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think its very very different to the term paki... which when I was growing up was the ultimate insult thrown around the playground (I grew up in Leeds, NF graffiti everywhere... most of it aimed at the Bradford community). It went hand in hand with words like dirty, and smelly, and "get out" and other such gross and vindictive sentiments... skinheads, violence, hatred.

I think you just  summed it  up  there, why some of us find it so offensive.  It is clear  in our memories about the hate.  It was at a time of  economic depression, when fascism always flourishes  (the National Front it was called then), and now with the anti-Muslim propaganda politically, and another recession, and the BNP getting  more seats,  yes it is dangerous and it is unacceptable.
So in conclusion, the word is not an acceptable shorter version of Pakistani. Yes we can safely, and without rebuke, describe people from Afghanistan as Afghan because it is accepted. Poles come from Poland in the same way that Serbs hail from Serbia.
It's more about respect than political correctness imo, so respect for Lailla for carrying on like a pro, but not much for Anton who I now view as a bumbling oaf who hasn't got a clue that we've entered a new millennium. Bruce should have kept his trap shut (I expect him to dig himself into a bigger ditch tonight), but hey ho Keep Dancing!
Apropos of nothing, I used to be really scared of Bruce's chin.  It has taken me years to get over it.  In fact, if anyone ever said to me: "chin up!" I used to adopt the foetal position.  Isn't it about time he was put out to pasture?  He's not a 'national treasure' anymore and he could be potentially giving lots of young people phobias about enormous chins as well as annoying listeners on radio stations with his inane attempts to smooth things over.
Imo, Bruce wanted to stick up for someone he likes, simple as. Whether he got it right or wrong his sentiment was based on a kind heart. I don't believe Bruce is racist, he doesn't tell those kind of jokes or make racist comments of his own. He was trying to calm it down. True sometimes things are best left unsaid, but his heart was in the right place.
Imo, Bruce wanted to stick up for someone he likes, simple as. Whether he got it right or wrong his sentiment was based on a kind heart. I don't believe Bruce is racist, he doesn't tell those kind of jokes or make racist comments of his own. He was trying to calm it down. True sometimes things are best left unsaid, but his heart was in the right place

I agree. You see it happening all the school, at work, on here. People stick up for thier friends even if they've said the vilest things. Not necessarily because they agree but out of a sense of loyalty. Whether they have words behind closed doors is another thing.

I'm not a fan of Brucie in general though (I think he's passed it...20years ago)
yer gotta play yer brucie bonus now and name some slebs born on yer birfday
Share? Share....I'm too exclusive to share mine with anyone really famous!

I only have Val Doonican, Joey Bishop, James Michener, Morgan Fairchild and Isla Fisher...and I think her that used to play Annie Walker in Corrie....

Ooh and i can claim the Buddy Holly death as well...though he was a couple of years before I was born.

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