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Whilst I in no way condone what the bus driver did and agree entirely that he needs to be punished I do believe there should also be some sort of punishment for the cyclist.  He can clearly be seen on the video antagonising the drier by pulling out in to the middle of the lane as the bus is clearly attempting to overtake.  I believe this scenario highlights the need for their to be more consequence for cyclists and I believe this one should be used as an example.  Whilst the bus drivers actions can not be condoned the cyclist has to take some of the responsibility for the cause.  At the end of the day cyclists all to often cycle in dangerous ways yet the vehicle drivers are always blamed when anything happens.

Originally Posted by nuts:

There's good and bad on both sides I think Pretty P. A lot of vehicle drivers aren't without fault themselves 

Oh I agree completely but there are consequences for drivers (if they are caught obv) and I'd like to see the same consequences for cyclists.  For example I witnessed a near miss last week between a car and cyclist when a cyclist went through a red light - if the car hadn't swerved he would without a doubt hit the cyclist at a significant speed causing serious injury.  Luckily the cyclist wasn't hit and he just cycled on and all was forgotten - had that been the other way round and the car had jumped a red light there would be fines/points etc.  Cyclists like cars need to understand that they have to obey the rules of the road and failure to do so will result in punishment.


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