking arguing so much he will spend two days non stop arguing on youtube with someone about comments on videos until he feels he has won or got the last word..  not to mention the recording of stuff to make sure nobody lies to him...  that makes me think whoa too argumentative and too screwed up and anal which is  much more than can be considered part of normal behaviours we all have inside us..

as for the fans, well  I respect people have different tastes and like to support HM's and I know you and Ditts have had to take a lot of flack   but  I find, especially with the later years of BB and their penchant for finding very OTT characters, I cannot sustain any support for any HM because of such OTT characteristics which to me appear over and above the norm ,   I cannot support the insupportable if the nicer side is overshadowed so much by the nastier side,  and because that is me and the way I think and feel I can't understand the avid fan  'support at all cost til the end' thing at all and yes will admit to sometimes wondering what sort of people can sustain support after some things occur..  .. ..  not saying it's wrong it's just that I don't get it at all so am confused as to why a lot of the time.. .  could be me lacking something in my character that is maybe unforgiving to others, I dunno...   

think I've said this a number of times,  that it also maybe that is because  for me now it's all  about the show not the participants, cos mainly they are vastly inflated cartoon type characters and completely Media Savvy and a tad bonkers in the nut too...  Tis hard to explain what I really mean properly but am not intending any offence to fans, I just don't get them and yeah it does make me question why sometimes, due to my lack of understanding of them too.. .. .

gawd me brain hurts trying to explain stuff when I am rubbish with words....  think it's fallen out the hole in my head again ..

Anyway John got his call to Nathan so all is sweet in the BB house again  .

[I'm still trying to catch up on the forum overnight stuff   am only on page 3. .I better shut me waffle head up I think. ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I dunno about that Suzy. .cos am not sure I am saying what I want to say properly cos I don't  have the wordsmith skills to explain things very well. .I am much happier with Mathematical equations or Coding Algorithms than I am with words.. so much so that the other night Andrew was explaining to Dave what some of his Uni work involved and how solving one  equation can involve so much research in so many areas  to reach an answer to it and solve it bit by bit..  and I was mesmerised listening to him, thoroughly enjoying the chat and wanting to go off and do an equation afterwards. ..

I am a tad wonky in the head meself I think
Mount Olympus *Olly*
 I can't understand the avid fan 'support at all cost til the end' thing at all and yes will admit to sometimes wondering what sort of people can sustain support after some things occur.. .. ..
I can't understand the support at all costs thing either......and that's certainly not what I (or Ditty....if I dare speak on her behalf while she's not here ) ever do. I haven't wanted him to win the show for quite a while now, in direct result of his moody side. I can still appreciate him for other parts of his character though, or at the very least appreciate him for what he's added to the programme (for me personally) throughout the series.

My comment regarding the fans was in no way aimed at you Olly! But thank you for your reply anyway :laugh

I've just seen many throw away comments on here in the last week.... things like "I find it distrubing that people find him entertaining".... you know the sort of thing.

I'm sure most don't mean it in a personal way..... but maybe they need to think about it and modify that a "bit". I just find it hypocritical when JJ1 is criticised for dismissing everyones opinion but his own, and then the very people who hate him for it do the exact same thing.

It's not a big deal.....and I didn't mean to make it sound like it is, but I do think it needs saying. Ok, I'm a JJ fan, but I always do my best to be polite and respectful to people. It's a shame when some of those who profess to like the "nicer" HM's can't do the same.
I've just seen many throw away comments on here in the last week.... things like "I find it distrubing that people find him entertaining".... you know the sort of thing.
Mmmm and the sort of thing like:  if you support him then you must be the kinda woman who will relish in attracting partners who are perpetrators of domestic abuse...or summat like that
Ducks I knew it wasn't aimed at me and I know exactly what you meant.  

thing is as you mentioned it anyway  it reminded me  that I also have sometimes questioned, in my head, what type of people can be supporters of  xyz..  am only human after all..  and then I asked myself why do I question the people . .in asking myself I found  my explanation was that I just don't get the support thing at all,  and also am a very unforgiving person and tend to look on the negative more than the positive side of things which is not a good trait to have at all

 also I  kinda  view the program differently to a lot of people and expect different things from it.. .. tis  like I see the cast as a whole and enjoy or get mad at various parts of the whole at different times..  . again the words are escaping me again. .or the ability to express myself properly is .. .

anyway your post made me think about myself and what I do and where I am coming from. .hence me long waffly reply..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
ello Ditts.. 

