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Reference: official first name is quite unusual (it's Hebrew)...but the English version can be shortened to Suzy. I've been Suzy, Suzie, Suzi, Susan, Susie, Suzanne, Susannah to different people all my life. I'm beyond caring and don't take offence...if the person is being pleasant to me then they can call me what they like :-)
I was just stalking browsing people I used to work with on Facebook, and one of them has a baby daughter now... called Nieve. Which I assume is Niamh, but she must have only ever heard it and just had a guess at the spelling Made me laugh given this thread
my friends sister (scary scary bird... nothing like my friend) called one of her many many children Sian... only pronounced See-Anne .   But then the first dozen of so of her kids all had made up names...  there are some corkers... but I daredn't post them, just in case she gets wind of it...  (seriously... she is really really scary)...
Most Irish names are nice, but the spelling/pronunciation trips people up. Welsh names do the same, as ditty's post about "See-Ann" shows!
I like the name Sian Toid,always have ...My eldest is called Sean but his fada is over the A so actually his name should be pronounced the same as Sian not my doing btw it was his dad,.
I'm more interested in genuinely weird or tacky names. Like the two siblings I heard of who were named Neo and Trinity.
lol... oh there are some classics around here.

Kid at my boys primary school called Storm!   I've seen Armani's (though Sheep in a Jeep tells me this is a legit African (I think) name...   but at the time I heard it it was being screamed down a road in Clacton, by a girl in very large hoop earrings...  "Arrrmarrrni.. .. Armarni... get your effing arse back ere Arrrmaaani").

One of my son's friends in his new school is called Jodie.  He's been there nearly a year and I still think he is talking about a girl when he mentions Jodie! I have never heard that used as a boys name before!

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