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Originally Posted by cologne 1:

Can someone enlighten me please. Cheers.

The birthdays are on the sidebar..look to your right>>>

There`s a calendar page at the top of the forum ( look for calendar ) which also gives all the birthday dates.


I prefer them to be hidden. I`m not trying influence your vote btw.

Last edited by Scotty
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally Posted by Abo:
Originally Posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:

Job done! 


No more pesky birthdays for me! 


41 for ever!!!!!!


dammit..   this would have been better if I had done it twenty years ago 

I'll take 20 years off for you


Ditty is now 21 forever




Abo is now my bessie mate forever  


Lori did say on the right Sparkles. So yep...that's the one.


I have found it useful....I am still in touch with someone who used to post here but hasn't done so in over a year, and it was her birthday this week. I would have forgotten if it wasn't for the widget! Luckily I saw it and bought her a pressie and a card in time! Facebook doesn't seem to warn you when birthdays are coming up now.....or if they do it's so small I don't notice it anymore! 


So I voted "yes" for purely selfish reasons

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I think Lori struggles with her right and lefts


Hi Sparkles Lori did say left in her original post.... but half way down the page she told Cologne it's on the right. What you can see on the right is definitely the widget we're voting on.


(unless we're all seeing something different to Seattle of course )

I've ALWAYS struggled with my right and left. I have to stop and think, "now, which hand do I eat with??" Apparently I didn't do that. The widget really is on the right, even in Seattle.


Sorry to confuse...but confusion loves company.


I struggle with it too Lori I use the "which hand do I write with method". Complete with a little wiggle of my right hand to pretend I'm writing! I have even been know to write a big R and L on my whiteboard at school when I'm doing a translation lesson


I was a little worried that when I answered Sparkles' question it was going to ME who had it the wrong way round.


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