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(2) Thanks I will.  Nathan's won't be all that free if he clobbers crab-boy and gets nicked for it.  As yours won't when you get lifted for your next assault I suppose.  Or do you miraculously avoid seeing people emotionally harassed people as you go about your daily grind?
 Nathan should have just said that JJ1 should suck his balls.
[Isadora] Isadora offline 2,189 Forum Posts Today at 7:24 AM Last Edited: Reference: Well if he was to shut his foul mouth, then he would have no need to be scared of the outside. He has been vile, insulting, a bully and pretty loathsome at times. Perhaps, he needs being taught a lesson or two on how to behave like a decent human being and a gentleman. Blimey! Well said that woman!
Say what you like about him but he has never physically threatened anyone in the house. You can almost smell the baying mob after his blood in this forum, the exact same people who shout the loudest about him being a bully want him hung drawn and quartered by Nathan and want front row tickets. Mental.
Say what you like about him but he has never physically threatened anyone in the house. You can almost smell the baying mob after his blood in this forum, the exact same people who shout the loudest about him being a bully want him hung drawn and quartered by Nathan and want front row tickets. Mental.

Saying that i would be first in q for tickets to see dave <Joke> not  lol

What was the title of the thread again..Ooo Calm down .. thats right Can't see that happening till three weeks on Friday.
Ev (Peachy)
John James has been the master of his own downfall...  He was given an opportunity to move on from something, he made a choice and took the wrong path..   he then went back into the house and relished his ragging of  Rachel embellishing it for all it was worth to the others.. .even saying she was near to tears.. and loving that!

Now Ben had already given him a hint earlier that the Public, Nathan at least, weren't too happy about his behaviour to women in the house, and he had this knowledge before he went for his Rachel task.. .in fact I think Nathan was annoyed at the way John was treating Corin too at that point.. 

Corin then meeting up with Nathan later, after John had shat on his GF, just gave John James more opportunity to learn what a bastard he was being and what to expect from his interviews when he left.. . Did he honestly expect he wasn't going to get hard questioning  on leaving for all his actions and aggressive verbal  behaviour  inside the house. .  I think he did to an extent but in a laugh it off way, but only clicked last night just how badly he had behaved and how bad the interview backlash would be..

Now Corin could have chosen to keep all of that info about Rachel and Nathan quiet. .I am not sure she didn't spill  as her way of payback to John James for his treatment of her and am also not sure what she did was wise for her own place in that house... but maybe the pressure of all the digs thru the week just got to her and all sensible thought went out the window.. it was payback for sure tho..

However as for BB  stitching him up as he and Josie seem to think they have,  I think the opposite.   .the fact he did what he did to Rachel was his choice completely.. he didn't have to take the bait at all.. but he then was given knowledge courtesy of BB letting people in form the outside about what to expect from the public and the potential interviews about his behaviour when he got out. 

In the past, nasty  HM have had it thrown in their faces the minute they stepped out into the glare of the lights with no time to prepare themselves for any backlash.. . John James now knows for sure what his interviews will be like. . tho it looks like he is going today anyway...  think I saw him packing his stuff..

If this thing serves to do anything I hope it makes John James rethink his behaviour in general and possibly realise it needs a bit of modification, but sadly I think what will really happen is he will run home to Mummy who will say there there  don't you let them nasty people get to you, you're lovely just as you are my little soldier..   ..

Also for what it's worht I don't think for one minute Nathan will do violence to John James. .I certainly hope not anyway... he seemed pretty smashed in that meeting with Corin last night too and extra gobby cos of that .. 

I do hate that the people in there are now agreeing John was in the wrong  but they were happy to laugh along with him yesterday about his Rachel treatment until the shit hit the fan.. 

