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I personally think they should be restricted to Islamic Countries. When Brits etc go to Dubai etc they have to follow the guidelines of that country so why is is any different here?

This sounds quite narrow minded- it isn't really I understand the reason behind the Burkha and all, but I get scared when I see women with them on, I don't assume they are bombers or anything like that but the sense of not knowing what they look like and they fact they are hiding their face pits me at unease.

(f there are any Islamic people on here I apologise if I offend)
Originally posted by caigy73:
So why not ban hoodies or balaclavas, they hide faces.

Or if it's for religion, they would have to ban turbans and skull caps too.

A government shouldn't have the right to dictate what people wear.

Even if it puts people at risk? What's to say someone wearing a Burkha goes into a shop and robs it, they have no way of identifying the person so they get away scot free?

At work we are not allowed to wear poppies of Easter lilies in case it cause offence, there have been people sacked for wearing Crucifixes at work.

Also, Hoodies don't cover ones faces, also when have Balaclavas become socially acceptable?
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
I personally think they should be restricted to Islamic Countries. When Brits etc go to Dubai etc they have to follow the guidelines of that country so why is is any different here?

We (the UK) don't have guidelines about what people wear out and about in the street. Other than the public decency laws of course. That's sort of the point, we're a liberal democratic country rather than a country like Dubai which is very different.
Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by chilligrape:
If we ban them, then we are just as bad as 'oppressed' (sp) countries, this is a free democratic country and we can't start banning people fom wearing what they want.

not even for security reasons

That's restricting their use, not banning them. Restricting their use in specific situations is fine in a liberal democracy. Like motorbike helmets, or balaclavas.
I'm not a fan of them, and fundamentally I believe they are an instrument in the oppression of women - whatever the women wearing them may say.

But I don't believe we should ban them. Doing so would make us seem as dictatorial as the mullahs who insist women should cover themselves up from head to toe. Although there ARE plenty of Muslim countries where wearing them is not acceptable - Turkey has banned them - I think we should be a little more tolerant.

However, in situations where identity and security are issues, such as banks or airports, I think it's reasonable to expect them to be removed. You wouldn't walk up to a bank teller or airline check-in desk wearing a ski mask, and burkhas are no different.

Likewise, if you feel uncomfortable having to speak to a doctor, teacher or someone else in a professional situation who is wearing a burkha, they should remove it. We are a face-to-face society, and people's attitudes and beliefs should accommodate this.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Can we ban ponchos next? Glance

First they came for Ponchos and I did not speak out as I was wearing a cagoule..

Laugh Then they came for the anoraks..... quite rightly in my opinion.

... and I stayed schtumm because I was wearing a snorkel parka with orange lining Ninja
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by mozart:
Originally posted by chilligrape:
If we ban them, then we are just as bad as 'oppressed' (sp) countries, this is a free democratic country and we can't start banning people fom wearing what they want.

not even for security reasons

That's restricting their use, not banning them. Restricting their use in specific situations is fine in a liberal democracy. Like motorbike helmets, or balaclavas.

ohhh NOW you have touched a nerve, Big Grin crash hats, at petrol stations etc, some signs I have seen annoy the HELL out of me, I am NOT a thief, and resent being treated like a "potential" thief JUST because I ride a motorcycle, I have seen signs in petrol stations that say "motorcyclists are required to pay for their fuel BEFORE filling up" another time I was in a TESCOs fuel station trying to fill up my bike but the pump wouldnt work after a few attempts a voice boomed out of a speaker "TAKE YOUR HELEMT OFF AND I WILL TURN THE PUMP ON"
everyone on the station heard this and turned to look at me, I put the cap back on my petrol tank gave the twat in the booth a one fingered "salute" and went somewhere else for my petrol,
I dont give a flying phuck HOW many times they have been ripped off by people on motorbikes I AM NOT A THEIF and resent being treated like one,
all my biker friends feel the same way, and we go elseware whenever we come across this shit,
thse people NEVER been ripped off by anyone in a car? but they dont demand that ALL car drivers pay first,
as for the OPs original question, NO I DO NOT think that Burkhas should be banned, what a crazy idea, people should be free to wear whatever the hell they want to,so long as they are not FORCED to wear it, Nod
old hippy guy
The thief argument doesn't really work. Otherwise, the law-abiding of us would never have to prove our identity when, for example, opening bank accounts. Only thieves would have to do that. Petrol stations are private sales outlets and they have CCTV for security. It'd be like wearing a balaclava when trying on an expensive diamond ring, you can see why a shop assistant might be wary letting you put it on your hand when you could bolt for the door.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
what IS it with "some" people? why do they want to ban things(EVERYTHING) they dont understand?
a closed mind is a wasted mind, Nod

C'mon, you've got to draw the line at stripy ponchos Wink

nah facial piercings, and women with a tattoo on their back just above the Rse (very original....NOT) OH AND drinking in the street,
oh AND people should have to APPLY to be a parent, and if they cant SUPPORT a kid (and are healthy enough) then they souldnt be allowed to breed,.....and erm.....give me time, Big Grin
old hippy guy

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