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Earlier this morning, Bea stepped in to defend Siavash's honour and had a massive barney with Noirin. The only thing is, Siavash actually didn't want her to get involved, as he's told her several times. In fact Siavash seems to be the only person in the House who doesn't want to talk about the Noirin/Isaac situation.

Siavash was in the Garden with Marcus when news reached them of the row going on in the Bedroom. "I don't understand how this has become Bea's battle!" he said despairingly to Marcus. "Don't they understand how every time they say something it makes me look like a bigger ****?"

So Siavash must already been feeling like a **** if now he feels like a bigger one. Poor ****.

"It's happened, I just want to forget it now," he continued. "Why are they having a talk about stuff that's got nothing to do with them?"

"Just soldier through it," advised Marcus. Yeah, when Marcus's feelings got hurt last week he handled the whole thing with total dignity...

"I'm trying to soldier through it, but if people keep on talking about it, how can I?" replied Siavash, looking miserable.

After the fight blew over and Noirin stormed out of the Bedroom, Siavash headed in. Bea immediately attempted to tell him her side of the story but he interrupted her. "Can you please, I beg of everyone, if you're my friends, can you not talk about this whole thing ever again? Yes, Bea? Never again?"

Bea nodded sheepishly.

"Just leave it," he added.

Bea valiantly left it for a good minute and a half before telling him, "I really hope she goes. Honestly hon, she's something else."

"Oh, I don't wanna know, I don't wanna know," moaned Siavash.

Bad luck Siavash - we think you're going to be hearing a lot more about this one...

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