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Have you ever had anyone yell abuse in your face relentlessly. Accusing you of things you have not done or even thought about doing
OK...can you tell me who he has 'terrorised' then

Maybe terrorised is a strong word but all of those people he has made life hell for. He has gone on and on and on at them like a dog with a bone. He talks to Josie like she is a piece of shit and the silly woman is so scared of losing him that she does not see it.

Definition of terrorise?

create and maintain a state of extreme fear and distress in (someone); fill with terror:the union said staff would not be terrorized into ending their strike"

Now perhaps some people on here may think this is extreme but the fact is he is a nasty piece of work and no one has had the guts to tell him - apart from Sam funny enough. 
He deserves to feel scared and uncertain -- he has done it enough to other people. 
Breaking news.   John James hasn't left. He is now cuddled up with Josie in their bed. I've wasted a lot of the day to get to Groundhog Dar ffs!
He was NEVER going anywhere - this is just a huge attention seeking ploy to garner sympathy and unbelievably some people have fallen for it.
The horrible little scroat.
" If you treat twats in twattish ways you too become a twat.  Or a bell end. "  He had it bang on.
I think the mythical God was closer to the truth. He (or someone writing on his behalf, as he didn't exist) reckoned you shout treat other people as you yourself would expect to be treated. He was spot on. I really hope someone treats JJ the way he's treated other people in the house.

Your 'anti-violence' stance in the defence of someone who has psychologically and emotionally harassed people in the house (and continues to do so, Josie anyone?) is despicable. But hey, it's a free world, knock yourself out.
Your 'anti-violence' stance in the defence of someone who has psychologically and emotionally harassed people in the house (and continues to do so, Josie anyone?) is despicable. But hey, it's a free world, knock yourself out

Two answers to that, Prom Queen:

(1) My anti-violence stance is despicable?  Really?  What an odd thing to say.  Never had you down as a meat head.

 I guess you must walk around in despair then at all these appalling human beings not metting out corporal punishment on each other.  Must be hard.

But then, I look on in despair at neanderthals hitting each other over then head so guess we're equal. 

2nd answer...

(2) Thanks I will.  Nathan's won't be all that free if he clobbers crab-boy and gets nicked for it.  As yours won't when you get lifted for your next assault I suppose.  Or do you miraculously avoid seeing people emotionally harassed people as you go about your daily grind? 
I think BB set him up good and proper he said he wants to leave because his mum is in the same hotel as Nathan and it has been insinuated he has it in for him he is worried about his mum, also Nathan on FB  is threatening what he is going to do to JJ1 and  Nathans fans are saying they are all going to beat him up etc Nathan is a thug,I hope JJ1 does leave before friday nobody should feel that afraid to leave the house I can only imagine his mother is worried for him,hopefully he will learn something about himself by this experience.
think BB set him up good and proper he said he wants to leave because his mum is in the same hotel as Nathan and it has been insinuated he has it in for him he is worried about his mum, also Nathan on FB is threatening what he is going to do to JJ1 and Nathans fans are saying they are all going to beat him up etc Nathan is a thug,I hope JJ1 does leave before friday nobody should feel that afraid to leave the house I can only imagine his mother is worried for him,hopefully he will learn something about himself by this experience.

well said marg
As yours won't when you get lifted for your next assault I suppose
I've never assaulted anyone. I gave you the clue earlier. 'You reap what you sow'. He is lower than the lowest and thinks he is beyond judgement until he thinks even for a moment he is challenged then runs away like a little girl.

He deserves everything he gets. 'He'. Not me. I do not assault people physically or emotionally thank you for suggesting otherwise you and him would probably get on like a house on fire.
think BB set him up good and proper he said he wants to leave because his mum is in the same hotel as Nathan and it has been insinuated he has it in for him he is worried about his mum, also Nathan on FB is threatening what he is going to do to JJ1 and Nathans fans are saying they are all going to beat him up etc Nathan is a thug,I hope JJ1 does leave before friday nobody should feel that afraid to leave the house I can only imagine his mother is worried for him,hopefully he will learn something about himself by this experience.
think BB set him up good and proper he said he wants to leave because his mum is in the same hotel as Nathan and it has been insinuated he has it in for him he is worried about his mum, also Nathan on FB is threatening what he is going to do to JJ1 and Nathans fans are saying they are all going to beat him up etc Nathan is a thug,I hope JJ1 does leave before friday nobody should feel that afraid to leave the house I can only imagine his mother is worried for him,hopefully he will learn something about himself by this experience.
I hope he is feeling afraid and uncertain. I am equally sure that all of this is just empty threats and male bravado from Nathan et al, I do not think that little worm will learn anything about himself at all. He will just think "poor little me". Nothing more useful than that,
Gypepperie offline 1,180 Forum Posts Today at 12:18 AM Last Edited: Its not right though that everyone that hates john james for being all the things hes accused of i.e aggressive and intimidating are happy that hes going because hes scared of whats going to happen to him. I do feel like the tv program has gone too far when someone is genuinely scared of whats gonna happen to them.
Well if he was to shut his foul mouth, then he would have no need to be scared of the outside.  He has been vile, insulting, a bully and pretty loathsome at times.  Perhaps, he needs being taught a lesson or two on how to behave like a decent human being and a gentleman.
Well if he was to shut his foul mouth, then he would have no need to be scared of the outside.  He has been vile, insulting, a bully and pretty loathsome at times.  Perhaps, he needs being taught a lesson or two on how to behave like a decent human being and a gentleman.

Well said that woman!

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