John James - 5.9 Steve - 6.8 Nathan - 8 Govan - 9.8 Josie - 11.5 Ife - 19.5 Coahimbledjarefjna[lfj - 20 Dave - 25 Sunshine - 28 Ben - 34 Shabby - 36 Corin - 23 Rachel - 29
I laughed at this post last night and still think it's funny... the poster explained that she typed it three times and could not spell it right and banged on the keyboard. Jeez, the housemate in question could call me anything she liked and it wouldn't bother me. I've more to worry about in life than someone spelling a name wrong, like famine, wars, murders, rapes and countless other things. Unless you know her personally how do you know if she would be offended, maybe she would see the humour in it.
Bloody hell, there wasn't this much kerfuffle last year when Freddy and Sophie had to change their names!