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Just goes to confirm what I have been saying all along, (for years now: ) ... We are living in a country of aggressive lazy work-shy chavs, who think the country owes them a living, and the parents of these teenage youths (who are usually about 30,) have the same attitude... They don't work, they take everything off the state and society, and think if they shout loud and stamp their feet enough; they will probably get what they want....And if they aren't given it, they will TAKE it.... because they have a RIGHT to have it, because they are sooooooo hard done by!


These youths are not afraid of their teachers, they're not afraid of the police, and they're not afraid of social workers or the courts or anything.  They regard an ASBO as a badge of honour, and stick two fingers up at snobs (that is, people who work for a living and pay taxes, and have a car, and the occasional holiday...)  They think because they don't have something and someone else does, it entitles them to take it... completely ignoring the fact that the person in question has worked hard for everything they have...  


I worked in housing for many years, and every day, we had some little teenage upstart in the office who had got pregnant at 16 and been given a 2 bedroom home (with the rent paid and council tax and repairs done and grants given for carpets and decorating,) DEMANDING a bigger home because she was PREGNANT again..... 'How am I supposed to cope with a poxy 2 bed with TWO kids?!'   And she would shout and scream at how unfairly she was being treated....  And almost always, the girl would have a 32 year to 35 year old mother, who would be at her side screaming at us too, at how she will fight for her daughter to get what she deserves, and she would bark at us that she has a RIGHT to a bigger property..... (BTW, I knew at least 10 families when I was a kid who has 4 to 8 kids in 3 bedroom houses... But they were grateful to have a roof over their heads!)


This little twat (who wrote that letter.) meant every word on that letter... He has no sympathy or empathy or remorse or regret, and will willingly do it again, and of course he will be assigned a social worker to excuse his behaviour, with cries of how poor little Tyrone or Bailey has come from a broken home and hasn't been given any boundaries or discipline, and how he has such a TOUGH life!!!  He will be given help, support, and training and probably free holidays, and will STILL take the piss: mocking everyone who works, because they are all 'rich bastards,' who don't know what life is like for poor hard done by people like him... meanwhile, the victim is left to pick up the pieces after being violated by a little piece of shit who is too bone idle and stupid to actually get a JOB and thinks the world owes him a living!


Boils my fecking piss it does!  

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Just goes to confirm what I have been saying all along, (for years now: ) ... We are living in a country of aggressive lazy work-shy chavs, who think the country owes them a living, and the parents of these teenage youths (who are usually about 30,) have the same attitude... They don't work, they take everything off the state and society, and think if they shout loud and stamp their feet enough; they will probably get what they want....And if they aren't given it, they will TAKE it.... because they have a RIGHT to have it, because they are sooooooo hard done by!


These youths are not afraid of their teachers, they're not afraid of the police, and they're not afraid of social workers or the courts or anything.  They regard an ASBO as a badge of honour, and stick two fingers up at snobs (that is, people who work for a living and pay taxes, and have a car, and the occasional holiday...)  They think because they don't have something and someone else does, it entitles them to take it... completely ignoring the fact that the person in question has worked hard for everything they have...  


I worked in housing for many years, and every day, we had some little teenage upstart in the office who had got pregnant at 16 and been given a 2 bedroom home (with the rent paid and council tax and repairs done and grants given for carpets and decorating,) DEMANDING a bigger home because she was PREGNANT again..... 'How am I supposed to cope with a poxy 2 bed with TWO kids?!'   And she would shout and scream at how unfairly she was being treated....  And almost always, the girl would have a 32 year to 35 year old mother, who would be at her side screaming at us too, at how she will fight for her daughter to get what she deserves, and she would bark at us that she has a RIGHT to a bigger property..... (BTW, I knew at least 10 families when I was a kid who has 4 to 8 kids in 3 bedroom houses... But they were grateful to have a roof over their heads!)


This little twat (who wrote that letter.) meant every word on that letter... He has no sympathy or empathy or remorse or regret, and will willingly do it again, and of course he will be assigned a social worker to excuse his behaviour, with cries of how poor little Tyrone or Bailey has come from a broken home and hasn't been given any boundaries or discipline, and how he has such a TOUGH life!!!  He will be given help, support, and training and probably free holidays, and will STILL take the piss: mocking everyone who works, because they are all 'rich bastards,' who don't know what life is like for poor hard done by people like him... meanwhile, the victim is left to pick up the pieces after being violated by a little piece of shit who is too bone idle and stupid to actually get a JOB and thinks the world owes him a living!


Boils my fecking piss it does!  

this really pisses me off, that they think they have a `right` to a free house for basically being a little slapper & whoring around. 

I have worked all my life, claimed jobseekers a few times but have had a job really quickly, bought my own hose etc.....

ooooooooooooooohhh.. annoyed 


My son got mugged a few years ago. His mugger got taken under the wing of some Restorative Justice organisation. His mentor phoned me and asked me if my son would accept a letter from the (by now convicted) mugger, as it would help his reintegration into society.


I said that if justice was to be restored, then my son would like his ÂĢ10 (that the mugger stole) restored to his wallet ... so, if the mugger would put my son's ÂĢ10 in with the letter then yes, we would be pleased to recieve a letter.


Guess what? We got a letter ... no ÂĢ10 enclosed though.


As if I ever thought there would be  

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Generally restorative justice is a good thing, but in this case it was badly handled. They should at least vet the letters before sending them. Still, at least the burglar gave some handy tips on home security I always moan when people leave ground floor windows open at night!

The letter wasn't forwarded to the victim, and it's now being used to warn people about home security.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Generally restorative justice is a good thing, but in this case it was badly handled. They should at least vet the letters before sending them. Still, at least the burglar gave some handy tips on home security I always moan when people leave ground floor windows open at night!

The letter wasn't forwarded to the victim, and it's now being used to warn people about home security.

Now see, my mind being what it is........I'm thinking........advertising campaign? 

Originally Posted by Syd:

Says to me that he has not got a family to disappoint, never been afraid of consequences within the family....

This i agree with  my daughter has been brought up in a single parent household on a council estate, she has gained every award going and is now training to be a sport's teacher, has got herself a part time job for abit of pin money and she has never caused me a day of worry BECAUSE see know's the family would be down on her straight away, me and her dad may not be together but both side's of the family know right from wrong and have taught her too behave properly 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Syd:

Says to me that he has not got a family to disappoint, never been afraid of consequences within the family....

This i agree with  my daughter has been brought up in a single parent household on a council estate, she has gained every award going and is now training to be a sport's teacher, has got herself a part time job for abit of pin money and she has never caused me a day of worry BECAUSE see know's the family would be down on her straight away, me and her dad may not be together but both side's of the family know right from wrong and have taught her too behave properly 



This is sooo odd, just before this letter was in the news I was having this very discussion. I was asked (when waiting in the car for lil gyps to finish a lesson, and gazing into other peoples houses) If you were a burglar wouldn't you be tempted to just rearrange things or tell them to change their wallpaper?  And i was saying, Yes, i could leave them notes saying these curtains are horrible and your feng shui is all wrong, if you didn't have that mirror facing south you probably wouldn't have been robbed, You've only yourself to blame!!!!


of course im not a burglar or a feng shui expert

Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Generally restorative justice is a good thing, but in this case it was badly handled. They should at least vet the letters before sending them. Still, at least the burglar gave some handy tips on home security I always moan when people leave ground floor windows open at night!

I am so glad someone said that because that is exactly what I was thinking,

As for the rest - well I think that it is very sad that a 16 year old is acting like this and hope that they can teach him right from wrong.

16 is too young to give up on.


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