oh gawd am on  ranty waffle  mode again. .  just need to vent..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I felt a little sympathy for him as he was indeed, in Josie's words 'stitched up like a kipper' but he acknowledged himself, that he had said hurtful things and had to 'face the consequences' As Corin said in the garden, you cant go through live being nasty to people and expect to breeze through life!
How true, love this post.
Ev (Peachy)
John James has been the master of his own downfall... He was given an opportunity to move on from something, he made a choice and took the wrong path.. he then went back into the house and relished his ragging of Rachel embellishing it for all it was worth to the others.. .even saying she was near to tears.. and loving that! Now Ben had already given him a hint earlier that the Public, Nathan at least, weren't too happy about his behaviour to women in the house, and he had this knowledge before he went for his Rachel task.. .in fact I think Nathan was annoyed at the way John was treating Corin too at that point.. Corin then meeting up with Nathan later, after John had shat on his GF, just gave John James more opportunity to learn what a bastard he was being and what to expect from his interviews when he left.. . Did he honestly expect he wasn't going to get hard questioning on leaving for all his actions and aggressive verbal behaviour inside the house. . I think he did to an extent but in a laugh it off way, but only clicked last night just how badly he had behaved and how bad the interview backlash would be.. Now Corin could have chosen to keep all of that info about Rachel and Nathan quiet. .I am not sure she didn't spill as her way of payback to John James for his treatment of her and am also not sure what she did was wise for her own place in that house... but maybe the pressure of all the digs thru the week just got to her and all sensible thought went out the window.. it was payback for sure tho.. However as for BB stitching him up as he and Josie seem to think they have, I think the opposite. .the fact he did what he did to Rachel was his choice completely.. he didn't have to take the bait at all.. but he then was given knowledge courtesy of BB letting people in form the outside about what to expect from the public and the potential interviews about his behaviour when he got out. In the past, nasty HM have had it thrown in their faces the minute they stepped out into the glare of the lights with no time to prepare themselves for any backlash.. . John James now knows for sure what his interviews will be like. . tho it looks like he is going today anyway... think I saw him packing his stuff.. If this thing serves to do anything I hope it makes John James rethink his behaviour in general and possibly realise it needs a bit of modification, but sadly I think what will really happen is he will run home to Mummy who will say there there don't you let them nasty people get to you, you're lovely just as you are my little soldier.. .. Also for what it's worht I don't think for one minute Nathan will do violence to John James. .I certainly hope not anyway... he seemed pretty smashed in that meeting with Corin last night too and extra gobby cos of that .. I do hate that the people in there are now agreeing John was in the wrong but they were happy to laugh along with him yesterday about his Rachel treatment until the shit hit the fan.. oh gawd am on ranty waffle mode again. . just need to vent..
BB Gave him enough rope, JJ tried to hang himself.

Enjoyed reading that.
Ev (Peachy)
Last edited by Ev (Peachy)
Reference: LL
Olly sometimes I think you are in my head

I don't think I worded my post very well. .am tired today and brain is not recharged  but I kept feeling last night, when Josie was going on about a stitch up,  that BB were  kinda preparing him for the outside in a way rather than stitching him up. .    if that makes sense..  it does inside my head anyway
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I will add that I can understand how worried he must be about his mother, as they are so close, and her seeing what the fallout from his behaviour is.. and his need to go asap to be with her..  tho am sure BB production are looking after her anyway...

But if he has any sense at all ti should make him stop and think that only he is to blame for his actions and he should suck up the backlash. . that's verbal backlash not violent backlash..   and there are consequences to his actions that spread further than just him.. a life lesson learnt maybe? 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
probably just as well Karms cos you'd need  a shopping trolley to roll that thing around . .not to mention the amount of drool it would create..

ION BB are stitching John James up so much, not,  they are arranging a Video link for him to speak to either his family, or Nathan or Rachel to stop him leaving. .

Beyond precedence for previous HM's..  that we've been allowed to see that is. . am sure things like that have gone on in the past..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
they are arranging a Video link for him to speak to either his family, or Nathan or Rachel to stop him leaving
So in other words, he's cacking himself cos someone has decided they're not gonna stand for his crap anymore and is quite happy to speak to him outside the safety of the house. People like John James make me laugh, if you can't do the time then don't do the crime. What a pussy.
*pokes head out from under uber clean super duper maxi duvet*

Seems BB are also feeding him lots of  info from the outside. .they are talking about how Natahn had breakfast with his mother this morning... anything to make him stay.. adn tbh I'd think more of him if he manned up and DID stay for a proper eviction..

He's more worried about his behaviour yesterday and seems to forget his verbally aggressive behaviour thru the whole show. .he needs to see it to amend it.. that's if he wants to modify himself a bit. .or to put it more plainly. .grow up and stop with the shouty  tantrums..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
If this thing serves to do anything I hope it makes John James rethink his behaviour in general and possibly realise it needs a bit of modification
Good post Olly.

I just wanted to highlight this part...... because it is just a "bit". He is not evil, he is not even a "bad" person.... he's just a human with faults. Some faults that need changing, but there is still a lot of good in him too.

Just like us all really.

Does he deserve to be criticised for his faults on this forum...... yes, because he chose to go on a game show designed to get us to do just that. Does he deserve all the OTT hatred thrown at him? I don't believe so.

Do his fans judgement deserve to be questioned for simply liking him despite his faults? Absolutely bloody NOT!!!! 

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