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Did we expect anything else, Nathan did say they wouldn't dare allow him in the house with JJ. No mention on the web site about what she'd had to out up with for 5 days when that was happening, I said earlier she'll go tomorrow night and I'm convinced she will. 
I've not agreed with this from the day Sam and Dave started it, I've not agreed with JJ1 meeting Rachael, I don't think any of them should feel intimidated, Corin by JJ and to a lesser extent Sam and I don't feel JJ1 should be threatened by Nathan's reaction.
BB manipulated the situation, they let Sam continue with his prank egged on by the other three, and then set up this final task for it all to unfold. 
I'm past caring, if this is in the name of entertainment, it's a sad society we are living in, that's just my humble opinion Supes.
I'm not sure anyone on here actually heard what she said,  I asked several times last night. Presumably because it was on lf when hls of the flood evacuation were on TV

She basically said Nathan wasn't happy about what JJ had said to Rachael, something on the lines of she'd sold her body when she appeared in nuts. He wasn't happy about what JJ had been doing to Corin and Corin related all this to JJ, although I think she added he might need security at the wrap part ( and that bit was in her head, as far as I heard).JJ2 was going on about he wouldn't be happy if he'd said the stuff to his girlfriend either, and JJ1 went into meltdown. Nathan also put it on is FB as Cologne rightly said he was going to kick JJ1's ass and that was before he went on the date with Corin.
BB manipulated the situation, they let Sam continue with his prank egged on by the other three, and then set up this final task for it all to unfold.
Couldn't agree more Dame Ann, then they ran scared when it was potentially getting them into hot-water 'cos a hm felt physically threatened. They presumably had plans for more ex hms to come in today, me thinks that isn't going to happen!!!
Agree with Dame Ann post but why did Corin say he would need security to go to the wrap party, I can understand her hating JJ1 and wanting some revenge but to make someone feel scared of leaving the house suggesting he will need security is way below the belt IMO

I cant stand the sight of him and hope he gets bood and does not have a good interview that is what he deserves but to be told he needs security when he leaves is something else.
Couldn't agree more Dame Ann, then they ran scared when it was potentially getting them into hot-water 'cos a hm felt physically threatened. They presumably had plans for more ex hms to come in today, me thinks that isn't going to happen!!!

It got well out of hand after the first day, when Sam and Dave were intent on upsetting Corin to either make her cry or blow, it should have been stopped dead in it's tracks then. They let it continue, but all the childish behaviour of the 4 blokes will be overlooked by one comment Corin made about security. 

There was nothing on highlights last night about Sam saying to Corins face, tangerine freak, pea brain aand you've already been dragged down...nothing and I'm not holding out for the 'you're going to have a night of hell' comment from him to her yesterday. If they do show it, it will be edited out of context.
Agree with Dame Ann post but why did Corin say he would need security to go to the wrap party, I can understand her hating JJ1 and wanting some revenge but to make someone feel scared of leaving the house suggesting he will need security is way below the belt IMO

I'm not saying what she said was right Marg, I thought when she said it, it was stupid. I really think she got carried away with the revenge and that one comment may have lost her a place in the final. Saying that, I'm certainly not going to make excuses for her, but I can in a way understand how her mouth ran away with her after the situation she'd been in.
They let it continue, but all the childish behaviour of the 4 blokes will be overlooked by one comment Corin made about security.
DA, presumably because JJ1 was v seriously threatening to walk, and I do believe he was serious on this occasion, Corin would have never walked. I'm surprised the Nathan comment on fb re kicking some aussie ass is still there tbh, thought that they would have asked him to remove it
DA, presumably because JJ1 was v seriously threatening to walk, and I do believe he was serious on this occasion, Corin would have never walked. I'm surprised the Nathan comment on fb re kicking some aussie ass is still there tbh, thought that they would have asked him to remove it

I'm surprised it's still there Supes, as I said BB orchestrated this situation, they encouraged Sam in his baiting, they have encouraged JJ1 to continue thinking he owned the house. Gone are the days when they took them into the diary room and chatted with them pointing out how their action could be perceived and how it could be looked upon as singling one house mate out. 
They allowed Corin to go to the end of her tether, and I don't for one minute agree with implying that Nathan would harm him, although I understand how it cam about. BB must and should take responsibility for how they have manipulated this BB into a hate campaign against house mates. I am pleased it's the last one and  PEJ and his team should hang their heads in shame to be offering this up in the name of entertainment.
Yes but if Nathan hadn't directly told HER he wanted to beat him up or that he would need security then she shouldn't have added bits that were never said.  (Regardless of what he has or hasn't said on FB

I did hear him say, BB wouldn't have dared allow him into the main house with JJ, and he would have loved to be handcuffed to him...he did imply loads of things Karma, I would have interpreted meaning to be he was going to confront him
I agree BB have manipulated the situation massively, but each HM is still responsible for their own actions. Also, all of the HM's have watched BB excessively, they know what goes on and what the producers want and some HM's in particular are not stupid, I don't believe for one second that JJ1 didn't see what was going on until afterwards. He could have kept his mouth shut with Rachael but he chose to be a knobend. His responsibility. So he cant go round squealing about it being unfair now just cos her BF heard and saw it all as it was happening. If it never came to light about Nathan he'd still be there basking in his so called glory about putting her down
but each HM is still responsible for their own actions. Also, all of the HM's have watched BB excessively, they know what goes on and what the producers want and some HM's in particular are not stupid, I don't believe for one second that JJ1 didn't see what was going on until afterwards. He could have kept his mouth shut with Rachael but he chose to be a knobend. His responsibility. So he cant go round squealing about it being unfair now just cos her BF heard and saw it all as it was happening. If it never came to light about Nathan he'd still be there basking in his so called glory about putting her down
Exactly Karma..... they might have manipulated the situation, but he had two choices, keep his mouth shut, or carry on as he has always done.... from what I have read he chose the latter, so c'est la vie!
He could have kept his mouth shut with Rachael but he chose to be a knobend.
I'm NOT defending JJ here BUT: she went in there to make him squirm, she thought she had the upper hand, she pushed all of his buttons and when she came off worse in the end, her bf stepped in as the big hard man with threats of kickin his ass, Rachel love, if you don't want your fingers burned you shouldn't play with fire. Ah well, suppose two largely forgotten hms have got themselves some publicity!
I can fully understand that Super, but if JJ hadn't have been so out of order to her in the first place none of this would have happened. I know it's a lot further down the line now and the shoulda woulda couldas are academic, but I still say he would have twigged why her, of all people, was chosen to go in and massage him. Instead of ignoring it and not playing the game he put on his usual 'I dont give a f**k* fake bravado and was just as nasty back. He can't go round treating people like utter shit and think that he's always gonna get away with it. What goes around comes around!

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