I am on a ramble and this is only the first thread I've opened today... am stuck in it....

I do feel for you two and the points Ducks made about the 'personal' type comments sometimes made indirectly. .or maybe directly too..  just cos it may be a passing thought in someone's head,  and an irrational thought at that, doesn't make it right to say it out loud and be rude to people ... .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I also have sometimes questioned, in my head, what type of people can be supporters of xyz.. am only human after all.. and then I asked myself why do I question the people . .
That's normal I reckon ...... I have no problem with people thinking it, I've done it too!

The problem is you can watch LF and have an opinion on an event, and then it is described and interpreted COMPLETELY differently by someone else on here, and it happens frequently, to us all,  judging by the number of debates on here.

I just think that one single fact makes me wary of assuming my judgement is automatically right and others are wrong. It doesn't stop me from having my opinion (or believing I am right ), but it does give me pause to make sure I'm not insisting it's the only valid one.
I supported Science years ago. .only HM I ever supported. .    then I started LUTTing and suddenly they all got on me norks hence me bundling them into the one whole and commenting on individual events rather than individuals...

I'm up to page 2 on my overnight catch up now. .or it could be page 3 again cos I started around half 10 this morning and lots more has gone on since then so more new threads added.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ducky I have to say that I have read yours and Ditts' posts re  JJ   about how and why you came to support him.. despite his bad side..    and  also what you expect from BB and HM's  in general  and they  have made me stop and think a lot cos it has made some sort of sense to me in understanding a little where supporters come from because neither of you support blindly. . your support feels  more in the round to me as  you explain the whole,  so it makes sense for me 

I am not singling you two out it's just that  I know you've  both done some [or a lot]  posts explaining where you are coming from, more so than a lot of others, and they kinda stuck in my head as interesting and informative reads for me. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
WTF?! That's been said on here?
I haven't actually seen it put like that on here to be fair....(or maybe I just missed it ), but I have seen it alluded to a few times.  Either way it's pretty crap.

I have not once implied that those who like Corin must enjoy the pain of plucking their eyebrows to an inch of their sorry little lives. NOT ONCE!
) it would be very very wrong for him to flee from the house because he was in fear

I'm glad he hasn't walked too....... I would have felt robbed, robbed I tell ya, if I hadn't got to see him leave before Sammy Pepper. (and Corin....sorry Ditty   <<<<< this bit is me speaking for me alone, no connection to Dittys views whatsoever. )
Ducky I have to say that I have read yours and Ditts' posts re  JJ   about how and why you came to support him.. despite his bad side..    and  also what you expect from BB and HM's  in general  and they  have made me stop and think a lot cos it has made some sort of sense to me in understanding a little where supporters come from because neither of you support blindly. . your support feels  more in the round to me as  you explain the whole,  so it makes sense for me  . 

I am not singling you two out it's just that  I know you've  both done some [or a lot]  posts explaining where you are coming from, more so than a lot of others, and they kinda stuck in my head as interesting and informative reads for me. .
you know what Olly.....   that's one of the nicest posts in response to the whole supporting JJ (or Shabby) thing, I have read on here this year     

I think when we have tried to explain our feelings this is exactly all we hoped for...  

thank you
I must admit that I will hold me hands up to questioning what sort of women could support Rex after seeing the way he treated all women and how he  had to squish them beneath his feet to get control over them and subservient to him..   I kinda felt it was a betrayal of sisterhood thingy.. daft I know but he got to me so much so I lost all sense of rationale and popped..

I never could see past that side of him except on a few occasions when his dry wit managed to make me crack a smile and made me angry at meself for doing so.. . .

 I know his GF at  the time was a right mare but the way he used to chastise her to the point she bent her head in subservience to him and would almost say yes master, never mind his haranguing of Racheal  re her video, just set me off in a rage and still does to this day..  apart from Maxwell he is the only HM that has affected me to the point of being totally irrational myself.. sorry Rex fans
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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