This isn't Tory Britain, Pirate...this is the equivalent to a Tory dictatorship. With nearly full control of the press, it can spew ii's lies and propaganda at will.
We have IDS jumping with glee at Gideons budget...this from a man that thinks the working class and poor are scum of the earth. The same man that lied about his education, the same man who lied about his exam results, the same man who actually has no qualifications.
He married into wealth, he lives on his father in laws estate and doesn't even own his own house, the same man that pays £30 for breakfast and then says it's easy to live on £72 a week and then removes £14 of that if you happen have one spare bedroom. This is a man who was overdrawn on his commons credit card and had it stopped until he paid the bill....and he looks down on the poor, unemployed, disabled, dying and low paid workers.... well, I can honestly say I was proud of my father, he was working class and worked bloody hard all his life...he didn't live off a rich wife, he worked and so did my mother. We had very little, but my parents then fostered two cousins that were going to be taken into care, so my dad worked harder to feed two extra...I can be proud of my dad, you IDS. I would hang my head in shame if you were my father.
Excellent article in on the Independent web site tonight...but bet your bottom dollar the Tory press will be singing the budgets praises tomorrow. There is much more than I hasn't copied and pasted if you want to read it, but read it and weep...because that's exactly what I feel like hope and no future for the young and poor of this country, I wish someone would bomb the B's, because they are killing the poor.
It is a shameless, unmitigated attack on the poor, the young and on families. Today’s announcement will mean that young people who are homeless will have their access to social housing reduced, young families who have just given birth will be penalised, under 25s will be paid less than over 25s for doing the exact same job, and students from poor backgrounds will have their university grants slashed.
In each area, the people the furthest away from the financial crash are being asked to bear the brunt of the establishment’s failures which lead to the economic meltdown. Middle-aged public-school boys caused the crash and yet the government now wants the price to be paid by mothers and teenagers from poor backgrounds who are trying to make something of their lives.
The Budget has outlined that young families will no longer receive tax credits after their second child. Any children born after that will not receive state support. It’s an astounding policy which makes having children a luxury that you have to be privileged to afford. It’s a deeply sinister policy which smacks of eugenics and comes dangerously close to looking as though the establishment is trying to restrict the birth rate amongst poorer people.