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Originally Posted by Syd:

Emma whatever her name is on BBOT is crude, and looks even cruder as a pregnant lady spouting crudities!.


Makes Dermot and  Russell seem like choir boys.  

Hey Syd're Old Fashioned




SO AM I! I don't like her presenting style at all ...........don't like her much either TBH.

Soozy Woo

I find Emma crude as well and it is not becoming to a pregnant woman. She does try too hard in her presenting, but if you remember when Davina did the BBBM show she also came out with the crudities, a mother of 3 was behaving/talking like a teenager,trying to be "down with the kids."  

They need to be more professional in my opinion.

Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

Not sure I'd call her crude.


I'm glad she told Victor off, when he was being his usual disgusting self! 

Yes, he was vile... a really horrible dirty old man.. made my skin crawl...  Obv not getting any shagging.  When a man rants on about sex and talks 'dirty' it's almost always coz theyre not getting it.  They talk about it, to try and convince people they're getting it...  and at it like rabbitsWhen all talking about sex all the time does is convince me even more that theyre not getting any.  Victor makes me feel sick.


I can't see the problem with Emma being a bit rude though, on a late night show... and what has her being pregnant, or having kids already, got to do with anything?  


Some of the comments on here are puzzling me I must admit.  Are people supposed to lose their personality and never say anything naughty or any swear words ever again, when they are a mother?    I bet people wouldnt put these kind of comments if it was a man who has children saying the same things that Emma has been saying...

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Indeed it would be better had she had a virgin birth. And, as a woman, she should have never made any reference about sex or used any sexual language EVER. And, having a stickie out belly button in pregnancy that people can see No, I agree,she should never have appeared in public in the state she is in

  That made me giggle... have to admit, i find some of the comments here really quite old fashioned and a wee bit sexist and a tad judgemental.  JMO of course.


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