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It makes total sense cags......I know all about groups reclaiming words. Black rappers do the same in their lyrics. I try not to get too PC, but certain words are bandied about with no sense of how they can be offensive or emotive. Just because some aren't upset, doesn't ,mean we shouldn't acknowledge that it may hurt others.
Anyhoo, I've come round to agreeing with Crossy that this has played right in to the hands of Strictly's publicity team, and the reason it's going on is because people like Brucey are attempting to excuse it.
Reference: Q
Use to like Brucie....but he can piss orf and all now. I won't watch anything with that twat Du Berkhead either!
Queenalicious one  

Innit tho! As I said in a thread about this yesterday that Anton bloke must use that word for it to just be part of his casual conversation.
I think that maybe us being Londoners of a certain age, that word has a resonance (sp) that some others won't get. That whole 70's NF thing when it was the insult of choice and all the hatred behind it makes it totally unacceptable in my book.
I  remember when  footie fans used to sing in the pubs 'I'd rather be a P word than a Scouse'
There's always someone lower on the scale then - sometimes I despair
It's all about context as far as I'm concerned.  He obviously needs to ditch the word from his vocabulary and if he uses the word in a derogatory way then he needs to be sacked immediately as he's on TV.  Did he use it in any way other than as an abbreviation?  I very much doubt it.  The guy's guilty of being an idiot in my book.

I don't think racism is any more inherently wrong than any other insulting language or behaviour, be it against the fat, ginger, gay, chav, old, young, thick, geeky, or whatever.  What makes it wrong in practice is that it tends to be systematic and because it is cultural it's usually damaging and dangerous to society, especially if it's a multicultural one as most societies are now.

I think we get into the frame of mind where racism is effectively reified and people react instinctively.  That's not such as bad thing but I'd like to think we can still calmly deconstruct incidents to see what's actually going on and treat them accordingly.   Everyone says things at times that are insensitive or poorly thought out and I reckon everyone has racist thoughts now and again.  It's whether people actually want to move away from that that really matters, I think.
That whole 70's NF thing when it was the insult of choice and all the hatred behind it makes it totally unacceptable in my book.
Thats why I find it unacceptable too... and I'm from the NE and wasn't born in the 70s I think thats why I don't understand why other people dont make the connection between the word and the meaning behind it... I wasn't around then, and I know, the info is there Of course it must have been so much worse to have been somewhere like London then, so much tension
It's easy to make excuses for people that we like when they make derogatory remarks, we reason that they 'didn't mean it like that...' but if someone we don't particularly care for says the same thing,  then all hell can break loose.   I'm not just talking about that word but any remark that causes offence or hurt to a person.

I know that to call someone fat, ugly, thick or to make a reference to a persons race, culture or  religion in a way that can be deemed insulting is a very BIG no-no !
I wonder if the BBC are not sacking him because it is bringing the show more exposure and so they hope the ratings will go up with people watchinig it to see what next disaster will happen, you know like when BB wouldn't kick Jade out coz of her behaviour, and let it drag on, howver they booted that white girl ourt straight away for using the N word, just a thought I might be wrong. You know what todays TV culyure is like, it's all about the ratinigs, I also think that woman he said the P word to is accepting his language coz she's afraid she won't be on the show anymore  coz sge won't have a dance partner and so will lose exposure for herself, if you know what I mean.
I think we get into the frame of mind where racism is effectively reified and people react instinctively. That's not such as bad thing but I'd like to think we can still calmly deconstruct incidents to see what's actually going on and treat them accordingly. Everyone says things at times that are insensitive or poorly thought out
Well put. Yes we all know that it's a horrible word especially when used in a derogotoray or insulting way .....i have no doubt that he really didn't mean it offensively..............stupid choice of word but that's it. He realises that it has upset a lot of people and has aplogised profusely - it really is time to move on. Anyone is capable of making a foolish mistake with a bad chosen word or phrase ................I really dont think he should be sacked for it TBH.
Soozy Woo
It's not a word that I would use, just as I would never use the "N" word.  I don't think Anton used the word maliciously and I don't think it's a word he uses all the time.  He was making a joke, a very bad and tasteless joke. 

Anyone remember Emily from BB8?  She was removed from the house for using the "N" word and she didn't use it maliciously, she was trying to fit in with Charlie's world. 

If his partner has forgiven him and he has apologised profusely, I don't see what the problem is.
What I find difficult to understand is that Anton is of an age to remember all the NF/APL stuff that was so rife in the '70's/early'80's and should have the sense to realise that to a great section of the community, the word has an offensive meaning and NOT use it!!

I for one, do not want to see us going back to those times, as a football fan the same age as Anton, I remember the monkey chanting targeted towards black players back then and the bananas being thrown on the pitch at our 3 players who were black.

I did like Anton before, he seemed a gentleman, but I have to admit, my opinion of him has changed over the past few days.

Brucie is just showing how out of touch he is, with today's world.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Brucie has just dragged the whole thing out!
More like the press has, I have a 50/50 opinion on Bruce and maybe he should have kept his mouth shut but he's sticking up for Anton but that doesn't mean he thinks it's right. Anton has made a mistake a very bad one and he will learn from this but I do think for now they should give him a break and let him get on with teaching Laila dance, she's forgiven him and must obviously be wanting it to blow over so she can get on with doing the Foxtrot tomorrow.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
Are you expecting an argument Super?

I bliddy love that sketch Blizzie Haven't seen it for ages, every time I was nearing an argument with my ex he used to say, "Do you want the 5 min argument or the full half hour" and that was usually the end of the potential argument!

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