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Well..... someone had to do it.


I feel he's had a really rough ride in there. I hate seeing people ganged up on and that's why he'll be getting my vote.


I love Gina and wouldn't mind if she won but TBH I'd just love Callum to get the accolade and the money - I'd just love to see the smug look wiped off other HM's faces.


I'm crap at keeping lists/numbers etc. So if anyone wants to be my deputy feel free.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I like Callum Sooz and I am getting a bit tired of people having a go at him.  He's socially a bit awkward and insecure, not surprising the way people have been bitching about him behind his back.  I hope he stays well away from Charlie now he found out she nominated him.  I am quite used to supporting the underdog and I would just like him to make the final.


Lol, at erinp 's  pic.


I like Callum most days, then he makes me frown, I don't look good frowning.


I think he gets a lot of flack for no other reason than people pick up the buzz words 'creep' or 'psycho' which in the context is pretty stupid.


But then again, I'd quite like Hazel to win, but think Gina will and I'd be happy with that too.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I like Callum Sooz and I am getting a bit tired of people having a go at him.  He's socially a bit awkward and insecure, not surprising the way people have been bitching about him behind his back.  I hope he stays well away from Charlie now he found out she nominated him.  I am quite used to supporting the underdog and I would just like him to make the final.


Originally Posted by Baz:
ROFL ... Seriously Soozy ! Honestly !!

Yep couldn't make it up. Someone said if we accept that Sam and Callums behaviour wasn't wrong during the spray tanning and we think people are being too pc - we then have no right to moan if our mothers are groped at the checkout in Tescos


There really are some total loons over there - it is hysterical.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Baz:
Soozy , I will continue to support Callum...unless he turns into an axe murderer But I am going to fight the fight elsewhere

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww Baz - my server went down and I missed it all. I'm not sure how it all played out but |I am sure that BB are in the wrong to ply them with booze and constantly keep putting them in these really confrontational /contrived situations. It's like asking for a fight night.

Soozy Woo

With all the other hm's I either like, dislike, and there's one I'm neutral about atm. With Callum it's different. I won't be joining but it's not because i have an intense dislike for him as I don't have an intense like for him either. I just view him as one of the strangest characters to have been put in BB since I've been watching - have only missed one season.


I find him fascinating to observe, his facial contortions that convey so many emotions, especially anger that he tries to suppress at times by biting the inside of his cheek and narrowing his mouth. He seems to have a need to feel needed, a need to feel superior to Dexter even though he accuses Dexter of acting superior to him. Don't think I've ever seen such hate from one hm to another than his for Dexter. One thing I constantly come back to though is his eyes. I've always been fascinated by eyes as they can say so much about a person that can't be hidden whether it's good bad or indifferent. Such a dark intensity, they're so deep set as to want to hide from scrutiny the basic character of the person, I've observed it before with certain types of characters and I'm always reminded of birds of prey. Just a few of my thoughts and personal observations......other opinions/observations are available. lol.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

It's rather a struggle defending Callum on DS jeeeeeez - there really are some unreasonable posters on there.

They are the one's that are creepy  they would argue over if it was day or night 

So true, I swear if no-one else turned up they would end up happily having an argument with themselves, each part of their ego taking a different viewpoint and then slanging the other off


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