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Originally Posted by Baz:
Glad you got to see it Squiggle I think he looks so happy ...he's obviously a family guy ...and I still believe he was the most genuine one in there

So do I Baz. Everytime he's appeared on tv since he appears so much more natural and relaxed. Such a shame that he was unable to relax in the house.


I really don't care who wins now TBH - Gina was my second fave but WOW she's let herself down and is really showing her true colours.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
Glad you got to see it Squiggle I think he looks so happy ...he's obviously a family guy ...and I still believe he was the most genuine one in there

I agree and it sticks in my throat a bit that so much mud could be slung at someone (by someone who shall remain nameless ) which was then believed far and wide.  Glad to see him back with his family again and I wish him a happy future with a girl who is in a totally different league to the nasty Travers

I totally agree Squiggle ! It was all a total load of rubbish , whipped up by BB comments both inside and outside the House . Like you say , a nice ordinary guy , without the media savvy to be anything but himself . Plus I do wonder how long either the Twins or the Travers would have lasted against the pack had they been * single entities*
Originally Posted by Baz:
I do feel BB has now totally lost the plot ...there is no fun element in it any more ...even the tasks are all designed to cause the maximum strife and nastiness ...


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Awwww -that picture. He looks like a very tall little boy (if you know what I mean).


And although it would have been lovely if he wonn I'm afraid at the moment the venom is positively ooooozing from that house. I have no doubt he would have been on the receiving end of a lot of it.

So true, I truly am sick of all of the rest of them bar Sam, and he is receiving such nastiness now, why, because he might stand in the way of one of the nasties being crowned winner.

I've never really subscribed to the * anything goes as long as their entertaining * idea ...I like my HMs to be nice too Until the last ten days , or week or so , I had high hopes that Gina may be both ...but, as with Dexter before her , the mask eventually slipped ! I'm now firmly rooting for Sam ...and am even willing to countenance the Twins

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